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1) You're amazing and I really appreciate your support

2) I am starting work on episode 2

3) 'Slim' version of E1 will replace old with smaller size and bug fixes - soon

4) Episode 1 feedback form (anonymous) - https://forms.gle/B9SJVgk5pKrQe5Cm9

1) Hi everyone, welcome to my Patreon! Firstly thank you so much for supporting/following me after playing episode 1. I'm so hyped up by how many people have played Elmwood already and how many amazing people have decided to support me. I'm really taken aback by the amount of wholesome messages and advice I've received directly and indirectly. Thank you all for the kind words and support, I've never felt motivation as powerful as what I have now.

2) I am now starting work on episode 2. Right after releasing E1 I took a few days off away from home to celebrate but now I am back and ready to cook. E2 is planned out, and I'm now drafting the script and creating the environments. The remaining 8 main characters are all designed and I'm really excited to introduce them in E2. I'd love to give a date for E2 but as I've only just started the real work on it I cannot at this time. 

3) I'm really proud of E1 but it had some issues that can be quickly fixed and I'll be doing this in the coming days. There will not be any major changes to E1 as I want to focus on E2 as much as possible but there will be several bug fixes and the total file size will be slimmer.

4) As you may have heard me talk about on the discord, I've created a google form to give feedback on E1. This is very quick and will be of massive help to me but I will not be doing any complete redesigns of any characters, it's more so I can see what people are having the most and least fun doing. You can also ask me any questions about Elmwood at the end, I will answer the popular questions so long as I can do so without spoilers.



Crowangel Gaming

Credit where its due.. you hit a homerun with this title or in my uk terms scored a hattrick etc lol.. Feedback form signed and delivered, and as far as things to fix the ONLY thing i found on a few playthroughs to try out the various effects of the top tier skills was that regardless of if i Picked Chelsea to kiss 1st (my fav girl) and even if i refused Lydia in the tub, Chelsea still approached me at the end of the party and remarked how hot it was to see and distract others while Lydia rode me.. not a massive issue but for those who tried to do a solo chelsea path and make her your 1st time it might but given all 3 cheer girls are in this together it seems then no biggy personally


Thanks again for the kind words - the bug involving Chelsea talking about the hot tub scene when it didn't happen has been fixed.