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Hi folks! Sorry for the late comic page, I meant to finish and get it up on Friday but turns out I ended up moving to a new place that took up quite a bit of time. Once it's done I'll upload it, and then upload the ZIP files for August content, so just sit tight and thank you for your patience!

In the meantime I figured I'd share some Warning doodles I did on my iPad Pro, which as replaced my Wacom Companion as a much cheaper mobile drawing pad; I highly recommend it, personally! Never thought I'd really be saying that.. but anyway, I know Warning's feet/toes were always unusual so I tried here seeing what she'd look like with small dainty feet rather than just... "no" feet. I rather like the look without it compromising her overall shape and appearance. I also wanted to test her hip, thigh and torso ratios, as well as general practice of drawing her figure. 




Which model of the Pro do you have? I’m planning on buying one soon.

Heretic Morgan

With or without feet, Warning is still an AI that deserves spoiling.


Saw several artists at EF using the iPad Pro to do digital sketches for people instead of physical ones and that got me interested in them as well...nice to see they're getting the thumbs up from both sides of the pond! Also, that's some good Warning right there >83...


Congrats on the migration! Where did you end up landing at?


Love me some Warning sketches


When I see these studies I feel like making a 3D model... I can easily see her and Ara in a Starfox-like game.




I kinda liked the weird stumpy feet. It fit her shortstack shape nicely.


I really like Warning, you should do her more

Skeleton Man

I just love warningand I think she looks good with tiny feet :3


Suddenly, Warning! She looks great here, really dig the little feet.


I actually love how she looks here. Her feet look a lot more realistic, though her proportions and profile are maintained. I approve. :D


._. I bought my companion right before they announced the Wacom Studio... Is the Ipad conparable?


I really like her hips and thighs on the left, and her waist on the right.


I wouldn't say it's 'better', just different. Some ways better, others not. I'd mostly recommend it because of the much lower price and mobility,but Wacom's stuff are more accurate, better-feeling and designed for studio replacement. Not that the ipad pro feels bad or can't do whole drawings, but it mostly depends on if you want a powerful desktop-tablet like replacement or more of a mobile sketchpad