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Lynne felt that something was off. He glared, though he tried hard to keep himself composed. But in the face of a crisis level as high as 99.99%, truly, only someone with a distorted heart could remain as steady as a rock!

"Now?" Lynne's eyes widened as he struggled to make amends. "How about we invite Little to join us? I believe with Little here, we might find more common topics. What do you think?"

The Witch God's smile on her colossal, mountain-like cheeks became increasingly radiant. Yet, combined with her naturally malevolent gaze, it was a smile not easily endured by the average person.

"My daughter—would you mind if your mother—had a private chat—with your doctor?"

Little (✪ω✪) nodded vigorously, saying, "Hmm—has Mother finally seen—the doctor's prowess?"


Little (✪‸✪) declared, "In that case—Little is willing to share—with Mother—"

[Ding! Little is extremely delighted to have brought a new guest for you!]

Lynne: "!!!"

The Witch God's smile on her gigantic head became even grander. Then Lynne, in a (ΩДΩ) state, was wrapped by the massive head's tentacles and was thunderously taken towards the distant forest, with Little *\(^o^)/* waving merrily behind.


Beyond a small mound.

Lynne paced back and forth like an ant on a hot pan, hands behind his back, head bowed. His heart was now beating more than two hundred times a minute. He had clearly seen earlier the malice Little's parents showed towards him.

Indeed! Had his little scheme been completely seen through? Unable to handle the threat of the Demonfolk Association, he had written a deplorable letter, deceiving Little to come from afar! Truly, no matter how one viewed it, it was utterly repulsive!

Lynne brainstormed anxiously. But indeed, the situation was dire at the time, and among all the foolproof plans he could think of, only Little was a guaranteed solution to the crisis... As for the talk of marriage, he had heard earlier, he didn't dwell on it, dismissing it as a joke, unworthy of consideration.

Lynne was utterly distraught. Finally, he abruptly lifted his head, his expression swiftly regaining composure. Admitting his mistake seemed the best course! If so, the Witch God Skull, considering his relationship with Little, might still have a high probability of sparing him!

With this thought, Lynne finally turned around, his gaze firmly fixed on the towering, mountain-like head behind him.

"How about it—have you thought it through?"

A malicious, cunning laugh emanated from the Witch God Skull.

Lynne looked up, took a deep breath, and with a solemn and firm voice, hand on his chest, said: "Madam, I owe you an apology."

"Oh?" Interest rippled from the Witch God Skull.

"The letter I wrote to Little, I admit, was partly motivated by personal interest, as the situation was critical. So, I had no choice but to write to Little overnight."

He earnestly raised hand, declaring: "But I swear to you, I had no ill intentions! Ever since I first saw Little, I knew she was an incredibly kind and adorable girl, so I treasure this hard-won friendship! And who wouldn't like such a cute and lovely young girl?"

Lynne's expression was earnest and unyieldingly firm, revealing no flaws. It couldn't be helped. Now, the only way to break the stalemate of this "private chat" was to continue emphasizing the deep bond between him and Little. Even though it was indeed only their second meeting. But with the affinity built up, Little could indeed be considered a close friend of his!

[Ding! Witch God Skull's Favorability towards you +1]

Though the Witch God Skull had yet to speak, the system notification ringing in Lynne's ears was a clear indication.

His strategy was undeniably effective!

"So it seems—you're quite fond of—my daughter, aren't you?"

The Witch God Skull's tone became mysterious and cruel.

Lynne, earnestly holding up three fingers, said, "Fond, extremely fond, how could I not be! It's no joke, right?"

Ridiculous! Would he dare say he's not fond at a time like this?! Instantly crushed into ash!

[Ding! Witch God Skull's favorability towards you +10]

The attitude had noticeably shifted! The Witch God Skull coldly smirked, continuing, "Don't you care—that my daughter is just a—head? And moreover—you don't even know—what race we are— Dare you—befriend my daughter?"

The Witch God Skull's tone turned sinister.

[Ding! Crisis level raised to 99.999%]

Lynne quickly regained his composure, entering the state, adjusting his monocle, and said profoundly: "Ma'am, you are mistaken. What does race matter?! What does form matter?! What does beauty or ugliness matter?! True friendship is about seeing the sincere heart hidden beneath the exterior! There's an old saying in human world, 'Beautiful appearances are common, but interesting souls are one in a million!' What does it matter if a creature has the most magnificent appearance?! If her heart doesn't match her glorious exterior, then it's all just fleeting clouds! Because real friendship is never about how the other looks, but whether you can spark brilliant fireworks between you!!"

Lynne waved his hand grandly, his expression composed, impassioned.

[Ding! Skill: Infectious Aura triggered, enhancing the emotional impact of the speech!]

[Oratory +1]

[Oratory +1]

"Moreover, Little didn't mind that I'm just a human, so how could I care about what race Little belongs to?!" Lynne added this calmly.

The Witch God Skull was visibly taken aback, somewhat incredulous at the sudden fervor of his words. But upon pondering what he had said, it seemed that every statement was reasonable, with no discernible flaws.

The Witch God Skull's expression gradually softened, becoming serious as he peered deeply into Lynne's face. Could it be— Did he genuinely admire her daughter from the bottom of his heart?

Now she had to confront this reality. Although she had considered this possibility before, she had always found it implausible, especially given the nature of the relationship between this young man and her daughter, which seemed purely platonic... But now, having heard all this. Things seemed increasingly suspicious...

No! Concerning her daughter's happiness, if he truly wished to become her son-in-law, she had to be vigilant.

The Witch God Skull narrowed her eyes, changing from her previously malevolent demeanor to a serious one, and said: "Do you swear—you will be worthy of my daughter?—And not just playing around?"

Lynne adjusted his monocle significantly and declared: "Ma'am, that statement is even more misguided. Leaving aside those emotional words, do you think, if I were merely toying around, Little would forgive me? Would you and sir let me off? Do you believe that offending a powerful being like you would be advantageous for me?"

Ridiculous. It's certainly not a casual affair! Little is my first Origin-level elite member! In any establishment, that status commands supreme VIP treatment, necessitating personal attention from the proprietor. A super-valued customer!

Lynne couldn't possibly misunderstand this logic.

[Ding! Witch God Skull's Favorability towards you +10]

The Witch God Skull, observing Lynne's unwavering eyes and listening to his well-founded arguments, gradually began to ease. Could he truly have developed genuine feelings for her daughter? She was now somewhat indecisive.

"Indeed—there's no advantage—" Her gaze flickering, she narrowed her eyes slightly: "But do you believe—you have the capability—to properly care for my daughter? Can you make her happy?"

Lynne closed his eyes, a smirk forming on his lips.

"Ma'am, you need not have any worries about this matter, as I am an expert in these areas. Not just for Little, but even for you, ma'am, I am always ready to assist. I guarantee that after experiencing my service, you will be left smiling and thoroughly satisfied!"

Witch God Skull: "!!!"

The Witch God Skull gazed in shock at the diminutive figure before her. She quickly glanced towards her husband, far in the distance, ensuring she wasn't overheard. Then, with a swift movement of her tentacles, she enveloped Lynne.

Has he always been this bold? Experience? What kind of experience does he mean? Is he not content with his interest in her daughter, now audaciously setting his sights on her as well? She was truly taken aback. What kind of audacious person could so directly say such a thing!

"Are you—flirting with me?" Witch God Skull narrowed her eyes, "You're quite—daring—aren't you?"

Lynne, startled, responded, "Flirt... flirting? No! When have I ever dared to flirt with you?"

"What—did you mean by—experience?"

Witch God Skull's aura of menace began to grow.

Lynne, confused, explained, "Oral care, beauty treatments, skincare and haircare, dietary wellness..."



A brief silence ensued.

An inexplicable atmosphere unabashedly spread around.

Minutes later.

"Ah ah ah ah ah—"

Echoing through the sky were (ΩДΩ) screams.

From afar, Little watched in astonishment as, above the hill, Lynne spun like a helicopter's rotor, twirled rapidly in circles by a tentacle.

Little, both amazed and excited, bounced around, exclaiming, "Doctor—flying up—flying up—"


Minutes later, on the other side of the hill, a pale, staggering Lynne (ヾノ꒪ཫ꒪) stumbled out, nearly vomiting. Wobbling, with swirling stars in his eyes, he almost regurgitated his last meal.

[Ding! Congratulations, host, for achieving the Human Windmill feat, earning you an experience of 200]

[Human Windmill: A special achievement, obtained by spinning at a speed of 500 kilometers per hour without perishing, grants permanent attribute boosts: Dizziness Resistance +1, Agility +5, Happiness +10]

"Ma'am... what was that about?" Lynne asked, nauseously.

Witch God Skull closed her eyes, "Nothing much—just remember to be clear when you speak next time—consider it—a test from a mother—"

Lynne struggled to keep from vomiting. What kind of bizarre test was that?

"I agree." Witch God Skull, with her eyes closed and maintaining an elder's dignity, said: "Although you're unreliable—but since my daughter likes you so much—and you've made a promise in front of me— You may now date my daughter—but to marry her—you'll need my husband's consent—"

[Ding! Witch God Skull agrees to your marriage, favorability towards you +20]

Lynne finally breathed a sigh of relief, wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, saying: "That's truly wonderful, I'm profoundly grateful for your magnanimity, ma'am, I..."


A brief silence ensued.

Lynne's expression became vacant in an instant.

Wait a moment... What did she just say?! Marriage? What marriage?! Dating? What dating?!

Witch God Skull gazed down at him, saying, "You are, historically—the first to express a desire to date my daughter—though you are quite young—I've given it some thought—The words you spoke earlier were indeed commendable— One should not judge by appearances, but by the heart—I was initially hesitant—but given your clear stance— I'm quite willing to give you a chance."

Witch God Skull broke into a smile, unable to hide her immense satisfaction.

[Lynne's Sanity -20!]

[Lynne's Sanity -20!]

[Lynne's Sanity -20!]

"Wait a second!" Lynne, alarmed, extended his hand, "Ma'am! This is no joking matter! Weren't we discussing whether or not to let me off the hook?! Why has this suddenly escalated to dating and marriage?! My relationship with Little is not what you think! I've been emphasizing our purely platonic friendship! It's genuinely pure!"

Witch God Skull sneered softly and extended a tentacle, pulling out a device from her mouth.

With a gentle press, the device immediately began playing the conversation previously recorded between Lynne and Little in the Wandering Soul Lane.

"Ahh~ Chu—piercing in—Doctor—straight into the body!"

"(≧▽≦) Yada—don't touch the jaw carelessly—"

"Umm—It's bulging—my cheeks are taking a weird shape—"

"Doctor—Little—feels so comfortable—"

Lynne: "(((;꒪ꈊ꒪;)))!!!"

Hearing those sounds from the device, Lynne felt as if he had been hit on the back of the head with a hammer, his brain buzzing.

Witch God Skull closed her eyes, pressing the button repeatedly, playing the sounds in a loop.

"Do you still want to—argue? The despicable things you've done to my daughter—we've already captured—sufficient evidence— However, it also shows—that although you're unreliable—you managed to engage deeply and understand my daughter so well— This proves your exceptional qualities—because normal beings—wouldn't be able to play so exuberantly upon meeting a Headhunter—"



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