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Hi everyone, hope you've had a good week. Apologies for the relatively quiet week of posts, I've been very focused on E2 but I do still want to show some more preveiws and stuff this next week. There's not much to report since my last update, I'm working hard on E2 trying to get it finished as quickly as possible but it's very unlikely it will be finished this month (I'm sorry). Every part of E2 is going well but there's just so much to sort out and render and test. E2 is looking like it will be at least 40 minutes of gameplay, most likely more (45-55) but obviously depends massively on how quickly you advance dialogue, some of the choices you made in E1 and how long you spend on the erotic scenes. (My rough target for each ep is 45mins).

Not much else to say right now but thank you to everyone for your patience and your kind words. Quality is the most important thing to me and I'm really grateful for you guys being so understanding. Even though E2 is not done I've had a lot of thoughts about E3 and I think that's going to awesome too. Hope you guys have a great week coming. Here's another shot of Nina.



Crowangel Gaming

45mins is a good average especilly given most tv shows average that time limit.. unless you count limited series that go beyond that.. looing forward to seeing whats new.. will there be aneed to start a fresh or will saves be continued from current points.. tbh with it being 2nd episode it doesnt matter too much yet.. its only when devs get to episode 10 then decide to rework everything and recode that its a pain to redo all the routes again lol