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Hey Everyone, I just wanted to give a quick update on where I am with V1.4. 

Frist off THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! to everyone who has played my game and is currently supporting development of new content!! The feedback and support I have received so far is more than I ever hoped for. 

I checked the download counter on the TF games site for the mediafire link and it is currently approaching 14k :O.  That doesn't include downloads from the dropbox link. Potentially over 15k people playing my game doesn't even compute in my brain. So.... I am shocked and thrilled that so many people are enjoying the work I have put into this.  I hope over time more of those people will want to contribute to development of more content, but in the meantime I am hard at work trying to double the size of the initial game.

V1.4 is pretty much done. I am waffling on releasing early this week because I wanted to add a bit more written content to it and that will take another 2-3 days.  This is a larger update that includes changes to encounters, visuals, and a whole new quest with lots of interactive content. This update will set the stage for rest of the content I have planned in the game including endings. 

I will end this update by saying I can understand why so many creators abandon projects. I have so many ideas for new games I want to get started on, but at the same time I really want BFB to be as complete as I envision it to be before I move on to the next project. Anyway, look for the release this week. Thanks again everyone.




Ms. Benni

Take your time! I'm sure everyone would rather wait a bit for a proper update than you feel rushed to put something out prematurely! Looking forward to the release ^^