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For the past couple request streams, I've been spending two days on them: an 8-or-so hour stream on the stream date, where I get them all sketched, and finish up the day after. The result, I think, is up to you guys to tell me if you think it's worth it. I personally, enjoy the added time into each drawing (roughly 4 hours each), as it adds a dramatic increase in quality to something that each person only gets every several months(or more). So to make that wait seem more worthwhile, I think it's fair to say the requests deserve some effort instead of rushing to cram and colour 4 in one night. Nothing's taking up my time in this regard; I've just slowed down is all, in favour of some quality for your requests. Let me know which you all prefer, I'm always open for feedback.

TL;DR, I spend more time nowadays on these than I did in the past to make the wait seem worth it and bump up in quality. Tell me if this is a good thing.

I'm very proud of how all these requests came out as a result. I just personally hope most of y'all agree, and want nothing more than for you guys to enjoy them just as much! The requests were as follows:

Rane x (f)Rane, by Watsup

Kasane/Bloody Bat from FoxyRena, by ScowlingMask

Brisby pinup sketch coloured, by Vegan Vorephile

Tala bukkake, by Tank Hamster

Thank you so much for the extra in-stream support from Evangellos, ScowlingMask, SatanicCabal, SGTMcAllen, EngineerSam, DJ, and Solratic from last week! 

WHEW, that's a lot of extra in-stream support.. you guys are -really- humbling me. Thank you so very much! Let me know if there's more little extras  I can do for in-stream donations that would make them more fun/amusing/entertaining.




Oh my god, that is awesome. I was so gone when this being made. Lmao


That's like the most amazing thing I've ever seen. Excellent work sir


It's good you put the extra effort into these. Too many Patreon creators sacrifice quality for output. Still say you should have stuck with the original pose for Tala's boo-cakey! Hold on to that sketch! ;)


God damn, i keep forgetting how good you're art is sometimes


Holy cow, this is incredible


I swear if you add those posters online to buy, I will buy them. No joke