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On the stairs.

Bayi, nervous and apprehensive, followed beside Lynne, looking at him carrying the chainsaw ( ̄︶ ̄). Finally, he gulped and asked tentatively, "Big... Big Brother, can I ask a question?"


Bayi nervously asked, "Didn't you say you wanted to help that female... ghost just now? Why did you suddenly turn on her with a blade?"

Hearing this, Lynne's mouth curved slightly, and he adjusted his monocle, saying sideways, "I was deceiving her."

Bayi: "(꒪Д꒪)ノ Eh?"

A slight smile played on Lynne's face, "Because the commission I accepted was to cure Miss Alice of the Home of Happiness from her illness, and a deposit was paid for this task. As for others, of course, I should treat them if I can. After all, I am a doctor and cannot neglect to treat a disease. But once they are cured, they become enemies, especially since..."

Lynne rubbed his eyebrows.

"She dared to feed me something so disgusting!"

[Lynne's Grudge +1]

Bayi was dumbfounded.

This... this... Why does it feel like the logic here is somewhat different from ordinary people! Why did you have to cure her first and then finish her off? That's just bizarre!

Bayi, wide-eyed, swallowed and asked, "Then... what about the catalyst you mentioned earlier?"

Lynne looked up, glanced at him, and said, "Ah, it's simple. That woman was lying. No one becomes a fierce ghost without reason unless they are born a ghost. But if she was human and her resentment was so great that it dragged the entire castle into this world with her..."

Lynne's mouth curved more.

"There's much more to it."

A kind and gentle father. A wise and nurturing mother who always fed her child. A brother who never beat his sister. Ah! What a happy family!

Lynne revealed a row of white teeth to Bayi, smiling: "Well, I forgot to mention when I was cutting out that evil spirit tumor from your brain, I saw some interesting images. That cold storage where you were hanged used to be his 'storage room', hehehe—"

Bayi shuddered at Lynne's laugh.

Storage... storage room... Could it be...

Suddenly, flashes of memories from the time he was possessed by the evil spirit came to him – images of boning knives and corpses of "animals" hanging from hooks...

A chill enveloped him, causing an involuntary shiver. By the time he snapped back to reality, Lynne had already moved swiftly towards the upper levels of the staircase.

"Big... Big Brother! Wait for me!"

Bayi panicked and hurriedly followed.


On the second floor of the castle.

Lynne, carrying the chainsaw and a feather in his mouth, a vertical specter eye appeared on his nose. After quickly scanning the area, he determined the direction and smiled: "Let's go! Through this corridor, to that tower. It's time we had a face-to-face meeting with Miss Alice."

Bayi, trembling and clutching the Nightfiend Blade, followed quickly. But just as they stepped into the corridor.


An extremely cold and eerie presence swept over them from all directions. And in the next moment, a skinless, shrieking creature roared out from one side of the wall and lunged at Bayi.

Bayi screamed in terror.

"Don't pick on the soft ones, huh!!"


Lynne's chainsaw bisected the creature in mid-air before it could reach Bayi. But almost simultaneously, the dust-covered stained glass windows shattered loudly.

Eerie wails of spirits echoed from the black fog outside, and one after another, gargoyles with flapping wings surged in through the windows, launching an attack on them.

This onslaught was incredibly fierce. Not just from the outside, but from the walls and paintings on either side, skinless creatures screeched and charged, crawling on all fours toward them.

Bayi had never seen such a scene before. He was so terrified that he fell to the ground, even wetting himself!

"Big Brother! Too many! There are too many! They're filling up the hallway!!"

Bayi looked in terror at the surging tide of corpses, panic overwhelming him.

Lynne just smiled slightly. He tossed the chainsaw to Bayi.

Cracking his neck, Lynne reached into his pocket.

"Ah! In times like this, we need to use some heavy firepower, hehe."


To Bayi's astonishment, Lynne pulled out an arm from his pocket that was tens of centimeters thick and two meters long, with a black dragon's head on the end.

Bayi (ΩДΩ)!!

What was that! What in the world was that!! Something's not right! How did Lynne pull out something so bulky and sturdy from his pocket! Is this some kind of cheat?!


Almost instantly, flesh and blood vines grew from Lynne's shoulders, rapidly connecting the arm to his body. The eyes of the dragon head glowed a molten red.

[Ding! Dragon's Breath Arm attachment complete, current wear level: 50%]


Lynne grinned, pressing his right hand on the tumultuous Dragon Breath Arm, leaning forward, "Take this!"


In an instant, a deafening dragon roar echoed through the castle, the ferocious black dragon head's eyes pouring out endless rage as if to burn everything in this world to ashes.

And under Bayi's shocked gaze. The dragon head raised its head, its mouth surging with fire, furiously opening its jaws towards the oncoming gargoyles and skinned creatures.


The scorching dragon breathed, like a light that could burn away all darkness. Where the dragon breath touched, creature after creature screamed in agony, turning into black ashes. One after another, the gargoyles screamed and burned, tumbling from the sky.

[Ding! You have killed a gargoyle, you have earned 30 experience points!]

[Ding! You have killed a wandering spirit, you have earned 20 experience points]

System notifications echoed one after another in Lynne's ears.

Bayi's face reflected the blazing flames, his eyes filled with shock and awe, uttering indescribable cries of excitement.

So cool! So powerful!! Big Brother is invincible!! This is what a real man looks like! A real man shouldn't waste his interest in women; if you're going to play, play with something grand like this! This is the true romance of men!! Indeed! All fear stems from insufficient firepower! And Big Brother is like a tough guy who carries an entire ammunition depot with him!

"Oh! My! God! OMG!!"

Bayi was boiling with excitement, his heart pounding, his hormones surging. He really wanted to learn this move! To pull out such an incredible weapon from his pants, it made him itch to try it out as well!!


The battle lasted a full ten minutes. All the gargoyles outside the window and the surging monsters were burned to ashes.

Lynne, gasping for breath, took out a blue potion from his medical box and gulped it down. The mental exhaustion and physical fatigue he had just experienced were effectively alleviated.

[Ding! You have consumed a mental strength potion, significantly replenishing your mental energy!]

Since this was his first outing, Lynne had brought a variety of potions from his store, ensuring he was fully prepared. After all, to leave a professional and impressive image on his clients, one must be well-prepared.

Lynne smiled slightly, detaching the Dragon Breath Arm, "Let's go! They've turned to ash!"

As Lynne was about to move forward, he immediately noticed Bayi coming over with a (✪‸✪) expression on his face.

Lynne felt a chill go down his spine.

"What are you doing? In heat or something?"

Bayi (✪‸✪) said, "Brother, can I touch your weapon? It's so cool! Really awesome!"

Lynne glanced at him, noting his eager expression. He could guess the reason. Perhaps because Bayi had lost something of his own, he developed a fervent admiration and longing for things that were sturdy and robust.


Lynne was very generous.

"Thanks, Big Brother!"

Bayi excitedly reached out to take the Dragon Breath Arm, but as soon as he grasped it, he was immediately overwhelmed and fell to the ground.

He was astonished.

So heavy! So strong! So large! And it seemed to weigh at least several hundred pounds! Truly worthy of Big Brother, being able to wield such a thing with ease. So powerful!

Bayi (❁´◡`❁) caressed the fierce exterior and veins of the Dragon Breath Arm, as if it was not Lynne who had just displayed its might, but himself!

"So cool!"


Several minutes later.

The two traversed the corridor, and as they rounded a corner, Lynne suddenly reached out to grab Bayi, who was struggling with the Dragon Breath Arm.

Lynne narrowed his eyes, "Something's up!"

Bayi shuddered and quickly looked down the corridor leading deeper into the castle. The lighting was dim, illuminated only by faint candlelight.

In the flickering light, at the end of the corridor, he saw a long shadow. A chilling wind blew through the shadow's garments.

Then, in an instant, the shadow darted rapidly through the corridor, stopping abruptly about ten meters in front of them.


A huge sword swung fiercely.

And Bayi, seeing the shadow clearly, turned pale with fright.

It was a tall knight.

[Knight Commander's Body]

[Race: Spectral Puppet]

[Alignment: None]

[Description: In life, he was a knight commander under Count Carmel, a master swordsman who had won many jousting competitions. His swift and fierce swordsmanship instilled fear in all who dared face him.]

His armor was decayed hair white and disheveled, eyes sunken and hollow, arms rotten and oozing pus.

Clearly, in this world, this mighty knight had also become an undead.


The huge sword blade danced, stirring up fierce winds around. The sharp sword moves and the knight's graceful posture indicates his noble and powerful past.

Bayi watched the knight with a heavy heart and trembling lips. The splendid moves filled him with fear.

Clearly, this knight was not on the same level as the previous monsters. Just the aura emitted by the sword slicing through the air was chilling, signaling the knight's immense strength in life.


The sword blade thrust into the ground and then rested on the knight's shoulder. He looked down indifferently at Lynne, gesturing with a hooked finger, his voice resonant and authoritative: "To harm Lord Carmel... you must step over my corpse!"

His voice was piercing, exuding an aura of unspoken anger, evoking an indescribable fear.

Bayi was sweating profusely, trembling.

Obviously! This was a very powerful puppet! In a dungeon-crawling game, this would at least be a mini-boss!

He swallowed hard, fearfully glancing at Lynne with dead-fish eyes, his heart pounding.

How would Big Brother deal with this knight? With the Dragon Arm? It seemed too cumbersome, and its wind-up time was too long, probably not suitable for this kind of encounter. Did Big Brother have any other powerful weapons?

This knight, one could tell at a glance that he was formidable, not easy to handle! And just as he was fretting...

Lynne, with his dead-fish eyes, said, "You want to duel with me?"

The knight, holding his sword, sneered coldly, "Trespassers on the Count's domain shall be shown no mercy! But I will give you—a chance to challenge me!"

He swung his sword blade.

Lynne, with the same expression, calmly asked, "Can we start now?"

The knight, with a detached air, moved his head slightly and waved his sword, sneering, "Fine! Since you're so eager to meet your demise, I shall oblige. But you should know, in life, I was known as the slayer of hundreds, victor in countless battles, and a five-time champion of the knightly tournaments. I was the kingdom's foremost swordsman., I could crush a dozen of naive youngsters like you single-handedly!"


A gunshot rang out.

[Ding! You have killed the Knight Commander's Body, earning 50 experience points.]

A bullet hole the size of a pinkie appeared on the knight's forehead, black blood oozing out, his gaze becoming vacant, and his voice abruptly cut off.


To Bayi's shock, the knight's body fell heavily backward.

Bayi (꒪Д꒪) exclaimed, "This... this..."



Silence enveloped the surroundings.

Lynne calmly blew the smoke from the gun barrel and shook his head, "What era is this, still sword fighting and jousting, ridiculous."

Saying this, Lynne, carrying the chainsaw, strode forward.

"Let's go!"

Bayi stood there, stunned, looking at the knight's corpse on the ground, then at Lynne who was calmly walking forward with the chainsaw.

This... this... This wasn't the kind of duel he had imagined! 0ДQ! Is this some kind of joke?! Just one shot and it's over?!


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