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Both images this week were taking femme-boys and making girl versions. What odds! Special thank-you for the extra in-stream support from ZRO4825, SgtMcAllen, Evangellos, Hyperblast and DJ! Awesome to see so many, thank you so much!! This week's images were:

Accelo as a lady, requested by Casidhe

Radoslav as a lady, requested by two people- Kerm and AtomicGlide!

As alts, I saved out censored one for Accelo, and male/fem of Radoslav.

Here is the link to this month's request images folder, active until next month:




Antoine Davis

The stream was cool, also great job on them both. Also, for some reason one of the post is locked for me and its for $1, I'm not sure what's happening.


Oh my gosh, Radoslav... amazing!! Great work as always fluff

Myos Niragawa

Ho my gods, so sexy. = w = I want to thank you Fluff Kevlar for your tutorial on the cum that will help me. ^^


It appears that the $1 Post is also locked for me I wouldn't be surprised if its Patreon bugging out or something.


Holy shit, Awesome!


I'd been too long since I actually watched a request stream, and this was a great one to return to! Love the way both of these R63s turned out


Wow, female Radoslav! Still intimidating, but also very sexy.


Thank you so much :) I always like to see the posts after the streams (can't watch them unfortunately). Love both of the genderswaps !