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Hi all, hope you've had a good week. Short post because I'm really busy trying to finish E2. We're midway through June now and I'm sure you're all very keen to get back into the game. After E1's survey I said I would finish E2 in June and I'm working my ass off to try and stick to that but it's looking really tight and I am struggling. I'm working flat out to finish it but I can't give a date at this time. Still aiming to finish it in these next two weeks but I can't guarantee it. If it's not finished this month, I'll accept any and all refund requests for this month with no questions asked.

But I think you'll really like it when it's done - it's looking great and you'll be able to spend a good amount of time with all of the new characters (although less with the professors) as well as a couple of girls from E1 with three sex scenes and a few other hot encounters. You'll also see a ton of new cool environments that I now won't have to spend time making in future episodes.

Here's a pic with Naomi in the social sciences cafeteria. Will continue posting sneak peaks and perk previews until I release E2. Thank you all for your continued patience. Your support means the world to me and it's the reason I'm working so hard rn. Hope you have a good week :)



Omar Hashem

take your time bro, I'm sure it going to be fantastic 🙌


Yeah, don't rush or overexert yourself on our behalf! Burnout is real, and it hits way too many developers or writers that push to meet deadlines. Maybe a poll on importance of update pacing vs content quantity/quality vs your wellness could reassure you? I know I'm not here to pay for an update every set period of time, but rather to support a developer I see promise in and enjoy their works at their pace.


Feel stupid. But where do i find the download link ?

Brendan Reardon

When its ready its ready don't stress you have an awesome product mate