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1) Hi all, work is going well, nearly finished with all the animations but still have a huge amount of other stuff to do. I had quite a rough week in my personal life (but ironically quite a productive week working lol...) We are now in June, the month I said I would have E2 finished by. In terms of that, things are going to be tight because I still have so much to do but I'm working really hard to try and release it by the end of this month. I can't promise but I'm doing my absolute best.

2) Thank you to everyone for completing the poll on what content you want to see. Perks & more previews beat concept art by a large margin so we'll be looking at those two. I'll be making 1-2 posts on perks in the coming weeks and 1 post per week with another sneak peak of E2. Some characters you've already met in E1 will also be in E2 so you'll see some pics of them too. Posting another preview of Nina after this which should give you a much clearer look at her given that you could only really see her face in the first preview. For the posts on talents/perks - This coming week I'll show you the new screen of options/preferences you have when you unlock the dominance perks. Next week I'll most likely go over the three new 'extension' perks that you can see on the updated talents tree. But let me know if there are any perks in particular you want to hear more about.

3) Lastly just thank you all for your continued support, means the world to me and it gives me such strong motivation. Can't wait to give you guys E2 but there's still a lot left I have to do.


Brendan Reardon

love your game and the potential is awesome don't stress but can't wait for your updates

Crowangel Gaming

its amazin how personal strife can lead to creative excellence.. I have it often and it can be a great way to 'work shit out' so to speak.. take it easy and cant wait for the 2nd episode