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"Sir, don't blame me. I'm just a tool, all orchestrated by Little's mom. It really has nothing to do with me!"

I'm still very kind!

In an instant, a system prompt echoed in his ears.

[Ding! You have triggered a special achievement: The Beginning of Life. You have earned 200 Experience.]

[The Beginning of Life: It is a special achievement earned when you successfully use the "Remnants of the Past" skill to revert a target to the inception of life. This signifies that you are a compassionate person, willing to let others experience the birth and fragility of life. You have gained a permanent bonus: Physique +2, Stamina +2, Caring +1.]

Lynne (ヾノ꒪ཫ꒪)——

Meanwhile, the Witch God, almost laughing uncontrollably, watched the titan's head transform into a fertilized egg. She shook with mirth, doubling over with laughter. She scooped up the egg-sized fertilized egg, covering her forehead as she chuckled: "Oh? Isn't this the renowned Titan God of yore? A few minutes gone, and how much you've diminished?"


The fertilized egg issued a roar of rage.

Witch God sighed, "There's no need, truly no need. I know you desire to return to the past, but there really was no need to revert yourself to such youth!"

"Look at yourself, so young you've become an egg, but I must say..." She blinked seriously and remarked: "It's quite unique!"

"Squeak!! Squeak!!"

The Titan egg, overcome with fury, finally couldn't hold back and knocked her to the ground. For it would be too foolish not to see who was behind this now!

In an instant, a girl and an egg fiercely brawled once again. This time, the fight was even more intense.

"You useless wretch, you dared mock me before. It was you who shamelessly pursued me day after day back then. Did you think I would marry you, a millennia-old hag?!"


The two fought ferociously, turning the world upside down, and shaking the very earth. Meanwhile, on the other side, watching this scene, Little burst into laughter, swiftly extending her delicate arms and cheering: "Go, Dad! Go, Mom!!"

Perched on Little's shoulder, Lynne turned his head, his eyes reflecting the nostalgic smile on Little's face. He ask: "Little, did you remember something?"

Little blinked, turned her head to look at Lynne on her shoulder, then gently closed her eyes and brought Lynne into her embrace, sitting down. The evening breeze brushed through, her golden hair shimmering like spikes of wheat. She looked exceptionally serene, tranquil, and beautiful.

"Yes..." At some point, she lifted her head, and opened her eyes to gaze at the dark sky, her eyes seemingly filled with hope. "Mom and Dad used to quarrel just like now. Once, they fought so fiercely that even the house collapsed. Little was so scared, I hid under the bed, crying..."

She gently rubbed her moist eyes with a smile. "I thought, maybe Mom and Dad would never speak to each other again, might never be together again, so I was scared all night long. But the next day..."

She hugged her knees, looking up at the sky with hope.

"They were treating each other's wounds in the living room, applying ointment, exchanging sweet words as if the quarrel of the previous night had never happened. The smiles on their faces were as if last night's argument was a figment of the imagination..."

She turned her head, her eyes twinkling at Lynne, like a little sprite.

"It was later that I understood, it was their way of being together, they deeply loved each other, but when conflicts arose, they would fiercely fight, leaving each other bruised and bloodied."

Lynne said in wonder, "Strange way of being together... Maybe it's unique to them."

Little, lifting her head and smoothing her long hair behind her ears, blinked at Lynne and rested her chin on her hand: "But... Little is really happy. Don't you see, doctor? In fact, Mom and Dad have long harbored no ill will towards you."

Lynne was taken aback. He looked at Little's parents, still brawling in the distance. Slowly, he began to understand the meaning behind Little's words.

Yes! No matter who it is, even the demons from hell, they too once held onto something beautiful. He hopped down from Little's shoulder, flashing a smile and a thumbs-up at her, his teeth gleaming with a spark of light.

Little, giggling merrily, nodded vigorously and extended her own hand, forming a thumbs-up. Their hands, one large and one small, gently touched.

Surprisingly harmonious. It was as if everything was unspoken, the marks on their foreheads revealing a growing spiritual connection.

"I might—still forget—might—still not be able to—become a normal girl— But—Thank you, truly, my doctor."

Countless points of light slowly emerged from Little's body, her face still wearing a tearful yet beautiful smile. Her golden hair feathered away bit by bit, her delicate face and body gradually becoming ethereal.

The sudden intense light made Lynne instinctively close his eyes when he opened them again, the hand before him had vanished, as if everything had been but an illusion.

Lynne stood lost in thought. His heart felt inexplicably empty. He closed his eyes, saying nothing. Until he felt a strange sensation on his hand, and upon opening his eyes again, he saw a tentacle gently reaching out, softly touching his hand. He saw Little's face, just as before, with the same (✪ω✪) expression.

"Hmm—Doctor—I'm back to normal—"

"Yes! Back to normal."

Lynne's face beamed with a sincere smile.

"Can—I—change back again—"

"Whenever I'm here, you can, I promise!"

"Hmm—That's great—if I change back—will you still be Little's dentist—can you—"

"Of course! I definitely will!"

Well, that's settled then. Perhaps my life was always destined to deal with creatures from hell. If so, then... That's not so bad.

A slight curve appeared at the corners of his mouth, gently clasping the tentacle Little extended.

It was like an acceptance. And like a change. The dark mist swirled, the sky still pitch black. Almost imperceptibly, it seemed he heard a system prompt by his ear, swiftly vanishing as if it had never been there.

[Your Recovery Level +1%]

An entire hour had passed, and with the fading of past memories, the briefly resurrected heads of Witch God and the Titan also finally returned to their previous forms.

It was like a dream as if they had never fallen into hell, as if they still lived in the world they had always known.

Never changed.

"Returned to normal—"

The Witch God Skull fell into an unusual silence. The two no longer continued their brawl, each returning to reality.

"It really is—nostalgic—"

The Witch God Skull lifted, a hint of a genuine smile in her eyes, and then her gaze fell on Lynne. With the movement of her massive head, she once again stood towering over Lynne like a mountain.

Looking down at Lynne for a long time. She grinned, revealing her sinister and malicious teeth, and chuckled: "Although—I still don't like you very much—it seems I don't dislike you as much anymore—hahaha—"

Lynne's scalp tingled at her laugh.

[Ding! The Witch God Skull's Favorability for you +10]

Lynne exhaled, then smiled, extending his hand and giving a thumbs-up to the Witch God Skull.

Clearly, after this incident, he had successfully gained the approval of Little's mother. At least, she no longer treated him just as a toy that Little liked. As for the attitude of the Titan Skull... Well... Although it seemed unchanged, it was clear that the anger and murderous intent previously in its eyes were no longer there.


Time flew by.

They had now reached the boundaries of Wandering Soul Lane. Little (✪ω✪) swayed her tentacles, looking at Lynne beside her, and said: "Doctor—Little will take you home—also—thank you for today's hospitality—Little is very happy!"

Lynne, with a cheerful smile, extended his hand to her, saying: "Yeah! I'm happy too!"

Just then, Lynne suddenly felt a tentacle poke his back. He immediately turned around and saw the massive head of the Titan Skull, looking down at him with an indifferent, imposing demeanor.

"Well, Sir, is there something you need?"

Lynne's eyes widened. Honestly, facing Little's father, this immensely powerful primordial being, it was natural for Lynne to feel intimidated. Especially since the Titan Skull held even more animosity towards him than the Witch God's skull! But the anticipated scene of being squashed into a pancake by a tentacle didn't happen.

The Titan Skull, with an indifferent flip of its tentacle, said, "Come with me—let's talk—alone."

Another private talk?

By now, Lynne had developed a psychological shadow over these words.

Lynne asked apprehensively, "Can we talk here?"


The Titan Skull gave him a look that said, "Talk or face the consequences," letting him decide.

Lynne immediately nodded, seriously saying, "Okay! Any way Sir wants to talk is fine! Even if it gets bloody, no problem!"


A few minutes later. In the midst of black mist.

The Titan Skull, back turned, exuded an imposing seriousness, like an intimidating elder.

Lynne stood there, heart pounding, oddly feeling like he was being interrogated in a dark room by his girlfriend's father. But it was all a ridiculous misunderstanding! The relationship between Lynne and Little was clearly nothing but pure and innocent.

"Do you know what I despise most in my life? Those scoundrels who dare to abduct my young daughter. Usually, I eat such people right away," the Titan Skull stated, licking its thick and fierce tentacle to emphasize its power.

Lynne, drenched in sweat, hurriedly explained, "Sir, you've really got it wrong. There's nothing more than friendship between Little and me. We're just ordinary, good friends!"

His urgent explanation was driven by a desire to clear up the massive misunderstanding.

"And if you think about it, how could I, a member of such a small race, possibly abduct Little, a powerful giant like her? Our sizes don't match at all!" Lynne argued, visibly distressed.


Lynne was at a loss for words, desperately trying to clarify the massive misunderstanding.

The Titan Skull, indifferent with its back to him, replied coolly, "Is that so? But for some real scoundrels, they always find ways to manipulate things to make their size quite fitting."

Lynne, perplexed, said, "Uh, I don't quite understand..."

The Titan spoke calmly, "Don't play dumb with me. I can see that you're hiding an ability to manipulate your body - isn't that right?"

Lynne (꒪Д꒪)ノ responded, "Uh..."

He was likely referring to the [Flesh Catastrophe] ability. Indeed, such an external mutation ability would be easily noticeable. But... What did this have to do with their current conversation?

The Titan Skull calmly said, "Just use your ability a little—adjust your (beep—) to a suitable (beep—)—size issue—won't that be easily solved?"

Lynne: "0ДQ!!!"

At that moment, Lynne was utterly shocked, both mentally and physically. He didn't even know how to respond to such a statement! Something was terribly off!

Lynne's mind uncontrollably conjured up a bizarre and terrifying image, seeing himself with...


[Lynne's Sanity -10]

[Lynne's Sanity -10]

Lynne (((; Д ;))) stood there, speechless.

The Titan Skull, casually flipping its tentacle, said, "Now—the size issue—has been perfectly resolved—do you still think you can't proceed—huh—"

Lynne stiffly said, "Wait a minute, Sir, let me catch my breath. That's a lot to take in, I'm feeling dizzy..."

But the Titan Skull didn't give him any chance to recover. He continued indifferently, "No need to pretend—I'm very clear about your tricks—the size issue is already solved—then with your ability to revert to the past—"

"Just casually transform my daughter—back to her normal state—then you can do as you please, right—huh—I've seen right through your intentions—"

[Lynne's Sanity -10]

[Lynne's Sanity -10]

Lynne, with his hands outstretched and a look of utter disbelief (((;Д;))), was speechless.

No, this is all wrong! I've never had such thoughts! It's only because you brought it up, I didn't even consider such an idea before! This is so off base! So very wrong! What are you trying to do? Are you threatening me, or giving me a disturbing tutorial? These thoughts are too dangerous!


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