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pass: Bellasmith


All right guys, version 0.4 is out! 2 new scenes for you guys, almost all of the art and story is written. Just ignore the typos and any glitches for now, I still have to deal with collision and the writing. Over all the chapter will have about 12 scenes with Bella, 3-6 scenes with others, and 3 non bondage related story scenes. Of course that's a lot of stuff, but most of it is already done. Three things I wanted to mention

1.)  Ashley will only make a brief appearance in this chapter. I decided to do this because I didn't want to skimp on her content, so I decided to just make Chapter 5 longer and give Bella her time to shine. Then Ashley will be the entirety of Chapter 5.

2.)  I will be updating the game weekly until it's done, which should be 2-3 weeks. There are a lot of typos I need to correct, along with re-writing large portions of the scenes. A lot of the areas also need character portraits, so just ignore the odd cut-scenes especially with Claire.

3.)Stephanie will be making her appearance very soon! I know some people have been super eager to see her, and I made her scene with a fellow Patron for the Create-A-Scene program! So hold tight for it :)


-After scene one is done ( you can't fail it) look for a box on the left side of the room. Moving it gives you a chisel so you can use on the wall to the north.

-Talk to the girl to the upper right then head back to your room, interact with the mouse and pick up the "water". Give water to girl in tunnels and go through hole she makes.

*Talk to the girl multiple times to get an item for a future scene


-Move the first pile of boxes then hit the switch.  move the boxes out of the way then take the elevator.

-Throw boxes onto switch and follow pipes.

-In the next room match the box color with the color of the switch. and take the elevator up. 

*On the table will be a liquid. Drink it in order to help you with a future scene. Climb the ladder after the cutscene.

-Grab the sparkly off the ground and head out of the room the way the Bondco Bot came in. THe nurse has no dialogue so just ignore her.

*Checking the bottom drawer of the shelf will give you information on a future scene on how to interact with Bondco Bots

-Go through south most room and head outside. Head to Northeast end and get the fire axe. head to the east side of the building by the sparkly and use the axe on the window. 

*Enter the northwest room and go through the hole. Get the key and try to go back thorough hole for scene 3.  Don't fail this scene as it means a gameover.

*Exit the bathroom the way you cam in and unlock the south-east door that leads back to the main hall.

*Use key on top right door to get crow bar. Head back in the hall you unlocked and pry open the left door. Break the boxes in this room and enter the hole.

-Head to the left, watch cutscene with the house. Enter through the front door.

-After first scene is done pick up sparkly off floor and head to the room on the right, watch the scene and interact with all people in the room. After interacting with all people a sparkly will appear, grab that and head through the right most room. Head all the way north and inspect sparkly.

-After scene is done head north and open crate, ignore the text here and after this scene. It will be added in next update. Claire gives you a rusted key. Head back outside and go all the way right using the rusted key on the little house. Grab the flashlight inside and head back to the main entrance hall (area right after you talk to chairman meow)

-To the top right are the restrooms, open the door to the left and inspect the crack in the wall. Cut through all the spider webs until the end.

-Watch Talia scene. After this the beta is done.


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