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Hey guys!
Sorry  about the lack of posts recently.  I've been dealing with some seasonal  depression, plus increased demands from my day job has kind of slowed  me down a bit.  I've also been learning and working with other software,  trying to optimize my workflow.  That should result in me increasing my  productivity a lot going forward, but the initial learning curve is  slowing me down for now.  But not to worry, things are turning around,  and I've got some cool stuff in the works!
Rendering  is finished for Hit the Showers!  I had to make some edits to fix some  rendering issues, but now all that's left is the sound.  Kish and Asher  will be working their audio magic on it tomorrow, and that's on track  for release this month =)
My  commission projects are coming along well, but slower than expected.   As a result, I probably won't be taking new commissions until after I've  completed my queue.  This will let me focus on a new feature project.   Speaking of which, Kish and I have been discussing a non-yiffy project  we'd like to do.  More on that later if we decide to move forward on it  ;)  No Horseplay is still in the works as well!  
As always, thank you all for your support!  This wouldn't be possible without my Patrons =)



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