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After spending several hours re-stitching Alice's body, gaining a significant boost in her affection,

Lynne knew it was time to embark on the quest to become a Night Doctor. He opened his panel, focusing on his own curse.

[Weeping Clown].

This was the curse he received after drinking the soup from the Pigfolk Butcher, marked as a negative status. But, like the other curses he had collected, it had no description, leaving him clueless about its potential negative effects.

However, from his interpretation of these four words, a clown smiling during the day but crying alone behind the stage at night. A clown brings laughter, yet crying represents the sadness that contradicts laughter.

In this Dark World, one must think to the extremes.


Lynne squinted his eyes, writing down these two words in his notebook. Then, after a moment's hesitation, he wrote down a second term.

[Loss of Control]

Of course, this was just his guess. The true nature of the curse would only be revealed when it manifested itself. Once he understood its effects, he could remove it temporarily at critical moments to prevent major mistakes.

Putting down his pen, Lynne sat on the counter, deep in thought. Just then, there came a sudden knocking at the door.


Lynne instantly lifted his head, a professional smile on his face. This was unexpected. Wandering Soul Lane hadn't seen a single customer in two whole days.

"How odd, such a large area and not a ghost in sight. Within miles, yours is the only shop open?!"

In came a lizardfolk with a long neck, clad in tattered travel clothes, carrying a bundle, red all over. His eyes were eagle-like, but his voice chattered like a lesser demon.

[War Lizard]

[Race: Lizardfolk]

[Level: 49]

[Alignment: Neutral Evil]

[Combat Abilities: Swift movement and cunning attack strategies.]

[Description: A humanoid species in the Dark World, known for their slyness, ferocity, and greed. While they occasionally trade with other races, if they perceive you as weak, even seemingly so, they will not hesitate to kill and plunder.]

Immediately, his gaze fell on Lynne, who maintained a professional smile. The lizardfolk's eyes whirled, quickly assessing the human before him.

Weak. Soft-skinned. Easy to bully. And a human.

"Sir, how may I assist you?" Lynne asked, maintaining his smile and adjusting his monocle.

The lizardfolk instantly bared his sharp teeth in a cunning smile, flicking a dagger from his waist with his long nails and striding forward.

He didn't utter a word. Almost as he took a step, he drew his sharp dagger, his long, greedy tongue flicking out.

"I'll take all your possessions, of course!"


A gunshot rang out. A bullet whizzed by the lizardfolk's forehead. The expression on the lizardfolk's face froze.

Bang bang bang bang bang——

Five more shots, each narrowly missing his ears, fingers, head, and groin.

[Ding! War Lizard's sanity -20]

[Ding! War Lizard's fear towards you +10]

[Ding! War Lizard's fear towards you +20]

He could distinctly feel how each shot was just a millimeter away from hitting him. Such miraculous marksmanship, he had only seen in that demon hunter.

This human's shooting... so accurate...

A drop of sweat fell to the ground with a splash.

[War Lizard's fear towards you +30]

Lynne's face still wore a benign smile. The revolver spun around in his hand with a whoosh, and then he tucked it back into his belt.

"Are you sure you want all my possessions?"

Lynne's smile was so sincere and friendly.

It felt warm.

The lizardfolk (;oдo), his hands splayed, dropped the two daggers he was holding with a clang, saying, "Just... just kidding... I can tell you're a very friendly owner... right?"

Lynne smiled, "Glad to meet someone who understands."


A few minutes later.

[Ding! You triggered the quest: The Common Cold of the Lizardfolk. Reward: 100 skull coins, 100 experience points.]

At the counter, the lizardfolk sat with his legs crossed, resembling a civilized person. His long tail swayed gently, showing none of the ferocity from before, instead appearing more like a polite gentleman.

The lizardfolk reached up to rub his blocked nose, speaking politely, "It's like this, respected doctor, my companions and I are travelers roaming around, not robbers or the sort of despicable lizardfolk who enjoy killing and plundering, as you know."

Lynne acknowledged his understanding.

The lizardfolk crossed his arms on the counter and sneezed, "I think I might have caught a cold. Could you diagnose me? Perhaps prescribe some cheap cold medicine?"

Lynne responded calmly, "Don't worry, guests are our gods. With me here, your illness will surely be cured."

Saying this, Lynne reached out, placing his hand on the lizardfolk's wrist. And at that moment of diagnosis,

[Ding ding ding ding ding ding ding——]

A series of notifications from Random Diagnosis echoed in Lynne's ears.

Lynne's brow furrowed deeply, a sudden concern etching his face.

The lizardfolk's heart skipped a beat. The doctor's frown made him uneasy!

He asked nervously, "Doctor, is my cold very serious?"

Lynne looked up, speaking gravely, "No, the cold is not serious."

"That's good."

"Eat whatever you like, treat yourself well, go wherever you want to have fun, don't neglect yourself at this time..."

"Uh... thank you for the advice, doctor."

"Spend time with your family, leave them with memories, do the things you were afraid to do before, don't be sad, live well."


The lizardfolk was stunned.

Why did these words sound so ominous! It's just a little cold, right? Why does it sound like I'm on death's door? Something's not right!

"Doctor!" The lizardfolk's eyes widened in alarm, slamming his hand on the table, "You're talking like I'm about to die! Please don't scare me like that!"

Lynne took a deep breath, adjusted his monocle, and looked away, saying, "Sorry, the cold indeed is not serious."

"Of course, it's not serious!" the lizardfolk exclaimed in panic.

"But the other diseases I diagnosed... each one is more serious than the last."


A brief silence.

The lizardfolk looked utterly baffled.

Lynne adjusted his glasses, his expression turning grave, and began listing the ailments,

"Advanced pulmonary tuberculosis, chronic muscle atrophy, intermittent psychosis, hemorrhoids, coronary heart disease, cerebral vascular blockage, osteoporosis, leukemia, cataract, erectile dysfunction..."

With each disease he named, the lizardfolk's body shook violently.

By the time Lynne finished listing them, the lizardfolk was completely (((;꒪ꈊ꒪;))).

"Doctor, you're joking, right... I... I just have a cold, but now it feels like there's nothing good left in my entire body..."

Lynne's eyes filled with sympathy, "Yes, you indeed are the first person I've seen who's managed to live this long with so many diseases..."

After hearing Lynne's diagnosis, the lizardfolk stood up furiously. With his chest heaving in anger, he pointed at Lynne across the counter and exclaimed, "What kind of joke is this! Doctor, I might not be able to beat you, but a doctor should have medical ethics. Don't I know my own body better?"

He looked around angrily. Finally, his eyes landed on a chair in front of him.

"I'm sick? You say I'm sick?!"

In a flash, he took two steps back, aimed at the chair, and effortlessly leaped over it. Landing perfectly, he spread his arms in rage and challenged, "With this agility, do I look like a sick lizardfolk person to you? Do I? I'll tell you, not only can I jump high, look! I can also jump low! Look! I can hop, I can jump sideways!"

Saying this, he easily hopped over the chair again. He angrily pointed at Lynne and argued, "Do you think a lizardfolk on death's door could be as agile as me?!"

Lynne calmly adjusted his glasses and said, "Please calm down, guest. This doesn't prove anything. We can sit down and talk about it. This behavior is very irresponsible to yourself."

"No! I refuse! You quack, I eat eight big bowls of rice each meal, and running two kilometers is a breeze for me. I can smash a thick wooden post with one punch!" He furiously rolled up his sleeves, pointing at a nearby pillar, "Do you believe I can break this pillar with one punch?"

Lynne stood up, earnestly extending his hand, "Calm down, guest. I know you're trying to prove to me that you're not sick, but it's absolutely wrong to harm your body like this."

The lizardfolk grew even angrier, pointing at the pillar, "Just tell me if you believe it or not!"

"It's not about believing or not..."

"Just answer me, do you believe it or not?!"

"Yes, yes, yes, can we stop now?" Lynne sighed, resigned.

"I knew you didn't believe it!"

Enraged, the lizardfolk rolled up his sleeves, revealing his scaly arms, and swiftly raised his fist, hurling it towards the pillar.

"I'll show you what a lizardfolk warrior is, what a healthy body looks like!!"

"Ora!!" He roared. And his fist thundered toward the pillar.

Lynne surprised, quickly stretched out his hand, "Please, be careful!"

But it was too late. The lizardfolk's fist, large as a sandbag, smashed into the pillar.

A whirlwind spread around.


A crisp sound.

The lizardfolk was instantly stunned (((;꒪ꈊ꒪;))).

"Eh?" Lynne shook his head, adjusted his monocle, picked up the medical report, and sighed, "Ah, I told you to be careful. Why don't you listen? After someone damaged my shop last time, I filled all the pillars with lead. Did you want to hurt yourself with that punch?"

Shaking his head again, Lynne picked up a feather pen and added another item to the list of diseases.



A few minutes later.

The lizardfolk, with red-rimmed eyes, sat back at the counter, his right hand in a cast and bandages, hanging in front of his chest, looking as wronged.

Lynne glanced at him, "I've put a cast on you. Rest for ten days to half a month, and you'll be fine. Remember not to be so reckless in the future, okay?"

The lizardfolk, with his red eyes, asked, "Doctor, I just want to hear the truth from you. Do I really have all those diseases?"

Lynne pondered, "My diagnosis is certainly accurate. If you don't believe me, we can do a few tests, one by one. Let's start with the last one."

Saying this, Lynne tore off a piece of paper, glanced at him, then picked up a pen and rapidly began sketching something on the table.

The lizardfolk waited, confused.

A few minutes later.

Lynne put down the pen, picked up the paper, adjusted his monocle, and calmly said, "First, look at this drawing. Do you have any reaction to it?"

The lizardfolk, bewildered, lifted his head, unsure of Lynne's intent, then his gaze fell on the drawing in Lynne's hand.


The lizardfolk's eyes went blank.

The paper depicted a sensuous, alluring female lizardfolk, with a voluptuous figure and seductive eyes, so lifelike it almost seemed real, enough to quicken the pulse.

The lizardfolk murmured, "Uh..."

"No reaction?" Lynne hesitated.

The lizardfolk swallowed hard, looking dazed, "Although I don't know why you're such a good artist, to be honest, I'm not really into this kind of..."

Lynne nodded, "Understood."

Then, under the lizardfolk's stunned gaze, Lynne calmly picked up the feather pen, tore off another piece of paper, and began sketching again at an unimaginably fast speed.

A few minutes later.


Lynne held up the paper, adjusted his monocle, and asked calmly, "How about this one?"

The lizardfolk focused on the drawing.


His heart pounded as if it were about to leap out of his chest.

The paper depicted a muscular, powerfully built male lizardfolk, his muscles bulging as if they were filled with explosive strength. The determined gaze in his philosophical eyes, the gleaming, bulging muscles, undoubtedly showcased the perfect physique of a robust male.

The lizardfolk trembled. He instinctively stepped back, his heart thumping like a war drum. His cheeks turned red, and even his fingers trembled uncontrollably. Pointing at the drawing, he quivered, completely overwhelmed.

"How about that?" Lynne's monocle glinted as he asked calmly, "Do you have any reaction now?"

"How could I possibly have a reaction to that! I would be shocked if I did!"


This was outrageous! Utterly outrageous!

The lizardfolk pointed at Lynne angrily, "What do you mean by showing me these images? Are you questioning my sexual orientation?! Let's duel! Duel me!"

Lynne calmly adjusted his monocle, holding the two drawings, "Please, patient, don't be agitated. This is a part of the test, for your own good. Take a closer, serious look at these two drawings and tell me which one affects you more, so I can make a correct diagnosis."

The lizardfolk angrily sat back down, his chest heaving. But he couldn't help glancing at the drawing of the muscular male lizardfolk to the left, feeling angry yet irresistibly drawn to sneak a few more peeks. But he would never admit it.

"Do you have a reaction?" Lynne asked seriously, holding the two drawings.

"Whether it's the one on the left or the right, a normal lizardfolk should have some reaction. What about you? Do you feel your heartbeat speeding up?"

The lizardfolk, grinding his teeth, admitted, "Yes, so what if it does?"

"Do you feel your blood pumping vigorously?"

He clenched his fists tightly, admitting reluctantly, "Yes... a little..."

"Which side gives you a better feeling?"

"The left."



Silence enveloped the room.

The lizardfolk moved his mouth, suddenly panicked, stood up abruptly, and protested vehemently, "I didn't! I'm not! Don't lead me on! I am a perfectly normal lizardfolk who likes beautiful girls. I don't have weird preferences, I'm normal, I couldn't possibly be attracted to those muscular..."

Lynne looked at him with a gentle expression. Everything was understood without words.

The lizardfolk froze. After a few seconds, he slumped down, despondently, as if his unusual preferences had been exposed.

Lynne put away the drawing of the seductive female lizardfolk, holding one of the muscular males, and said seriously, "Back to the main topic, do you have a reaction to this drawing?"

The lizardfolk responded blankly, "My heart speeds up, but no reaction..."

"Did you ever have one before?"


"Was it a strong reaction?"


He trembled, feeling utterly overwhelmed.

Finally, after several distressing questions, Lynne nodded, "Then it's clear. Such stimulating images causing no reaction is proof enough."

The lizardfolk murmured in dismay, "Erectile dysfunction..."

Lynne calmly wrote the diagnosis in his notebook, "The other symptoms are a bit more complicated, so I started with some obvious manifestations."

Then he stood up, casting a large shadow that made the lizardfolk feel as helpless as a young girl.

Lynne snapped on a pair of leather gloves and looked down at him, "Turn around, lower your pants, and bend over. I need to check your hemorrhoids."


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