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Today is Black Friday! That doesn’t really mean much in the way of myself, as I can’t often super-discount anything like a big box store can, but it’s time for my yearly sappy thank-you.

On my own, I'm thankful for my family, who supported me all my life,my friends, who have been there through everything and gave me tons of laughs and good memories and advice, and my gf Rei, who really tries to help out as much as she can and whose company and dedication I really appreciate. But here on Patreon I want to direct my thanks to you all.

I’m going to be upfront an honest: I don’t know where I’d be without this kind of support. I know I say ‘thank you’ and ‘I appreciate it’ a lot, but I’d never expected this level of self-support as a simple furry artist. I want to say that I feel lucky, but I also feel that luck only plays a small part of it. Moreover, I feel a bunch of things. On one hand, I’m delighted that so many of you enjoy my work enough to take your own hard-earned money and collectively turn it into my own income. Your consistent feedback and suggestions help me worry less about if I’m going in the right direction or not. I still feel pressure.. and stress, to some degree, that when I grow in support, I feel pushed to make more or better content, and kind of harass myself to get to it already. “I really shouldn’t be as slow as I am” i tell myself a lot of times. I try to meet a monthly quota of categorized images, because I want as many people as possible to feel like their pledge is being made worthwhile.

In that regard, I’d like to break it down some. I don’t have numbers on me, I’m at my parents’ house for Thanksgiving, but much of what I make goes into savings; you guys have helped me build a safety net, savings for simple things like car, health, general living expenses.. I may make a more complete drawn listing at the end of the year, but TL;DR: your support, collectively, goes a long way, and have helped me in more ways I can think of at the moment...

So! Looking ahead. Here’s my general thoughts.

I’ve talked about reworking the pinup vote near the end of the year. December is almost here, so I should put up a fresh post about my idea and feedback for that. I want to have it a bit more timely as far as suggestions and picking goes. Less snowballed votes, long wait times, etc.

I wish I could also think of a better idea for handling requests too, to reduce waits but honestly I don’t think there’s an answer for that.

I think comics are the way of the future for me. Between Predators, my main scifi story, and even some small others, I have a lot I want to tell, and test, if you guys think well of them. Everyone loves a good story. yes sometimes it’s porn, but I want to tell a good story alongside that, can’t I? So stuff like request-sketch-quality comics, or b+w comics perhaps. Even suggesting having a colourist or some such position to help get this done, but we’ll see.

For now, the things on my plate now that the turkey isn’t, are stuff like finishing page 25, finishing the pinup, and next week attending MFF. I hope to see some of you there!

And thank you all, past, present, and future supporters, for helping me get my stories, characters, and life off the ground, up and going. I mean it. Happy Thanksgiving!

PS- Still looking for good possible Black Friday/Cyber Monday deals for gift ideas for friends, family and such, if you see something neat, feel free to comment with a link!



Also the Patreon app for iPad sucks ass


Love ya Fluff :D


Happy Turkey Day! (and Black Friday)

Antoine Davis

Happy Thanksgiving Fluff, also no problem, thanks for all the laughs and awesome art.


Happy Thanksgiving! I've always liked your art more in regards to your character design and story setting than I was with porn, although some eroticism is nice as well. I'm excited that you are going to focus a bit more on your story and comics and I hope to learn from your work and process. You're an inspiration to me. Cheers!


Happy Thanksgiving, even if it isn't celebrated here, and thanks for the years of great art.


I'm coming up on 3 years as a patron of yours, and your art has only improved over time. The quality and quantity of your work is excellent, and I hope to still be a supporter of yours for another 3 years or longer!


happy thanksgiving


Happy Thanksgiving! It’s feel great knowing I’ve supported you for about 2 years now, and I’m grateful that our donations help you out! It’s feel amazing seeing your work improve over the years, and the comics you make have always been amazing, I also believe that your comics should also have a good story, alongside all the action. B+W comics do seem like a good idea, since the lack of coloring would increase the speed in which they are drawn, however, it is up to you whether or not you want to focus on quantity over quality. Hiring a colorist would actually help with this though. I hope you have a great thanksgiving! And Merry Christmas ( Because it’s never too early to be in the Christmas spirit :P )


Thanks for the hard work fluff. We all appreciate it

Not Telling

I'd definitely be thrilled to see more comics, whether they're in B&W or fully colored!


Happy American Turkey Time, Fluff :3


Happy Thanksgiving Fluff!


Happy Thanksgiving Fluff! In all honesty I just want more of what you love, no matter what that is I am certain I will continue to enjoy it. I am so glad I could be a part of this, allowing you to do what you love instead of having to putting it to the side. Whether it is B+W Comics, hiring a colorist, or even just sketch-work; I love seeing your art and will be looking forward to everything you make.


Happy Thanksgiving! <3


Happy Thanksgiving Fluff! Coming up on my one year anniversary as a patron, and let me say it's been a great year and an honor to throw money at you. I love the diversity of your work and how your talent spreads over so many areas. The pinups, request streams, and comics, they're all great. Looking forward to the future, and watching the world you've created unfold.

Anonymous Trashbag

Happy thanksgiving, and for your hard work and imagination. Its really cool to see you grow as an artist and to read the cool stories that you have in store. I'm happy to throw more love money at you as long as I can <3


Happy Turkey Fisting day Fluff! It's been worth every damn cent for me at least. I love all of your art. Thanks for the thanks and for the wishes. Love that we are helping with a safety net, it's always good to have one. I don't only support you because of your absolutely stunning and breathtaking fap material. It's your honest and bright personality that keeps me around, many furry artists paywall their stuff and are assholes. Your personality breaths life into your art and shines with the effort you clearly put into every piece. You are and always will be my favorite artist!