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Hello my dear friends! Happy New Year! I want the next year to be better than the one that is leaving, and that the outgoing year would take all the troubles and troubles with it, and most importantly, that the war would go into the past along with the outgoing year. I want the New Year to bring us all happiness and joy, love, and most importantly peace. Peace on earth, peace in our souls and our hearts. And I also want all our dreams to come true in the New Year.

And I also want to thank you all for being with me this year, I promise that next year will bring us many new stories, new characters and of course I have prepared some big surprises for you, so it won't be boring.

See you in the New Year!




A Happy New Year to you, too.


Happy new year and I will toast for the end of the war and you could back home health and safety


Happy New Year !!!