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1) Developer updates will be every Sunday starting from today

2) Work on Episode 2 is going smoothly

Hi everyone, hope you had a good week. I've decided to make these updates weekly and I'll be posting them on Sundays. There isn't anything special to report today aside from the fact that work on E2 is going very smoothly. I think the new girls are looking great and I'm really excited for you to meet them. I'm currently trying working on the script and renders simultaneously (whereas in E1 I wrote the entire script first) as I think this help connect the two a bit better. I'm also thinking a lot about what you guys said in the E1 feedback form, especially with the choices - I'm going to do my best to avoid choices that are just obviously bad and bad in every way and try to give you more real choices. Everything is a work in progress currently but I'm really happy with how things are looking already and I haven't ran into any significant obstacles.


Crowangel Gaming

if its half as enjoyable as the 1st release then its gonna be a worthwhile wait and enjoyment upon arrival


Hi! Can we chat in Discord?


Hi Yogurt, of course - the main discord channel is here https://discord.gg/Tre5ShhCFs or you can always message me privately