MSS v0.12 (Patreon)
MSS v0.12
(Masterbation Support Software)
### Additions and Changes
The big change this time around is that the game engine has been changed from UnrealEngine4 to UnrealEngine5. I think this will allow us to create even more realistic expressions.
The number of women has increased to six. One of them is an android.
I'm going to add one more female character. The next step will be to arrange the stage. I'm also going to try simple animations like dancing.
### Requirements
PC - WINDOWS (64-bit)
### Manual
Start game - MSS4.exe
End game - ESC
Forward/backward/left/right - WSDA
Viewpoint - Mouse
Ascend - SPACE
### DL link and password!AnhOrALLqMlbhNRUFGb5Ch6SJ3E28g?e=4fG05e
Pass: 1209
### 增补和改变
这次最大的变化是,我们将游戏引擎从UnrealEngine4改为UnrealEngine5。 我认为这将使游戏更加逼真。
妇女人数已增加到6人。 其中一个是机器人。
我打算再增加一两个女性角色。 下一步将是安排舞台。 我也会尝试做一些简单的动画,比如跳舞。
### 要求
PC - WINDOWS (64位)
### 手册
开始游戏 - MSS4.exe
最终游戏 - ESC
前进/后退/左/右 - WSDA
查看 - 鼠标
升空 - 空间
### DL链接和密码!AnhOrALLqMlbhNRUFGb5Ch6SJ3E28g?e=4fG05e
Pass: 1209