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Page 25! A cavalcade of information is about to be unraveled as these two meet. She doesn't know it yet but this is Massak, a dall sheep of Denali. I've tweaked his design twice since before the comic started, once earlier with mostly his outfit, and once just now; I've muted more of the light-brown markings and had him generally more white and fluffy. He should be just a huge mass of soft sherpa-like fur. 'Massak' = soft snow!

Link to HD files and rest of comic, valid for this week:




Antoine Davis

Awesome, just awesome. Also, can i ask you some questions about the comic?

The Friendly Deathclaw

Well a certain part of him will hopefully be Hard Snow soon ;P


Oh I'm giddy. Patiently waiting for puppers to get 'rammed'


Oh please let this end in Maledom!

Serow Arriss

still agree with "Holy Sheep!" <3


I really hope I like Massak's character. Seems like everyone just wants Tala to get plowed by a big dick, but I'm actually hoping he's sweet and cuddly, or at least stoic. I mean, it's implied that Kiga treats her like dirt back at the tribe, so I can't help but want her to find a guy that's nice to her.


I originally was going to keep it, but some of the dialogue in the next page wouldn't have the same effect if I left it in. Might make more sense later!


You're not alone! They will not skip straight to fucking, hope no one's disappointed by that. I definitely want people to enjoy him as a character and dedicate some time to that, and his interactions with Tala.


...Oh god. He's going to annihilate her isn't he? Mind you I'm perfectly happy to see interaction between characters beforehand but ohoho boy. Oh boy she is NOT ready...


I already though Tala was attractive, but I adore the way she looks in this angle. You do really good full body images, especially with the added perspective of side by side comparisons. I would love to see more like this.

Nicholas Knudson

Something tells me when Bailey sees Tala next to this intimidating brick shit-house, her mama bear instincts are going to kick in real quick


Quick! Make cute nomming sounds, he might think you're hitting on him!


He seems to be taking things rather well, considering some random person just barged in and bit him for no reason. XD

Not Telling

"You have ten seconds to explain why your mouth is on my arm."

Anonymous Trashbag

Massak is wonderful and looks like a dad <3


Crud, I've missed the comic again. -.-


Link doesn't work.