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First of all, thank you to everyone who reached out with your concerns.  You guys are awesome <3 

Without going into too much detail, we had a medical emergency early Tuesday morning (involving me specifically).  It was a frightening experience at the time.  I'm fine, but unfortunately the incident got blown a little out of proportion leading to a bunch of administrative BS we now have to deal with.  I expect everything to be resolved within a week or two, but the exhaustion from dealing with that, and lack of sleep, considering this happened at 4 AM, just left us too out of sorts to stream later in the day.

That said, I'm feeling perfectly fine now, and we're planning to stream on Saturday as usual =)

As for the something new, I'm attempting something I haven't been able to do in the past, which is to create fluid that actually interacts with the character's fur instead of just going through it.

The new short animation I'm working on has my stallion character sucking himself off, and I'm trying to make it as messy as possible.  If I can pull this off, he'll actually end up with spooge stuck to his mane and the long fur on his hocks.  It should be fun ;)

If all goes well, this will be released around the end of the month, and I'm going to try to make these short videos a monthly thing to fill the gaps between major releases ^.^



I'm so happy you're doing okay Taurin! Was worried about you. <3


I haven't kept myself updated lately, so I just read this, I'm happy you guys are doing alright, and I hope everything solves faster than expected. <3 And I'm excited about the monthly small releases, sounds like great appetizers while waiting for the big things!