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Time flew by rapidly, about ten minutes later.

From the operating room downstairs, there suddenly came a sound...

In the operating room downstairs, there suddenly erupted a series of high-pitched, indescribable screams.

"Lynne!! You... you jerk! You actually gave me... gave me... that kind of potion!! Ah, ah, ah! Damn it! Help... help... help me... I can't take it anymore! You're done for! I won't... I won't let you get away with this, ah! Woo woo ah!!"

Downstairs, the shrill and frantic sounds continued unabated. At the same time, Lynne's ears were bombarded with system notifications, despite being plugged with cotton.

[Ding! Puppet Mistress's favorability towards you -1]

[Ding! Puppet Mistress's favorability towards you -1]

[Ding! Puppet Mistress's fear of you +10]

[Ding! Puppet Mistress's fear of you +11]

Various notifications kept flooding Lynne's ears, but with his eyes closed and ears plugged, he selectively ignored them all.

Gradually, as time passed, the frantic speech could no longer form coherent thoughts.

"Doc... doctor... good doctor! Good boy! I beg you! Come... come in here... come to this room!

No... no other intentions! Really ah ah!! Just come and talk with me... I'm serious, woo woo!

I can't take it anymore! Really can't! If... if you're embarrassed... go... go call your teacher... that's also okay—woo woo..."

But Lynne, with eyes closed, heard nothing.

As a doctor, Lynne had to maintain his professional composure. This was just the first stage of the treatment, and given the dosage, it was likely to last another four or five hours.

Lynne mentally counted down, waiting for time to pass.

[Ding! Your task target's current status has changed: Fragmented Thoughts]

[Ding! Your task target's status has changed: Convulsions and Unconsciousness]

[Ding! Your task target's status has changed: Awakening]

System notifications continued to ring in his mind.

Time swiftly flowed and it wasn't just Bloodsaw Potion Shop; the entire Wandering Soul Lane spent a sleepless night.


The next day.

[Vision World]

[Blood Doll]: "(Weakly) Can I ask timidly... which lady or ma'am... spent the whole night awake..."

[Book Ghost]: "It's simply bullying... too much! In the vast Wandering Soul Lane... is there no quiet desk to accommodate..."

[Bell Ringer]: "I really can't stand it... Is there really someone that enduring? All the way until morning, whose warrior is this, so fierce..."

[Skeleton Mage]: "Hehehe—seems like I'm the only one unaffected."

[Scavenger]: "Eh... I'm getting old... can't listen to these things, but still, I must say, that girl should really tone it down, chanting continuously for five or six hours is a bit too much."

[Evil Spirit Queen]: "Why do I always feel it's coming from the direction of the potion shop? No good! I need to find an opportunity to check it out!"

[Single Ghost]: "o(╥﹏╥)o"

In the morning, Wandering Soul Lane was eerily quiet.

Amidst the rolling black fog, the few ghostly figures that occasionally appeared all seemed listless and dazed.

An entire night of relentless onslaught. It was not something ordinary beings could endure.

Not to mention, the sound waves were incessant, one wave stronger than the next, with reverberating echoes that had an overwhelming penetrative power.


At Bloodsaw Potion Shop.




"That should be about right."

After silently counting for six hours, Lynne opened his eyes and calmly rose from his bed.

Putting on his white coat, mask, and gloves, Lynne quickly descended the stairs, then arrived at the door of the operating room and pried off the nailed boards. He paused for a moment, then knocked on the door.

Knock, knock, knock—

"Ma'am, how do you feel?"

Lynne asked kindly.


There was no response from inside.

After hesitating, Lynne finally took out the key from his pocket and decided to open the door to check.

As soon as he stepped in, Lynne saw that the operating table was empty, and there were signs of damage, indicating that Puppet Mistress had broken free after the anesthetic wore off.

The next moment, Lynne saw Puppet Mistress in the corner by the operating table, with a vacant gaze, disheveled clothes, a flush on her face, and occasionally twitching.

She looked completely broken... The scene inside the room was beyond description. In summary: It was a complete mess.

Lynne quickly adjusted his monocle, walked swiftly to the dazed Puppet Mistress, calmly set down his medical bag, took out a stethoscope, and carefully listened to her heartbeat.

He then checked her pulse for a comprehensive examination and diagnosis.

"The heart rate is fast... it must be a reaction to prolonged adrenaline surge... There is a considerable reversal in the fibrosis of bones and flesh... Significant weakening of the curse inside, which indicates the treatment is indeed working..."

A relieved smile appeared on Lynne's face. He reached out and held Puppet Mistress's hand.

"Good news! Ma'am, the hidden ailments in your body are gradually improving. With a few more treatments, I believe the curse within you can be completely suppressed!"

Puppet Mistress's body visibly trembled sharply, especially when Lynne shook her hand as if she reflexively responded.

Puppet Mistress murmured vacantly, "You are a... devil..."

[Ding! Host completed the task of checking the body. You have received a task reward: 200 Skull Coins, 200 Experience, Special Reward x1]

[Ding! Congratulations on triggering the achievement: Nemesis of Women's Lifetimes. You have received 200 Experience]

[Nemesis of Women's Lifetimes: Special Achievement, Gained by leading one or more females to an indescribable stage through any form or means under any circumstance. It should not, at least ought not to be. You receive a permanent bonus: Stamina +10, Physique +10, Happiness +10]

[Ding! Congratulations on triggering the phase achievement: A Proper Potioneer (I). You have received 300 Experience]

[A Proper Potioneer (I): Phase Achievement: Achieved by successfully creating one or more 'Philter Potions'. This indicates that you have developed stranger directions and functions in the field of potion-making. You receive a high-quality reward: H Potion Formula x1]

Lynne paused, surprised.

Double rewards? Two achievements at once! Such a rarity was indeed uncommon.

Lynne numbly ignored all the system's descriptions of the achievements, focusing instead on the reward he had just received.

[H Potion Formula]

[Quality: High]

[Description: People shouldn't, at least ought not to, create such potions. The creators of such concoctions are doomed, but that doesn't mean it's not an excellent potion. However, due to its intense potency, please use it sparingly and responsibly. Do not overdose, or bear the consequences.]

[Formula: Succubus Fluid x1, Hellfire Blossom Bud x5, Slime Mucus x1, Spider Demon Sac Fluid x1, etc.]

Lynne: "..."

As expected.

Lynne was starting to understand the system's pattern. Whatever he do, the system's rewards are likely to be related to that area. But this strange potion formula, he probably wouldn't need it. After all, such an improper potion didn't fit his profile at all.


Ten minutes later.

At the counter in the main hall, Lynne calmly handed a cup of strong tea to Puppet Mistress sitting opposite him. Although she had awakened, her gaze was still somewhat vacant, her body occasionally trembling, her skin all over flushed.

"The effects of the potion might still be lingering, but it's not a big issue. I've prepared a revitalizing mixture for you. This tea will help you clear your head quickly."

"Thank you."

Puppet Mistress held the tiny teacup vacantly, her mind still in disarray.

Lynne smiled, crossed his hands on the table, and said: "Ma'am, how do you feel? Has the curse in your body been suppressed?"

After finishing the tea, Puppet Mistress felt a wave of coolness rushing to her brain, quickly regaining her consciousness.

Cradling the teacup, she murmured, "It seems... indeed effective. The abnormalities in my muscles and bones feel much better than yesterday..."

Lynne smiled, "That's the result of targeted treatment. Curses are different from other ailments; the key is to find the right breakthrough."

Puppet Mistress shivered involuntarily as she recalled the nightmare of the entire previous night.

Although true... the hateful potion indeed had a more effective impact than a physical encounter... It was usually a sudden blankness, followed immediately by a second wave.

But she swore! The sensation was like countless ants crawling over her, extremely unpleasant! She absolutely did not want to experience it a second time. It felt truly like breaking down.

She shook her head vigorously, trying to dispel the terrible sensation from her mind, and then her gaze shifted slightly, falling on Lynne's smiling face.


Although he used that kind of potion for treatment, which was indeed very cruel, She had to admit, the young man actually resisted the temptation to sneak in!

Because she swore, in that state, if he had really come to the operating room, she wouldn't have been able to restrain herself, and what might have happened then... That was truly unpredictable.

In a moment, the gaze upon Lynne shifted, suddenly filled with an indescribable mix of ambiguity and affection.

Lynne remained calm. But deep down, he probably knew what Puppet Mistress was thinking...

What a joke!

Although Lynne occasionally acted unseriously, he wouldn't dare to prey near his burrow. Not to mention, she was his teacher's old flame. He'd be mad to overstep that boundary, especially after boasting so boldly in front of his teacher just yesterday. The thought of betraying his teacher so soon was terrifying!

Lynne resolved to sever any further ties with this lady. After this, he must maintain a strict distance, leaving no opportunity for her to exploit.

"By the way, Bloodsaw ... um... he didn't hear, did he?" Puppet Mistress asked curiously.

Lynne, with eyes closed, replied, "Don't worry, to avoid any inexplicable misunderstandings, I gave my teacher some sleeping potion. He slept soundly."

Lynne stretched his foot, subconsciously nudging a pile of empty bottles and jars under the counter to a more concealed spot.

Puppet Mistress joked, "Very thoughtful of you. You even dared to drug your teacher?"

Lynne: "..."

What else could he do? Let his teacher wake up to find her strapped to an operating table in such a frivolous pose?! He was certain his teacher would've come at him with a knife that very day!

Better to nip any misunderstandings in the bud than to explain them away after the fact. After his experience with Little, Lynne had become much more shrewd.

"Nevertheless, I must thank you," said Puppet Mistress, smiling and resting her chin on her hand. "If it weren't for you pointing out those problems, by the time I'd have realized, it might have been too late. In this respect, you truly surpass your teacher. Tell me, you foolish boy, what reward do you desire?"

Lynne shook his head calmly: "How could I take money from my teacher's partner? That would be a joke, wouldn't it?"

Heh, heh. Quite the understanding of human relations!

Puppet Mistress smiled slightly, her eyes filled with more fondness, then suddenly leaned in, whispering with a mischievous smile: "That won't do. Gratitude must be repaid. If you don't want money, then let me give you something else. How does that sound?"

Lynne was taken aback. He instantly thought of the [special reward] mentioned in the system prompt.

Could this be what it referred to?

Lynne hesitated, "What is it?"

Puppet Mistress's lips curled into a smile as she slowly extended her palm. Mysterious ripples of sorcery swirled over it. With a snap, a thin booklet, inscribed with magical runes, appeared in her hand.

Under Lynne's curious gaze, she gently pushed the booklet towards him with a faint smile, saying: "I believe you'll find this very interesting. Your teacher will be off to seek the Demonfolk Association's legacy in a few days, leaving you alone on Wandering Soul Lane. Although I know you're friends with those three Headhunters, they can't always be by your side, can they?

The fall of the Demonfolk Association has been broadcast through the Vision World. Surely, many ill-intentioned creatures will come to probe here. Don't you want to equip yourself with more means of self-protection?"

Lynne lowered his head, picking up the thin booklet. The bold letters on the title page immediately caught his eye.

"Puppet Courtyard: A Comprehensive Puppetry Handbook"



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