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I'm still learning to optimize the Redshift rendering engine, and I'm working on balancing quality with render speed =)

An obstacle I've come across is that a frame that renders fast and looks good on its own isn't necessarily suitable for animation.  An acceptable amount of noise in a still frame can turn into a distracting artifact in an animation sequence.  Reducing that noise unfortunately means longer render times.

I managed to get the noise level low enough in this sequence that it looks good on playback, but I encountered a new issue.  The global illumination pre-pass is causing the reflected light to "swim" around on the fur because of inconsistencies in the samples from one frame to the next.  

Thankfully, I think I know the fix to this, and it shouldn't significantly increase my render time, but it'll take time to render out a new test sequence, so enjoy this in the meantime!


Closeup Light Flicker


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