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A few things to note: 

- While this is not a vote, I am curious to what people would like seeing most here, and why, or what things each version might be best suited for, content or setting wise.

- I didn't list or draw possible alts for these, but they include: SFW, NSFW, cum, possibly inserting female/other character(s), milking or otherwise interacting with him, etc any others that might be doable, feel free to comment

- If big guys and/or Loki aren't your thing, you aren't required to comment. I know a lot of folks follow me for girls and/or straight stuff, I understand. Hence why I'm gonna try to make a straight-insert version(s) like I did with Rehzi's. I can't guarantee it, in which case i'd like to still make a 'badass' type sfw version pinup that can give more attitude for the character

- Just copied and pasted his head for A and B, face has a few alt ideas (grin, teeth, tongue, etc), just letting you know face doesn't matter hugely here, im focusing on pose and composition!

Happy to hear what you guys have in mind, these were fun to do!




I like the pose on B. I feel it suits this character well.


B or C would be great to see


I like A and B. + it could work nicely with an extra character. Maybe with Ayn?


I really like pose B. That lounging villain look suits him very well. Plus I think it has the most alt version potential


I enjoy B alot because it's very relaxed, yet sort of intimidating. It shows off alot of his physique and figure, without being an anatomy piece. It's plenty hot, too. I feel that one fits Loki the best. I do like C for how dynamic it is and I feel alts could be interesting for that one, but I feel B is still the stonger option for a pinup. Any one you go with I'm sure will look amazing, I'm just happy it's finally Loki's turn for a pinup!


i dunno, it's kinda hard cause i like them all and it's Loki XD But A and B are really nice


He is so gorgeous!! B might be my favorite, but it is a close thing. Love the weight and heft you give to his package. What a hottie


I think B stands out the most to me. It has a lounging confidence that reads well for the look of the character. I do like the "action" of C quite a lot, but for a pinup I say B. And lots of us are here for the male characters too, don't you worry about that. Alone, partner of either gender, whatever you want to do is A+ I'm sure.


I'm for C. I would love to see Loki pounding someone's ass in this pose.


A is a very standard pinup pose, B is too but seems natural. B is definitely my favorite. C is my very close second favorite. C is definitely something I would love to see done later.


I'm very big for C. I love seeing a change to the traditional "pinup" pose. It strikes a high feral note which is epic! Battling another male or even mounting.


I like c


C with a female beneath him, and the milking concept seems hot :D


B if its gonna be strictly solo, C lends itself nicely to having another character inserted.




C, for sheer cock hang potential.


Hmmm, I could see someone giving him a stroke and rimjob from behind in C. Or to get really intricate, take a cock from behind with a pussy below P:


Really like C, closely followed by B.


I like C, the pose really gets me.


I prefer B


B. cos, uh... reasons >.>


B is pretty good


I'd like to see Tala riding him/leading/doing the work. Which I think B would work best for. But really I'm cool with him and Tala in any of the choices, basically I'd like to see a continuation of that water tentacle pic. Actually, him and Warning lol j/k.


I'm digging on B personally, although C has potential as well.


Definitely B.




A because i feel like he is better suited for a single Character Pinup

Mira Inhara

A & B are good for Loki's first pin-up. C is probably better-saved for a later pin-up.


I like the pose of C. I think it is the stretching and that his muscles are being put to use. A and B, Loki is just at ease, versus motion in progress with C.


Honestly this is one of the few times I just can't pick, all of the poses are equally good! C does feel the most fitting for a villain though, although doing alts with it looks like it may be a bit difficult. Considering how you've shown off this....unique tongue, it would be awesome to see it in an alt too!


Milking, huh? That's something I'd love to see! (I don't have a pose preference, just whatever you think looks best for getting some lion milk out of him!)


I like the pose he has in B, because it's quite versatile for all kinds of alts. I also really like the smug look on his face, it feels like he's kind of challenging you.


A for sexy solo pic, B for sexy solo pic(I like B the most), and C for sex with female or male character.

Acrid Rose

Pose A: I like the casual energy from this pose and the way he sort of nonchalantly lays his hand over his member and emphasizes it. Pose B: I'm in the minority i suppose about this being the best pose for a man of his stature. sitting, while casual, doesn't work was well for a pin up as it doesn't show off his best feature: his height. it's a good pose tho just not for a pinup for loki. fits nytro more. Pose C: this is my fave and definitely has potential for other characters to show up. it's a neat and dynamic pose. looks cool.


I'm more into a possible badass version than a porn version myself. I know porn is your thing and that's what a lot of people want, but for this character I was always more interested in his story than I was with who he's going to screw next.


With that said. I like pose C. It looks powerful and vulnerable at the same time.


I feel like B has the most potential for NSFW options. But A and C have more potential for having other characters in it or simply as a showcase for outfits, with C or something similar could be nice for more dynamic chracter interactions.


Fair enough! I know it's hard for me to put much story into him specifically, at least how I think of it. I'll have to think on how to do that better , it's not my strong suit


Option C for me possibly female or male character come behind pound his tight rear end making him cum in wooden bowl or in someone's pussy or ass depending situation.

Setsune Wave

Ahegao Face! But seriously, can't really pick a pose I prefer. I trust you'll do an awesome job no matter which pose you decide is best!


C all the way

Kenith Fox

Humina Humina... um B is ugh... um... yeah. Also, I like the idea of c


Oof.~. Both A and B are good but the shape of his balls in B is just /perfect/. <3


In love with pose B.


C looks like he's in a great spot for a rim-job.


Loki is certainly a buff and hunky man, and seems to be the confident and brave type of character, so I feel that B convoys his personality the most ^^ l do love all 3 though hehe


B looks the best to me!

Commodore Cougar

I think that A and B both show off his size well. I think that C seems like a more dynamic pose that we haven't really seen him in yet, which would be interesting.


C. Definitely C. It's more fierce, more dynamic. You can have a bit of fun with the background, too. If you want to leave it as is, it'd be fine, but I think it might be a little zoomed out as compared to the other two poses.

Skeleton Man

I just want to see him happy or at least more jolly than usual, I mean most pictures of him he looks so serious than he almost look depressed. I think thats whats keeping me from liking the character.


While I'm mostly here for the girls, I can still offer my opinion as an artist. C looks like the best choice. It's a dynamic, intersting pose, shows off a little of everything, and best of all it looks natural, not like he's posing for a picture, but just prowling around in the wild. I always like that when a pinup looks "in the moment".


i would totally see Radioslav Milking Loki of his seed in a deep Underground lab for " his Twisted Evil project" with C


Pose C Loki with Amari either nailing her in her rear or her pussy. Do you think she would that Fluffkevlar.

Anonymous Trashbag

Pose C looks really nice but I'm kind of a sucker for dynamic poses like that. Could see some cool SFW and NSFW potential with that


Could we not have all three 🤔

Deerio Jim

I like the C pose best, most dynamic one.


C is rather nice.