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Hi everyone, I am happy to again release a new update, this month has turned out to be fairly busy for me and again I was hit with back to back illness which slowed me down considerably. Though 2 updates in one month is no small feat! This update is smaller than the last but will grow as I work to finish out the other 3 quest lines. As I was test playing the game this month I felt like it really needed to have some kind of ending or goal to drive game play so I wanted to include that before diving into the long journey of finishing the girl's quest content. Even if it is more of a place holder for now. I hope everyone enjoys. Also I am planning on making V1.3 free to play, as the last free to play release generated so much interest in the game. Please let me know if you have trouble accessing anything!





Is there like a walkthrough or something? I found the mag and the dildo, but can't get the pleasure skill to 3, a walkthrough with requirements for all the endings would be nice.


PaLG can you explain quests from version 1.6+ game?

Peace and Love Games

I hear you guys, will work on putting together a walkthrough, will probably be a separate release my advice is to pay attention to the dialogue, make use of the save feature before going into quests, and look for sophia in every area when her quest is active. Actions you take in the quests can also effect skill levels.

Peace and Love Games

if you are blocked from doing something or failing a quest its usually due to one of your curse levels being too high the dialogue should give you a hint as to what that is.