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Hello Everyone!

It's been quite a while since last we had an update!  BUT THE TRAIN IS BACK ON THE RAILS!  

As an update, here's what's been going on in the background that has kept us up!

Taurin's Grandmother had passed away in August.  She will be missed but had a full long life at 95.  But with the complications of loosing a family member, the situation was a tad more with the fact she was the owner of the home Taurin and Kish live in.  The living situation and if they had to move was apparent and was addressed by them BUYING THEIR FIRST HOUSE :3 WOO!   It was a long process (as all family matters are lol) but as of January the papers are signed and the i's dotted.  Taurin is now a homeowner, after a rollercoaster of fuck!  After a period of cleanup and getting things sorted with the living situation we are now officially back on track with our projects.

I just want to thank everyone for their continued support during this time, you guys keep us going in more ways than you know and having kept all you wonderful fluffs during this time means the world.  <3.  

With the ramp back into things the streams will now be open again!

Our work streams will be on Mondays 3pm pst(6est) for the moment as we ramp back up into our usual activities and more!

-Fox, Taurin & Kish

Discord for the most up to date news and annoucements! https://discord.gg/NTEB2WeEUG


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