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Sorry for the small, cropped peek here. I can share it wholly, later on at a future date. Sneak peek of an ARA dis-assembled piece that will be in my friend AyCee's upcoming art collection book "Gummy Guts 2". It won't affect my Patreon work as I'm not working on it any further until later next month. But sharing this now as it's what I was up to earlier for a little.

If you're unfamiliar with the first Gummy Guts, it's a compilation of 'candy gore', or playful, colourful vore-like imagery from a bunch of artists. I saw an opportunity to throw my name in for the second go-around as a chance to draw this idea of ARA being disassembled, like I did a concept drawing of for her pinup a while back.




Looking forward to seeing this in the future. :3 yay robots

Simone Spinozzi

Is she active and checking herself out or staring vacantly into the void while deactivated? It is not quite clear from this cropped picture. I would have said the second, as it would seem silly to keep an android active while half dismantled, but she seems to be gazing at something with purpose and that seems weird.


i really liked your concept for an ara bodypillow from a while back, though i really wish i could see the finished result if it is still being worked on.


Yeah I'm still working on that, hasn't been advanced to inking yet though, been working on the comic and pinup. Hoping to finish the ARA daki next month as well

Captain Lackwit

I can't decide if I love or hate you for making that Daki concept, because I told myself years ago, "I can't see why I'd ever buy one" BUT THEN YA JUST HAD TO DESIGN ONE I'D INSTANTLY BUY. ; _ ; Full disclosure I think an Ayn one'd sell like hotcakes.