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Hey guys!

I'm in the process of moving my animation and rendering workflow from 3DS Max to Maya, and thought you'd like to see some of my progress working with Maya's fur system =)

(Ignore the tail.  I did some work on that, but lost my progress to a software glitch that was probably user error.)

Overall, I'm pretty happy with my results so far, but there's definitely a learning curve with it and some quirks I need to get used to.  Aside from the tail, the face still needs work.  Especially around the mouth, nose, and eyes.  I should be able to clean that up once I'm more experienced with the tool <=)

I'm actually using the same GPU-based rendering engine that I was in 3DS Max, and was happy to see that the render times and quality in Maya are just as good.  The real test will come when I go to animate the character and see how well the fur moves.

Kish has also been learning the software, and we're planning on working together for upcoming projects!  Once we're both up to speed with it, having his help should really speed up my production schedule =)



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