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Here's an overview of the survey you completed. I've highlighted the key points here but I've also attached the full data for anyone who wants to take a closer look, or if anyone fancies making some graphs for fun - like a hot vs crazy graph. Also please feel free to comment away on this - would love to hear your thoughts!

Thank you to the 79 of you who completed the poll. Let's take a look at what you said:


92% of you rated the dialogue as either a 4 or 5 which is such an incredible compliment to me and I'm really glad you enjoy the dialogue.


88.5% of you were happy with the frequency of the choices.

Attractiveness overview:

1) Ella - 9.25

2) Taylor - 8.70

3) Chelsea - 8.61

4) Katie - 8.59

5) Lydia - 8.46

6) Violet - 7.81

7) Chloe - 7.77

8) Paris - 7.76

9) Jordan - 7.52

10) Selina - 7.28

In classic Ella fashion she decimated the competition was the clear winner here. I'm really happy with how high Ella was rated - makes me wonder how she would compare in a survey comparing the hottest girls from various games...

Overall the E1 girls were rated 8.15 on average which I'm pleased with. While I wish Selina was tiny bit higher I really can't complain and I'm going to interpret that 7.28 as meaning that people are still attracted to her, just less so than the others.

Of the ones at the bottom, Selina's results look like a normal distribution around 7 so there's a lot of agreement on her between you guys. On the other hand, Violet has quite an interesting pattern - her most common vote was 10 (22 people) but she has a lot of votes in the range 4-9 and someone even rated her a 2 :( But overall 7.81 is quite respectable.

Jordan scored a lot of 10s, a lot of 8s, but also a lot of lower votes which brought her down to the second lowest. Chloe scored better than Jordan and had a much more predictable pattern with most of her votes around 8.

From Violet and Jordan we can see that the most disagreement on attractiveness happens when we discuss the alternative looking girls.

Personality overview:

1) Chelsea - 8.53

2) Katie - 8.49

3) Lydia - 8.46

4) Ella - 8.42

5) Violet - 8.09

6) Paris - 7.78

7) Chloe - 7.58

8) Taylor - 7.44

9) Jordan - 6.54

10) Selina - 5.97

Chelsea narrowly tops the very tightly contested personality charts. The three cheerleaders all scored exceptionally high and Katie was the only one who managed to stop them taking all three top spots. The sad pattern here is to once again see Jordan and Selina at the bottom.

Selina actually scored votes on every single number 0-10 for her personality and it's quite spread out which is very interesting. Jordan also scored votes on every number but hers are much more concentrated around her average value with less disagreement than her looks.

Overall I'm really not very concerned by any of these - I think it would be weird if everyone had exceptionally likeable personalities from the moment you met them. But hopefully some of the lower rated characters might grow on you as the story progresses.

Do you like how the protagonist looks?

85.9% of people were happy with the MC's appearance. What did really surprise me though is that of the 6 written comments, 5 of them suggested the MC be more muscular. I'm honestly very surprised by this and I wonder if it would have got more votes if I listed more muscular as an option. I'm very curious to know why some people are keen on him being more muscular - I'm very eager to hear your thoughts but if I'm being honest I'm very unlikely to change him in this regard. For an 18 year old I think he's in good shape and is very attractive.

Is the dick too big...

The responses here are pretty split. Not going to take any action right now but may in future.

What do you think of Harem Wars (card game)?

63.3% of people like HaremWars.

A couple of comments talking about special cards in future, very sorry to disappoint you but as things currently stand I don't have plans to introduce cards with additional effects. My idea behind HW is more for the collectible aspect, I'm hoping that players find enjoyment from growing their deck and acquiring rare cards. For example you get a gold card in E1 based on whoever is your first kiss. I quite like using HW as a way to reward certain moments like this.

Several other people talking about it staying optional - yes let me just say this crystal clear:

You will never have to play HaremWars, nor will you ever need to have played it to unlock an erotic scene.

Admittedly, you did gain a love point with Violet the very first time you defeated her in E1. This was probably a mistake as even if I could do this while being true to my statement above, it's not in the spirit of it being completely optional so I will be removing any love gains from playing HW.

Areas for improvement:

Very very split here which is a great sign - if everyone agreed on one area then that area would clearly be awful. The most common pick though at 18.6% was the choices. Which is interesting when we consider the very high satisfaction from the frequency of choices in the start of the survey. So I assume people voting for this are talking about the impact and/or quality of choices. Perhaps some of the choices were too binary - 'be a great guy or be a dick' I'll be trying to make choices feel better in E2.

Few people mentioning my coding - very valid lol, I did make a number of mistakes in E1 which sucked, but thank you so much to those of you who have pointed out bugs and errors. If you do see anything that doesn't look right, please send a message in the bugs chat on discord.

Some critical comments on the story which are similar to what I've seen some reviews say - I don't think it's meaningful to comment on the story after the first episode. I wanted the start to be fun and wild and to an extent, confusing. You are the protagonist and he doesn't know what's going on so neither do you. I really really did not want to start my game in a way that I consider to be boring like "This is me. I am..... What is the MC's motherly figure called? (Default Landlady)" I'm really not into slow starts like that. If you think the story are garbage once you're halfway through the game then that's fine, but until then please be patient, a good story doesn't play its whole hand immediately.

14.3% of people highlighting HaremWars for improvement - would you let me know what you think needs improvement? Is it that you really really really want special cards? Was Violet too difficult/easy? Are there some bugs?

Duration E1

This is about what I was aiming for, I'd like episodes to be around 45 mins and we seem to have about half of people either side of 40.

Long answer feedback and questions on the next post



I think the reason people asked for him to be a bit more buff is because there are traits you can choose that makes it sound like he is ripped. The way girls described him in the dialogue like he has adonis beach body. They way he is now he is very skinny, no visible muscles and no abdominals. It would have been good to give him a V shape, not beefcake, but something more of a callisthenic/MMA body rip.


Interesting. One suggestion I have is that 18 love interests is too many and can be bad for many reasons. Main one being diluting time with the love interests and having interactions feel quite shallow as a result. Perhaps have a poll after chapter 2 to ask if 18 is too many, or too few or just right.