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Last time on Ask ARA! I don’t think anyone really knew how it’d go from there, but introducing Radoslav into an in-character setting was pretty fun and important to me. 

Ask ARA has never been canon, per se, but the character interactions and world building have always been accurate, both to give folks better introductions to them and the world. Hopefully people like this kind of setting! If folks want something more serious or substantial, let me hear it. I’m always curious how to make Ask ARA a staple non-porn medium to deliver my OCs and such.

For the next part, I’m going to need to figure out what Radoslav will ask.

To that extent, I’d like to know from you all - Asking in the comments, I’m curious what you all would think to be an interesting/amusing question for ARA regarding mistakes and her past. It could be about her and Vikna, mistakes or learning lessons.. regardless, I’d re-word it to match Radoslav’s mannerism/diction, so don’t worry about trying to make it sound like him asking. The purpose of this part is to introduce his attitude and presence with other characters, since he’s never really appeared in sequential media before now, so I don’t expect anyone to get that down. No need to over-think it, sometimes the simplest questions are the best, too.

Ask away! Hope you all have been liking this mini side-storyline thus far. I’m always eager to hear feedback and critique.




Reminds me of the idea like Chalo's art in Las Linda's. I knew about those characters with the Crest series, but Las Linda's helped introduce the characters under a different format either as a prequel or something. I think applying that to Ask ARA is a great way for us to see more of your story to plan for your comic.

Thunder Rahja

I absolutely love this little storyline that you've been doing. For questions from Rad-o to ARA, how about something like "Have you ever been asked to do something that conflicts your programming?" or anything unusual like that to provoke Vikna's concern in front of him.

Antoine Davis

This is pretty cool, also i think that he would be curious and impressed with ARA and Vikna and ask them some questions. Either way this was pretty cool, also hope you and Rei are having a great time at Anthrocon.


I'd love Radoslav to point out ARA protecting Vikna (her asking him to not blame Vikna for the mishap). Something to the tune of "Why not blame her? She's obviously your commander, shouldn't she be responsible for your actions, both good or bad?" I feel like putting ARA on the spot like this (with Vikna panicking in the background) could open up some interesting opportunities to expand on ARA and Vikna's friendship/relationship, both personal or professional, as ARA's answers would be pretty truthful given her current state.


Ask Ara how her interactions with other organics have been going and if there is someone she enjoys interacting with the most.

Skeleton Man

"would you prefer to be returned to your mainframe?" (basically if she would like to not have a avatar) Also I love your stories Fluff and I find very entertaining all the world building and how your characters get developed the more and more you use them. I would absolutely love to read some more serious or substancial story from this setting/characters, like in a web comic format.


That's an awesome idea. Have Vikna stand up for, technically and expendable android, solidifying a friendship beyond sentience or not. Reminds me of TNG with Data.


It's a real great way to discover your characters and univers. Will there be a "ask Nytro" or a "ask Ayn" in the future ? As for the question, ARA could tell about her cooking sessions with Zofie.


I think he should ask about Ara's lessons with Vikna or her progress in getting used to her physical form. Those would seem like reasonable questions given the formal atmosphere of their meeting. Also I really like the work you put into developing your characters like with these "ask" series and comics and what not. For most artists it's enough just to have characters that look great, but you take the time to help us get to know them too. It makes them so much easier to love and feel close to. So thanks for continuing all this.

Kenith Fox

Vikna looks like see has seen some down right awful things that Radoslav does when he is displeased to put it with a lack of better words. It is as if the last time someone messed up he pretended it was alright then took a knife and gouged the offenders throat unexpectedly as an example of why not to f*** up. I don't know, that is what I would expect from an insane, yet sexy af, dictator. He should prod for Vikna's failures.


Is that Vikna's full/actual name? O: I think Rad should inquire about ARA's initial production. I remember in a previous Ask ARA she encountered resistance within herself when attempting to access that information; perhaps Rad has the authority to over-ride that lock out?


Q: how did your avatar fare with the accidental trip through space?


I believe it is Vikna Ramenskaya. If I remember Fluff's previous Ask ARA stuff correctly, Kavkor is her rank.


To be fair, it's been QUITE a while since that came up, lol.

Skeleton Man

this is the post in question: <a href="http://askarastuff.tumblr.com/post/159957587081/uniforms-i-will-let-miss-vikna-explain-matters" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://askarastuff.tumblr.com/post/159957587081/uniforms-i-will-let-miss-vikna-explain-matters</a>


Q: What kinds of diagnostics have you gone through? Surely they wouldn't have presented you in front of me without first putting you through some tests. Alternatively Q: Why did they not hide you? or claim you were damaged? They clearly suspected you of malfunctioning.


Yees! So fun to see the 🌎 getting built


Perhaps a question in the vein if "How do you feel about your creators? Do you think they did a poor job?" Little bit of bait, and a chance to talk about her creation. Unrelated, I've got the prints I got from you at AC framed and in my home office (I was the guy who couldn't remember his username, surprise, it's this). They look awesome!


"What was your initial activation in this form like?"