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Thanks for a fun stream! This week's images were:

SCP-1471 a creature from an open-source horror wiki, requested by both DJ and StalkingWeasel!

ARA in a yoga pose, requested by Duster!

These were both fun, I almost wrote off doing SCP-1471 as it really wasn't my usual 'thing'. But I'm very glad I didn't; it was a fun challenge, definitely unique, and there's far more art of this creature/character than I realized, especially considering I never heard of it or SCP in general before tonight. As for ARA, I chose the 'cobra' yoga pose as an amusing image. ARA's been built well for sure, but not exactly made for extreme flexibility or even 'gets' why yoga is a thing. She's probably not hurting, but I bet it feels weird.

Links valid til end of month, afterward images found in October ZIP.





This is everything good in the world. Thank you!

Antoine Davis

She looks awesome, also very interesting.


Thank you to the ones who requested SCP-1471! I was about ready to request her myself.


Holy crap, I adore that ARA one! Wonderful work on these, as always!


This ARA one is super cute, plus she has a great butt. At the risk of completely flooding the folder, could we get topless/bottomless versions? ;D


Senpai finally noticed me!! Jokes aside, I'm glad you did that request. A lot of mainstream artists aren't familiar with SCP, and I think it's good for an artist to do something new every once in a while.

Xionos Aeon

Ah MalO. Too bad she can't really be seen directly other than in pictures like this x3


OMG Fluff I'm so happy. You chose an ADORABLE pose for Ara. Aaaaa this is amazing!


Didn't see this one get drawn, but that's badass!


I actually closed the canvas without saving after saving out the yoga clothed version, haha. I'm an idiot. Been forever since I did that. So the PNGs are saved, thankfully, but the layer/source info for the clothed alt is all gone, entirely. Nude ver. is still there. But it's my fault anyhow D:


Thanks! Yeah I was surprised not only one but two people requested SCP. surprised! Glad you like it!


I'm surprised so many people know of SCP haha. Never heard of any of it before the other night.


Could just layer the clothed one on top of the nude one and selectively erase to cheat it

Xionos Aeon

Well I had heard of it some time ago. Then really got into it when the youtuber Markiplier started playing SCP Containment Breach. There are so many SCPs though that it would take forever to learn about them all.

Joel Kreissman

Must say I was not expecting a phone app-dwelling skull-faced monster to get R34.