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Hi Everyone,

First off I want to thank all of my supporters and everyone who is enjoying the game so far. I ran into a billing issue with Pateron and will be moving all of my primary content to Subscribestar. Subscribestar seems like a much better fit for me and hopefully this will be the last and only time I will need to move.

My page on subscribestar is still under review but hopefully will be approved in the next day or two. The same tiers will apply on subsribestar, so lowest gets you the game, second the guide, third any additional content or raw files.

I apologize for the hassle of moving to a new system, and I thank all of you for your understanding and sticking with me as I finish work on this game. I will be posting the newest version of the game V1.10 and the guide and raw file to start, all new versions of the game will be posted on subsribestar, I will probably remove all content off this pateron and shut it down next month so if you want any files that are posted here or old game versions download them now. I will be posting all pervious raw files for tier 3 subscribers on the new page. old game versions are still available on the TF Games site as they become FTP.

Thank you,



Peace and Love Games on subscribestar.adult

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Well I guess it's good I have a subscibestar account that currently has no subscriptions on it. Guess it's getting one now.

Peace and Love Games

Ok the new page is up! please visit and subscribe will be updating the TF Games Site as well