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As if noticing him, the "person" stopped and stared directly in his direction. He gasped heavily, terror nearly filling his eyes.

An alternate dimension! He had truly stepped into an alternate dimension! How could this be? How did he end up in such a terrifying world? Was there no living person here anymore?

After running for what seemed like an eternity, he finally stopped, exhausted, bending over and gasping for breath, on the verge of retching.

Sweat dripped from his forehead, pattering onto the ground.

It seemed that those two monsters hadn't followed him...

Suddenly, footsteps echoed in front of him. His body stiffened instantly. In the next moment, he saw a pair of little girl's red cloth shoes stop on the ground in front of him.

Something stood right before him at that very moment. He dared not lift his head. His clothes were nearly soaked through with sweat. But finally, mustering his courage and overcoming his fear, he slowly lifted his head to look at the figure before him.

In an instant, he saw clearly the figure in front of him. It appeared to be a six or seven-year-old girl, wearing tattered clothes, holding a doll with an arm that clearly showed signs of stitching. Her face bore a radiant smile. But terrifyingly, one of her eye sockets was bloody and empty.

He trembled so violently that he nearly wet his pants.

"Big brother!" The doll-like girl tiptoed, licking her rosy lips, and said cheerfully: "Why do you also have two heads?"

Bayi stiffened.

Two heads? What was she talking about? He clearly had only one head...

It was at this moment that he suddenly realized that from the beginning, he had felt a sense of imbalance in his body, as if he was carrying something on his back. He instinctively turned his head, glancing over his left shoulder.

In an instant, eyes met. His eyes came into close contact with a woman's severed head.


His gaze turned hollow. Because he recognized the head as belonging to the woman he had encountered earlier. Now, her head was grotesquely perched on his shoulder, which explained the imbalance he had felt all along.

So... She had been following him all this time... A gush of blood spilled from the mouth of the white-masked face, its smile grotesquely vivid.

"Are you hiding from me?"


A scream of utter despair.

Bayi, in a state of total panic, crawled and rolled forward, sobbing and wailing. Behind him, the continuous laughter of the doll echoed eerily.

"Big brother, don't be scared! Two heads are better than one! From now on, you'll never be alone! Good friends, oh good friends!"

The blood-stained doll hopped and skipped, clutching her own doll, ghost-like, keeping a not-too-distant orbit around Bayi, the bells on her feet chiming crisply.


A lightning bolt split the dense, dark fog.

Gasping heavily, Bayi rushed to the end of the street, lifting his head, his terror-filled eyes reflecting a colossal castle. Strangely, the head on his shoulder and the laughter of the girl behind him suddenly vanished.

The words on the massive ancient castle were reflected in his eyes. He couldn't recognize the script. Yet, for some reason, he understood their meaning.

[Home of Happiness]


The sound of a door opening. The decayed grand doors of the castle slowly opened before him, as if extending an invitation, a mysterious call. Murmuring, his legs, as though controlled by some enigmatic force, involuntarily began to move.


Several days later.

At Bloodsaw's potion shop.

[Ding! Your "Chainsaw Dissection Technique" has reached the beginner level! You have gained 100 experience!]

[Ding! Your "Bone-Picking Scalpel Technique" has reached the beginner level! You have gained 100 experience!]

[Ding! Your "Dissection Technique" has reached the beginner level! You have gained 100 experience!]

[Ding! Your "Two-Finger Eye Replacement Technique" has reached the beginner level! You have gained 100 experience!]

Amidst the continuous system notifications, Lynne, now clad in a white lab coat with a chainsaw slung over his back and a night demon surgical knife at his waist, stood calmly at the door, bidding farewell to his teacher. His monocle rested on his face, reflecting a determined spirit.

"Go!" Bloodsaw flexed his robust biceps, intoning gravely, "A true doctor's learning isn't complete with theory alone. Real combat experience is essential to prove your worth as a physician. I've accepted an appointment for you in Vision World. The deposit is 500 skull coins. If you complete this mission perfectly, the client will pay the remaining 1500 coins. Are you confident you can earn this consultation fee?"

Lynne adjusted his monocle with unwavering eyes, "Yes! And not just confident, but highly confident!"

Bloodsaw gazed deeply at him, "How confident?"

Holding his knife, Lynne stated resolutely, "I guarantee to bring back 15,000 coins for you, sir!"



A gentle breeze whisked fallen leaves between them.

"Um... well..." Wiping sweat from his brow, Bloodsaw patted Lynne's shoulder earnestly, his voice laced with embarrassment, "I was just trying to motivate you, to give you a boost. But please, don't go robbing patients after curing them. That's not right. Just take what you've rightfully earned. This may be the Dark World, but business thrives on steady flow, not by killing the golden goose. Understand?"

Lynne nodded, adjusting his monocle, "Understood! Sir, wait for my good news!"

A devilish fighting spirit surged within him.

Bloodsaw's face beamed with pride like a father watching his once-feeble son now ready to brave the world. Such a sentiment was beyond ordinary understanding.

"Go!" Bloodsaw, wiping moist eyes, encouraged, "Take the order. It's just next door at Separated Souls Street. If you can't find the place, don't hesitate to ask for directions. You're not the weakling you were two years ago. Show some courage, alright? After this mission, you can start looking for the Night Doctors!"

With moist eyes, Lynne responded, "Yes! Sir, take care of yourself too! Remember to drink the tea I brewed for you; it's good for the kidneys and counters wear and tear."

Bloodsaw replied with satisfaction, "Go! Go! I'll be waiting for you here!"

Lynne nodded firmly, then, carrying his medical box in one hand and shouldering his knife in the other, strode confidently towards the exit of Wandering Soul Lane.

This was his first time venturing out of Wandering Soul Lane alone. Truth be told, there was still a hint of fear in his heart. After all, in this world filled with evil spirits, ghosts, and demonic puppets, it was natural for him, a mere mortal, to feel apprehensive. He reminded himself to be cautious. Not to get frightened.


Half an hour later.

As Lynne stepped into Separated Souls Street, wisps of chilly wind whistled past his feet. Lifting his head, he looked towards the decaying, dilapidated street sign at the entrance.

Compared to Wandering Soul Lane, this street felt even more sinister and terrifying. His destination on this journey was a place known as 'Home of Happiness' on Separated Souls Street. According to the appointment details, a family of three was eagerly seeking a doctor's consultation. What exactly the ailment was, Lynne would find out upon arrival.

Calmly, Lynne pulled out a match, lighting the soul lamp tied to his waist.


The dim light of the soul lamp dispersed the surrounding mist.

With that, Lynne cautiously ventured into Separated Souls Street. The fog here was noticeably thicker than at Wandering Soul Lane, and the ominous atmosphere was even more discomforting.

"Walking in such a place really gives one the creeps," Lynne muttered, frowning as he looked at the address on the order, stopping at a crossroads.

"How do I proceed?"

Being rarely outdoors and unfamiliar with the area, compounded with the enveloping fog, finding the correct address was indeed puzzling.


From the dense darkness, the mysterious laughter sounded again. It was as if numerous eyes within the darkness were watching him.

From the moment he stepped into this area, the feeling of being watched from all directions never ceased, creating an unsettling sensation.

Around the corner, a gust of wind blew. A pair of bloodied eyes, filled with malicious greed, fixed on Lynne at the crossroads.

It slowly approached. And from all around, that eerie laughter grew closer.


Lynne frowned, turning to the second page of the order.


His frown deepened as he adjusted his monocle and carefully examined the address on the lamp's light.



A gunshot rang out.

[Ding! You have killed a Black Mist Ghost, earning 20 experience points.]

Lynne, his expression grave, gazed at the order in his hand while lifting his other hand to point behind him, holding a silver revolver. The muzzle was still emitting wisps of blue smoke.

The mysterious laughter in the surrounding fog abruptly ceased.



Silence enveloped the area.

Lynne, still focusing on the order, said firmly, "Laugh again."

"Teehee… tee?"


Another shot.

[Ding! You have killed a Dark Night Wraith, earning 20 experience points.]

An eerie quietness followed, like a graveyard. Now, the surroundings were peaceful.

Lynne spun the revolver with flair, nonchalantly holstering it as if nothing had happened.

Then, frowning, he discerned a direction, shouldered his medical box, and continued to follow the small map attached to the order, delving deeper into the street with the soul lamp guiding his way.

"It should be in this direction, no doubt. I've been going in circles here, damn it…" His murmuring voice echoed in the distance.

In the corner of the fog, a pair of bloodied eyes stared blankly at Lynne as he walked away, frowning. They moved lifelessly towards the lip of a decayed lower jaw, unable to utter a word.

The eyes instinctively crawled towards a wraith that had been shot, poking it listlessly.



Another gunshot.

[Ding! You have killed a Crawling Ghost, earning 20 experience points.]




For some reason, ever since he started shooting, those eerie, spine-chilling laughs had ceased to emanate from the darkness. Following the map, Lynne continued along the street, progressing deeper into its depths.

After wandering for what felt like an eternity, Lynne once again encountered a fork in the road. Frowning at the graffiti-like map, he began internally cursing the family that had provided him with such a confusing guide. A mere dotted line and an "X" with numerous twists and turns – how was anyone supposed to find their way?

At that moment, Lynne's gaze fell upon a woman standing at the junction, her back to him. Long hair, and a red dress, her silhouette screamed of a killer beauty.

"Should I ask her for directions?"

Lynne hesitated. He cleared his throat, straightened his collar to appear more presentable, and then approached the woman with a charming, casual smile.

"Excuse me, miss, I'm new here. Could you tell me how to get to the Home of Happiness?"

Silence ensued. The fog thickened.

The chilly wind blew the woman's hair, revealing a neck as pale as a corpse's. Her statue-like figure gave off an ominously eerie vibe.

"Miss?" Lynne was puzzled. He took a step forward and gently tapped the woman's shoulder. "I just wanted to ask..."


As Lynne's hand touched the woman's shoulder, her head spun around 360 degrees, twisting to face him with a ghastly, mask-like white face. It broke into a grotesque, sinister smile. Blood gushed from her twisted neck.

"Welcome to..."

Lynne: "(ΩДΩ) Ahhh!!!"

[Lynne's Sanity -10]

Before she could finish, Lynne, scared out of his wits, reeled back and swung his fist in reflex.

The mask-like, bone-white face was instantly marked with a large handprint, the flesh rippling like shaken pork, flinging to one side.


Teeth flew out as her head spun around her neck multiple times before slowly coming to a stop. The ghostly woman was completely stunned by this unexpected counterattack.


She moved her lips, dazed and confused. This was not how things were supposed to go! This guy looked like a weak human, didn't he? How could he possibly be so strong?

But before she could voice her thoughts, Lynne, furious and panicked, kicked her and started battering the ghost with the soul lamp, relentlessly pounding her.

The ghost woman: "(ΩДΩ)!!"

"Damn! You scared the life out of me!"

[Lynne's Sanity -1]

Whack, whack, whack—

"Do you have any idea how much psychological trauma you can cause by scaring people in the dark like this?!"

[Lynne's Sanity -1]

Whack, whack, whack—

"Damn it! My heart nearly leapt out of my chest! I'll teach you a lesson!"

[Lynne's Sanity -1]

Whack, whack, whack—

"So ugly and still scaring people! You've gone too far, even dropping my sanity!"

Lynne, seething with rage, leapt up and continued to hammer the ghost with his elbow.

After several minutes of frenzied pounding, Lynne stood up, turned his head, and his gaze fell on a damaged, old street lamp at the crossroads. Grinding his teeth, he yanked the thick, sturdy street lamp out of the ground.

The ghost woman, clutching her bloodied head, tremblingly peeked out and saw Lynne charging towards her with the street lamp, fury written all over his face.

Ghost woman: "(ΩДΩ) Ahhh!"

"Wait, wait! Let's talk it out! Please, let's talk!"

[Ding! The Decapitated Ghost Woman's terror level towards you +10]

[Ding! The Decapitated Ghost Woman's terror level towards you +10]


But Lynne scared out of his wits, gave her no chance and, furiously hoisting the lamppost, continued to bash her mercilessly.

"Stop hitting me! Please, stop! Stop! I was wrong! I admit my fault! Please don't hit my face with something so huge! Help me! Somebody, help!!"

The ghost woman clutched her face, screaming loudly. After about fifteen minutes of relentless beating, Lynne mounted her, grabbing her by the collar. He pulled out his revolver from his waist and thrust it into her mouth.

"Ugh!! Ugh!!"

Her eyes were wide with terror, the ghost woman let out a frightened wail as the hard object forced its way into her throat.

[Ding! The Decapitated Ghost Woman's fear of you +30]

[Ding! The Decapitated Ghost Woman's fear of you +30]

Lynne pressed hard against her mouth, grinding his teeth, and pushed her down, demanding, "Will you dare to scare me again?!"

The ghost woman, her eyes bulging and the thick barrel filling her mouth, shook her head desperately, pleading pitifully, "Mmmph! Mmmph!"

Lynne, glaring menacingly, yanked her collar towards him, "Do you realize how much sanity you've cost me? Do you know how frightening it is to walk alone at night? Do you understand how terrified I was? You scared me so much, I grew tentacles!"

Suddenly, the ghost woman noticed several writhing tentacles emerging from Lynne's back, her eyes widening in even greater terror as she let out a panicked scream.

[Ding! The Decapitated Ghost Woman's awe of you +10]

[Ding! The Decapitated Ghost Woman's respect for you +10]

[Ghost Woman's Sanity -10]

Clearly, in the eyes of such ghosts and monsters, beings capable of growing tentacles were regarded as highly formidable creatures of darkness. Ordinary ghosts couldn't even dream of having such appendages, let alone ones as robust and well-formed as Lynne's.

"Ugh!! Ugh!!"

The ghost woman, terrified, begged for mercy.

[Ghost Woman's Sanity -10]

Lynne, glaring intensely, pressed down on her, demanding, "How will you compensate me? You scared me half to death. Without a hefty compensation, don't think I'll let you off easily!"

Lynne continued to assert his threats. The ghost woman started to tremble.

Compensation?! How... how could she compensate? She had nothing of value! And a being capable of growing tentacles surely wouldn't care for mere skull coins!

Seeing Lynne's finger slowly applying pressure on the trigger,

[Ghost Woman's Sanity -10]

The ghost woman trembled even more violently.

Hurry! Think fast! Otherwise, she was done for!

That's right!

Suddenly, she remembered some ancient legends. In those tales, tentacled monsters often liked...

She had an idea for compensation!

After a brief pause, under Lynne's menacing gaze, with the revolver barrel still in her mouth,

The ghost woman pitifully raised her head to look at Lynne, her eyes filled with pleading.

With her movement, the barrel of the revolver in her mouth slowly moved back, then quickly pushed forward again. And several times in quick succession



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