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Version 1.4 of Escape From the Budding Flower Bordello is a larger update that includes user feedback from the initial launch plus a ton of new content and a new questline to explore. This update took me 2-3 weeks longer than I thought due to my personal life getting crazy and the scope of the update creeping to be bigger than I anticipated. Thank you for your patience and support! Please enjoy! Details of the update are below:

New interface and visual upgrades, posted a pic for an example- (have not tested on mobile yet, aside from the side bar, it should be more responsive on smaller screens, next update I can fix the sidebar or just remove it and make a mobile version)

82 new images

10k new words

4 new items

Encounter overhaul - encounters still have a random element, but with the help of a new item players can choose which girls (to a degree) they encounter.

Butler enhancements - The focus of the new questline

Butler hints - ask the butler for help if you are struggling!

Players may notice increased difficulty in obtaining spirit orbs. This is intentional and will be a key part of the next update, or you can earn those spirit orbs the hard way ;)

This update sets the stage for the next 5 larger updates I want to tackle. As always feedback is appreciated! Testing might have been a bit more rushed than I would have liked but everything seems to be working well. Please let me know in the discord channel if you find any bugs or weirdness and I can get a patch out fairly quickly.

The next update I foresee being smaller, adding some flavor text, encounters, responding to feedback from the 1.4 release and a bit more. The one after that I would like to introduce a new character and game mechanic. After that quest lines for each of the girls.

Thank you everyone!




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