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Hi Everyone, First off I wanted to thank everyone for supporting my game! We had a ton of new members last month, I guess the Bimbo Machine was a huge hit! I am glad and hope everyone has enjoyed playing. This month I have a smaller update while I work on Isabella's quest. This update add a clock to the player's bedroom to let them know how long they will have in each quest cycle. plus I added 20 different dream sequences which are like short sweet stories, these don't effect game play but are fun to experience and add a sense of time passing while you are playing the game. The update includes 88 new images and about 10k new words. I am continuing to work on Isabella's quest line, which (depending on health and free time) is probably still a few weeks out.



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I'm also hitting an issue with the dreams. The dream after the Demon dream gives the message "As you close your eyes you feel yourself being dragged down into a strange, erotic, dreamscape." and no other prompt