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Vi stays ahead, but I'm mostly surprised by how far some others like Ink-Eyes and Natani have jumped. Blaze had very few votes, so gets back her flag.

I'm not very familiar with Dreamkeepers still, but ideas or suggestions for Viriathus' pinup would be great!

If you forgot to vote, comment on this post and I'll add it before December's poll.




Maybe legs spread on top of a giant gun or cannon? I haven't read too far into Dreamkeepers but apparently she has a giant gun!


Ooh Jenna could very easily take first place next month!


Forgot to vote. Half for blaze the kitty Half for Angela cross


I can't remember if i voted for november yet, if i have, just ignore this. Two for Katia. One for F Spyro


Vi is super tomboy. Very brash and sarcastic and headstrong. Not at all very girly or delicate. She in a sort of paramilitary group in the story, so posing with a huge gun might be appropriate. Confidently showing off would fit her personality - she's definitely not a bashful little flower. I recommend reading the comics regardless, but at least skimming for parts with her to see how she behaves and talks would help flesh out her character in your head. Good example: <a href="http://www.dreamkeeperscomic.com/GNSaga.php?pg=397" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.dreamkeeperscomic.com/GNSaga.php?pg=397</a>


One vote for gadget hackwrench


There is several directions you can go in. But first here is her ref: <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/p03v326xca0jaji/Vi.jpg?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/p03v326xca0jaji/Vi.jpg?dl=0</a> her design makes for easy mistakes, especially if you use the mirror function. Also, her right eyelid is black in addition to the black patch on her left eye.


Like Volpe said, she is super tomboyish and aggressive towards anyone who question her feminity. She is also complexed by her small breasts. On the setting you can draw from her years at the orphanage, which is basically a wrecked ship on pilotti: <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/o0xd46dmh7lupf1/P0251.jpg?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/o0xd46dmh7lupf1/P0251.jpg?dl=0</a>


Or you can choose a setting from the most recent comics, which would be the Troika's underground base, it's the military group she's a part of. <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/tkv3te56jk0cxn9/V0315.jpg?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/tkv3te56jk0cxn9/V0315.jpg?dl=0</a> <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/mx64qwtpjsytggb/1%2000009.jpg?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/mx64qwtpjsytggb/1%2000009.jpg?dl=0</a> She loaves her oversized and more than slightly phallic gun so this could be a lead: <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/s/iicsw67i7bqwrkj/vi_pinup_by_dreamkeepers-d59phf2.jpg?dl=0" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.dropbox.com/s/iicsw67i7bqwrkj/vi_pinup_by_dreamkeepers-d59phf2.jpg?dl=0</a> but i'd suggest her leaning on one of the giant canon or on all fours on a bunk bed. Overall i suggest a good ass shot and actual sex with a male where her bits are showing.


But most of all i can't recommend the comics enough.


Cant believe Vi finally made it! Woo! Like others have said, shes a strongheaded tom boy character with a crush on Bobby, one of the orphans she grew up with. She’s frustrated about her chest size in the series and at a certain point wears grenades in a bra on a mission. Whatever you do, cant wait to see it, also highly recommend the comic.


Dont worry fluff she will be fun shes a small chested tom boy who is into fasion but later becomes very military


5 each for Freya and Ink-eyes


1 for Freya, Indi+Digo, Jenna

Mora Fermi

Patreon decided it did not like my credit card and didn't feel like mentioning that to me.. All my votes go to Ketja, as usual. ;-)


Big, like, REALLY big, cannon.

Holo Wolf

Since she likes to carry around that big gun of hers you could go for a pose similar to this figurine here (<a href="https://wargameexclusive.com/shop/greater-good/female-naked-resting-tau-sniper-warrior/)." rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://wargameexclusive.com/shop/greater-good/female-naked-resting-tau-sniper-warrior/).</a><br>It would fit her theme well and allow for some nice variations like w/o gun or uniform/combat gear. You could even make a vintage version akin to those old pinup photos soldiers used to share around.


I forgot to vote...again. 1 for Isabelle, and 1 for Gadget.


Stares at Jenna's count... Stares at two characters ahead of her... WE CAN DO IT LADS! THE NEXT PINUP IS OURS FOR SURE!


She should have her halo going too. It'd be a fantastic addition to the background, whatever background that may be




Missed the vote. Please add 2 doe Gadget next go around.


2 for my girl Blaze


2 for Ink-Eyes


2 for Natani, 1 for Jenna


1 for Kass.