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Although it was Lynne's first time performing an organ transplant on a living person, he wasn't overly concerned about the outcome. His past experiences on Earth had equipped him with a certain level of technical expertise. He recalled the time when he disassembled his father's car as a child and then reassembled it – albeit with a surplus of spare parts. Surprisingly, the car ran as if brand new, and it managed to evade several traffic police!

With meticulous attention, Lynne carefully threaded his way through Bayi's chest cavity. Heart, lungs, liver, half a kidney, intestines – a confusing array of parts.

Hmm... Was this the correct connection? He hadn't mixed up the order, had he? Wait a minute. Was the heart on the left or right side again? Never mind. As long as it works, and what about connecting this artery? And there's blood loss to consider. Perhaps he should use something else?

Lynne swiftly connected everything he could, and although the results were not exactly aesthetically pleasing, it was what was inside the chest that counted. Functionality was the priority.

Satisfied with his handiwork, Lynne admired his masterpiece. However, this was just the initial installation. To animate the newly installed organs, he needed a special concoction from this world.

Lynne squinted and pulled out a bottle from his bag.

[Flesh Regeneration Potion]

Exactly what he needed. He had concocted another batch before leaving, using materials gathered during his last encounter with Little, which proved to be quite plentiful.

His thoughts drifted to Little, the adorable (✪ω✪).

Lynne uncorked the potion bottle, pouring the contents into Bayi's chest cavity. A miracle ensued. Bayi's organs, once lifeless, were rejuvenated by the Flesh Regeneration Potion.

Minute tears and gaps in the tissues, impossible to stitch, healed rapidly under the potion's influence. Warmth and vitality surged within the cavity.


The sensation was profoundly satisfying, akin to the fulfillment one gets from assembling a complex and expensive model kit and then hearing it emit strange, yet delightful, sounds.

Lynne felt a surge of confidence and joy. He gave Bayi's half-kidney a gentle flick.


Bayi, still unconscious, bubbled out nonsensical sounds in response.

Mission accomplished.

Lynne clapped his hands, content and composed, and adjusted his monocle. He then closed up the ribcage and chest, locking everything in place. With a sharp needle, he swiftly sealed the surrounding areas.

Thus, a perfectly reassembled Bayi was now complete.

[Ding! Congratulations on achieving the milestone: Reconstructing a Living Being. You have earned 200 experience points.]

[Reconstructing a Living Being is a milestone achievement obtained by successfully reassembling a humanoid being through surgery without causing fatality. You have taken a crucial step toward becoming a master of flesh reconstruction, earning a permanent boost: Spirit +2, Intelligence +2, Caring +1.]

Lynne remained calm, his gaze shifting back to Bayi's head. The physical reconstruction was only part of the solution. The real challenge lay in resolving the split in the CPU - the critical issue threatening Bayi's life.

[Ding! You are initiating Random Diagnosis. You have identified Disease 1: Spirit Infusion.]

[You have identified Disease 2: Puppetry Manipulation.]

[You have identified Disease 3: Erectile Dysfunction.]

[You have identified Disease 4: Kidney Deficiency.]

Lynne decided to skip over the latter findings, as they were not immediately life-threatening. The primary concern was addressing the first two critical conditions.

With a solemn expression, Lynne tapped Bayi's head as if checking a watermelon for ripeness. He listened closely.

There was a sloshing sound inside. Water, and quite a bit of it.

Lynne quickly opened his system's diagnostic records, zeroing in on the first two afflictions. He needed to find a solution.

"Spirit Infusion..." Lynne mused.

This dark art, even by Dark World standards, was unsettling. It involved the extraction of a living soul from its body and implanting it into another, resulting in a forced parasitic existence.

Over time, this invading spirit would replace the original soul, essentially seizing control of the body. The primary location for this spirit infusion was the frontal lobe.

"The frontal lobe, the front part of the brain," Lynne deduced, recalling the system's explanation. The process started in the frontal lobe, gradually leading to degeneration and, ultimately, complete takeover.

The puppetry spell was not direct mind control. Instead, it worked through a special link to the spirit infused in the body, indirectly manipulating the host.

Lynne smiled, having found his direction. "Bayi, wake up. I need your cooperation for the next surgery, no more pretending."

Bayi lay there, frothing at the mouth. (ヾノ꒪ཫ꒪)——



After a moment's thought, Lynne pulled out his revolver, eyeing Bayi's leg.


A shot rang out.


Bayi screamed piercingly, sitting up straight like a shocked zombie.

"Brother, you're awake? How do you feel? Let me know if there's any discomfort," Lynne said, grabbing Bayi's shoulder with seamless transition.

Bayi, terrified, pointed at the bullet hole in his leg. "It hurts! It hurts like hell!"

"That's good," Lynne replied firmly. "The pain is part of what you need to endure for the upcoming surgery. I'm about to perform a minimally invasive operation on your brain. It might provoke the spirit inside you. If it tries to take control, use this to shoot yourself. It'll hurt, but the holy power of my gun will suppress the spirit temporarily."

The urgency in Lynne's voice underscored the gravity of the situation. Bayi, still in shock from the gunshot, nodded, understanding the critical role he had to play in his own survival.

Bayi trembled as he held the heavy revolver given by Lynne, his voice shaking: "I have to shoot myself?"

Lynne responded with seriousness: "I can't be distracted, so this crucial task is up to you. As a man, shooting is kind of a natural skill, right?"

Bayi, quivering uncontrollably, asked: "Brother, what did you mean by saying... you're going to do a minimally invasive operation on my brain?"

He had a feeling that Lynne, his acquaintance from another world, was not quite like normal people. Lynne seemed completely indifferent to pain – an indifference that also seemed to extend to others.

Lynne nodded, explaining: "It's simple. Because of the surgery's location, we don't need to open your skull. I just need to remove your right eye, then insert into your skull and poke around a bit. The surgery should be over in three to five minutes."

Bayi's gaze went blank at these words.

Remove... the eye... Insert it... And then poke around...

The image that immediately came to his mind was of a hand scratching inside his skull.


[Ding! Bayi's Sanity -30]

[Ding! Bayi's Sanity -30]

[Ding! Bayi's Sanity -30]

[Ding! Bayi's Sanity is about to hit zero!]

With a firm slap, Lynne brought Bayi back to his senses, looking earnestly into his eyes: "Don't overthink it. You have to trust me. I've been around here for two years. So far, my surgery success rate is 100%, cure rate 100%, and satisfaction rate 100%. And it's just about removing an eyeball, what's there to fear?"

Trembling, Bayi replied: "Shouldn't fear be the normal reaction here? Wuu..."

Frowning, Lynne retorted: "Normal, my foot. I often remove my own eyeball just for fun. Have you ever seen me afraid?"

Bayi quivered: "But why would you remove your own eyeball for fun? That doesn't seem like something a normal human would do..."

With a clenched fist crackling ominously, Lynne's knuckles popped with an audible "╬" sound.

"You useless thing," Lynne muttered, eyes shut tight, his fists grinding in frustration with a (╬ ̄皿 ̄) expression.

Bayi, overwhelmed with fear, clutched his head, o(╥﹏╥)o.

Why did this seemingly human figure before him evoke a terror greater than any ghoul he had ever encountered? Was Lynne truly human?

"This is your last chance. Do it or I'll leave, and let's pretend we never met. Don't you dare say you're from my hometown!" Lynne stated sternly.

"Alright, I'll do it! But please, be gentle, I'm scared of pain," Bayi responded, his voice quivering, a mix of resignation and resolve.

He had to be brave. His life was at stake, and pain was a small price to pay. Plus, he thought wistfully, his girlfriend was waiting for him at home.

Moments later, Bayi lay shivering, his shoulders hunched in trepidation, looking every bit the violated maiden.

Lynne, squinting, adjusted his glasses and pulled out a roll of tape. He carefully taped Bayi's upper eyelid to his forehead, ensuring no involuntary blinking could occur during the procedure.

Lynne flexed his fingers with a series of crisp clicks, speaking solemnly, "Brother, I'm about to start. Brace yourself, it'll be swift."

Bayi trembled, "Aren't you going to use any tools? You're just going to use your hands?!"

Lynne smiled faintly.

"It's okay, trust me. I used to use three fingers, but after mastering my teacher's technique, I've learned to do it with two," he chuckled heartily.

Bayi: "(ΩДΩ)!!"

[Fear level towards you +10]

[Fear level towards you +10]

Such progress, indeed!

But... But... Is this really normal?! What kind of world is this? It's terrifying!!

"Do you trust me?"

"I want to believe!" Bayi exclaimed in terror.

"Don't worry, it'll be over quickly. I'm going to start now!"

"Wait a second!"



A scream of utter terror and agony rang out.


[Ding! Fear level towards you +30]

[Ding! Fear level towards you +30]

As the system notifications chimed repeatedly, Bayi lay there in a daze, his left eye socket steaming, murmuring, feeling as though he was no longer himself.

Lynne adjusted his monocle, looking at the freshly plucked eyeball, still attached to its nerve.

"How does it feel? Not painful at all, right? It's already out."

Bayi murmured, "Mom... I want to go home..."

Lynne leaned in, curious, "What?"

A hot tear rolled down Bayi's other eye as he whispered, "I want... my mom..."

Lynne, moved to tears himself, patted his shoulder. He, too, was touched by Bayi's longing for his family at such a moment.

"Rest assured, your mother would be proud of you!"

Saying this, Lynne placed the eyeball in Bayi's hand for him to hold, then fixed a stern gaze on his left eye socket.

What followed was the most challenging step. A minimally invasive brain surgery!

The brain itself feels little pain, so Bayi wouldn't suffer too much in the next part. But the real challenge was how to proceed!

A single misstep could turn his newfound "fellow townsman" into a simpleton capable only of wailing. That would break Lynne's heart.

Squinting, Lynne said, "Bayi, stay alert. Remember! You must not fall asleep no matter what. Otherwise, all will be in vain. You wouldn't want to become an idiot, right?"

Bayi murmured, "I feel... almost like one already..."

Lynne felt reassured. Able to speak. His will was still clear. Indeed, he was strong.

With that, Lynne closed his eyes and then activated his Flesh Catastrophe.


In an instant, as Bayi stared blankly, a pitch-black vertical pupil slowly opened on Lynne's cheek.

Bayi: "(ΩДX)!!!"

Eyes!! Strange eyes grew on Big Brother's face!! He's not human! He truly isn't human, ahhhh!

[Ding! Fear level towards you +10]

[Ding! Fear level towards you +10]

But it wasn't over yet.

Almost simultaneously, Bayi trembled as he saw several slimy, long tentacles sprouting from the tips of Lynne's fingers. Under his horrified gaze, those slender tentacles slowly crawled up to his left eye socket. And then, they surged inside with a whoosh.

"(ΩДΩ) Ahhhh!!!"

Big Brother wasn't just non-human! He was a tentacled monster!!


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