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Hello Patreon people,

I'm working on a video right now about Gaza and I have hit a little bit of a stumbling block that I'd like y'all to weigh in on before I'm done: Normally I release my videos a week early for patrons, because of how cool and sick you are, but in this case it feels pretty sleazy to withhold a video about an ongoing genocide.

On the other hand, I also don't like the idea of stiffing you of your hard earned right to early content, so it leaves me in a bit of a pickle. I lose either way.

Am I overthinking this? do you actually even care about not getting this one early? Is there something else I can do real special-like for you to make up for it? Let me know, I wanna hear from you!

Edit: Okay, well, it seems a consensus has been built lol



Share and share alike!

Anarch Ion

I give less than a shit about early access. I support the people I support on patreon because I want to support them. Not for "perks" and whatnot.

Maarva And Or

Yeah. What they said. Say what you gotta say. Especially when you need to talk about genocide.


So, originally I said just put it out there, I don't want anything but I have changed my mind. You should 100% still publish whenever you're comfortable doing so, but I would now like to make a request. I would love to see another unproductive dunking on libertarians video. 1) after making a video on such a deep, weighty issue I'm sure you could use a nice low-stakes video and 2) it's been a kinda shitty year, and sure dunking on libertarians isn't *important*, it is a lot of fun. And I think both we and you deserve some fun. Some light, fluffy, candy fun.