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Surprise! Extra side pinup. Been a while since I've done one; I felt bad that since I wasn't sure if I'll get to the second comic page this month cause of the lost week due to moving+hurricane. I knew I could spend a night or two giving this a colouring job, that a lot of you asked for when I posted the sketch earlier in the month.

I did a lot of experimenting with this picture, mostly with a nod to the artist CyanCapsule and their thick, painted-like-lines style. It was a lot of fun and didn't take all that long in the end. I recorded it as well, will put that time-lapse up. I think I'm going to keep this version of her markings: without the 'scar-like' blue marks all over her. They've been there forever and without much reason. When I forgot to add them in this pic til the end, I thought it looked kind of nice. I'd keep the ones around her face though, I do think it adds something. Enjoy!




Vikna!!~ <3


That's one really nice shading Fluff, looks great on her. And that angle... damn this made my day :D


The thicker lines look great, what are the chances of you doing more pictures in this style?


Looks amazing Fluff!


I'm lost for words here. Brb gonna fap til my dick falls off.


Man, you have Nytro working me from behind and I'll have my muzz buried in those beautiful folds all night! Fucking gorgeous.


Wow I love the work you did here Fluff. She looks amazing, those colors! The fur! Seriously just an excellent job, I love it so much.


But, but... I like those markings! :C And they -are- there for a reason, aren't they? They're a part of her backstory, the result of how she gained her abilities, no? They made her unique and added that little extra interest and intrigue to her overall design. They brought a bit of depth to her, beyond just visually appealing, because I knew why they were there. Unless that has changed or I misunderstood you at some point. Please don't take away her blue spikey markings :c


Well done 👍👍👍❤️❤️❤️


You can never have too much Vikna! <3


In the old version of her story, it had a -slight- meaning but it didn't really make sense. I'm still unsure about it; I'll see how I feel, but like I said, will at least leave the ones on her face there.


I really like the coloring of this image, and also the new border line style (or at least different from recent sketches and pinups) is incredible!


"Don't just sit there staring, get to work soldier! That's an order!"


Im sorry fluff id have to agree that i love her markings too now i dont know her story but it always made her stand out to me. But in the end its all up to you