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Twix follows up on Lia's entry, befitting it seems, making him one of the rare few male pinups on the roster! I don't have quite any idea what to do with him, so honestly like usual, thoughts and suggestions are welcome!

Rouge also fell short of getting enough people casting votes for her; third strike moves her off of the roster, but retains her vote count, if anyone still wants to suggest her, she'll go back on the waitlist with that amount.

A LOT OF YOU LIKE MILFS. Kesis got a huge number of votes for only having been around very briefly, and I think the most votes ever for a character in one month! I'm really quite flattered, thank you guys! I hope to do more small artworks of her now and again, too.

If you forgot to vote, you can still do so on this post, or the initial one, and it will be added before August's post goes up.




i'm still eagerly waiting for Radoslav, I believe he's your only character with a smaller-ish member


Jesus damn, Queeny went from 0 to 111 in one vote? Mean while my dear Felicia is crawling along at barely 11 votes. Can I be selfish and ask people next vote to shoot Felicia up to the top? For me please? it's been so long and she's not had art of her done unlike the others.


I don't think it's mainly the MILF thing. For me it's the egyptian/anubian vibe. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Her being a mother didn't even factor into my vote. It's more the "you exist to serve me, now duck me silly" thing she's got going on.


Can I recommend Dulcinea from Puss in Boots? :D


Yes, Finally! <3


All three from last month to Rado. All three of this month also to Rado


I liked that one pinup you did of Twix kinda taken aback by how small his boobs were as a female. What if this time female Twix tries out her goods on Lia? That was an idea being tossed around for that pinup


I forgot to vote. I'd like all 3 to be put in for Loki.

Satanic Cabal

Can you explain the "characters on cooldown" part? I thought pinups of a certain character can only be made once.


I forgot to vote so I would like to add on 2 votes for Kesis! Please and thank you!


Naw Twix is there too! Well, 'small' I suppose by furry standards, but I think I mean "normal" or "average" at least. As much as I like sizeplay and stuff I'm not interested in all my guys having huge dicks, just like not all my girls have huge boobs. I'm really happy you're looking forward to him!


I am trying to balance my votes in the hopes of landing a Sally Acorn/Gadget cross over piece.


2 for Jenna


Ugh, forgot to vote. Again. Hmm... Opéra Kranz catches my eye, a vote for her.


That's just my own OCs. they're the only ones that can go on cooldown and come back. A lot of people request them often and/or don't like most of the other characters on the roster, so I like having them on their as something they like and can keep voting on.


For Twix, I'd love to see him in some girly clothing. Not necessarily full-on crossdressing, though that would be cute. Just playing up his effeminate build would be really hot - thinking like panties, see-through nightie, that sort of thing. Anal play of any sort would also be great, be that a pretty little jewel "princess plug", using a dildo on himself, or whatever. As for a pose, I don't feel a strong preference. Kneeling on a bed? Laying on his back and holding his legs up to show off his goods? Chest down, ass up, clutching a pillow while presenting himself? That might be the most directly lewdly appealing, personally, thought it wouldn't show off whatever outfit you put him in as well.


Haven't voted for some time. I'll put whatever I can towards Kesis, I believe it would be 4-6 votes, depending on your policy.