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The thing ya'll voted on was more info (and intros) to the Kaltag AI! They play a huge part in my future story so it's appropriate to set up some basic stuff if you're interested. No future spoilers or whatnot, just some established interactions, personalities and the like. gonna be doing small tweaks like uniforms and such to keep a sense of consistency and 'set'-like.

This first part into'd with Warning, as well as the next, should better explain jobs and the "how"s of them. Then Zeta, and then the other two!

As usual with AskARA, I tried a new kind of sketchy drawing, and maybe slightly different style somehow? I dunno!



Antoine Davis

This is awesome, also i remember your last post about the $1 tiers and that i would like to still see all post notifications.


Now im wondering what other sorts of roles anthroids fill. Medical anthroids, perhaps?

Kenith Fox

Warning is so small!! You need a line up of character sizes for the hell of it :p

Anonymous Trashbag

This style is different but really, really cute. <3


Oh wow, the shortstack spoke in first person mode.

August kowalski

Wait so... being as i have trouble grasping simple information. Does that mean there are more ARAs? But with different personality cores? And WARNINGS for that matter? :0


I am so excited to learn more about your AI! Zeta is an absolute favorite of mine, so any more info and lore about her is more then welcome. I'm also super excited to learn about your other AIs as well, it seems like it's been forever since you teased them!


"Interacting with organic personnel" Is that what all the cool kids are calling it these days, Warning? 😏


so what does that mean in english XD


Big sis Warning ♥w♥


Am I the only one that would dearly love to see ARA, Warning, and Codsworth in the same frame? And maybe also Synth Curie?

Cult of Dust

Figuratively, sure. More literally... well, more little.


Haha, yeah she only does so when describing a current feeling. "i.e. I am disappointed" Otherwise "this copy's job is to..." is appropriate. Only because saying "this avatar is disappointed" would be redundant since any emotion is always tied to her individual core. Something i decided recently on, after doing more reading into scifi and AI


I want my own. A couple maybe...I can trade! ;~;


Random question, was discussing with someone the other day and realized not sure, how tall ARE the Anthroids? o.O


Kind of. They dont share the same appearance or personality, just core job programming. There are other ARA, SRK, ZTA, etc. but they look and act different, while doing the same role


Going by what I got from it, as well as Fluff's own comment reply, it seems that all the AI have a set role that is common to every ship, station, etc. that Kaltag controls. The "frames" are the physical anthroids that we see here, and each has their own personality and appearance. To put it in layman's terms (though their laws probably wouldn't agree with this interpretation), each anthroid is its own person with a job that is shared between other anthroids of the same class on different ships. It's kind of like working at a large chain of restaurants or retail stores: they have the same positions and similar responsibilities, but every worker is different.


There are other ones yeah. Medical, Engineering, etc. though the main ones are the five 'bridge' AI.


What was the edit?


Aww, so cute :3

Skeleton Man

I love how Warning looks on this one :3


"interacting" with organic personnel?


Do those Anthroids follow Asimov's Three Laws Of Robotics?

Stratus Wind

I see some slight development in SRK 07-4-31, including that she's referring to herself in the first-person now haha. Gotta love that Warning and I love watching her grow as a character <3


"This form is figuratively your big sister!" ~Warning, 2018


No, Asimov never existed in my universe, but there's something similar. I'm sure it's in my notes somewhere...


I really prefer this normal, "sharp" style for ARA. But I guess this one is a bit faster to draw.