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Last Ask ARA: https://www.patreon.com/posts/ask-ara-guest-3-18719431

There's going to be a few choice words exchanged as a result of this option being picked... and it's all y'alls fault. Sorry for those hoping for wardrobe malfunctions or sexy butt shots, the Ask ARA sets have never really been for fanservice, but hopefully give people a better look at the characters, introducing them in preparation for their future story together in a fun non-canon way.




BWUAHAHHAHAAAA!!!!! This is so fucking perfect, this is why you're one of my fav artists cause. Well it's one reason but still, I woke up the cat laughing x3 I wonder what's next o.o


Don't know what I expected from ARA, but I am far from disappointed. Also, this was an extremely fast turnaround from when the poll was posted to the finished page. I'm very impressed!


Hahahaha. Unlucky we didn't get the hi-5, but this very traditional and respectful bow is still excellent.


I don't give a flying fuck that there isn't any wardrobe malfunctions or whatever, this is pure perfection! XD ROFLMFAO

Antoine Davis

This is still amazing just, wow.


I can't stop laughing at this! It's perfect !


I should say poor ARA, but I’m pretty sure Vikna is going to be in much worse shape afterwards




Lmao, fucking perfect


No fanservice? Shame. Got a good laugh in? Hell yes. Worth it. Sooo worth it.

General Degeneracy

No fanservice? Idk about y’all but them radoslav legs in the first frame are for me haha


I'm dying. XD

Skeleton Man

OMG I cant wait to see what happens next! awesome work Fluff :3


That's some extreme respectfull bow right there.

Tevin Escobar

There has to be a dent or crack in the floor but Ara should be left without a scratch.


You know what? I aint even mad..


While amusing, I'm not sure I'm exactly a fan of how this is turning out. ARA is inexperienced, but this makes her seem like more an idiot than just not knowing the protocol.


I just noticed Fluff, are you doing a Star Trek type thing with their uniforms? With those different colors being different roles or positions? Cuz that's seriously what they remind me of.


I'd bet Ara would be amazing at the Limbo


I see your point, but I'm laughing too much to agree at the moment!


Would Radoslav, as a technomancer, be able to jigger with ARA at all?


I'm beginning to think that we as the audience are going to be responsible for the heart attack that Vikna will soon suffer should this keep going... but at the same time it's funny as all hells, so... idk. XD


Not what I expected, but I am not disappointed


I'm just imagining the sound as ara bashes her face on the ground. Would it be metallic or squishy?


"Don't worry your excelence! Ara saw a poisonous insect and she squashed it saving your life!"


What the fanboys wanted: VIKNA: "Psst! ARA! You're supposed to be bowing TOWARD the Emperor." RADOSLAV: "Now, now, General. I see nothing the matter with her form."


Honestly I voted for this because it seemed the least likely to be embarrassing for her. Which, asking for a high five probably would have been worse...


Wait, what? I think I missed some vital information somewhere... since when is Rad a technomancer?


I don't know what's more terrifying. What Rad is gonna do, or the lack of a "To be Continued."


It says so on his FA reference. <a href="http://www.furaffinity.net/view/10061332/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://www.furaffinity.net/view/10061332/</a>


i hope she backed up her memory files somewhere XD


What I gotta ask, so this guy is the emperor...but Ayn is also both royalty AND avatar of her deity. So, maybe I didn't pay attention, but despite knowing each other, Ayn, Vikna, Nytro and Ara belong to different nations? Or why are there several royalties?


I'm not sure what made me laugh harder, Ara's extreme face-plant, or Vikna's reaction XD


The way I understand, based on what FK explained is that Radoslav is the emperor of the established galaxy but Ayn and her family are royalty on her planet/system. As for the avatar stuff, I'm not sure if it's specific to her planet/system or the entire galaxy? So the systems are pretty much free to do as they please so long as the answer to the emperor first, kind of like Dune. ARA, and Vikna (and I believe Nytro) are all members of Kaltag, one of the leading corporate enterprises that make ships and technology stuff.