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Wandering Soul Lane.

[Ding! You've unlocked the Epic Achievement: Origin Knight. You gain 1,000 Experience.]

[Origin Knight: Epic surrealistic achievement: Successfully get an origin-level monster to let you ride it willingly while still having a significant affection for you.]

[Description: This is an epic achievement that cannot be achieved in the early game. The difficulty of obtaining it is the same as other epic achievements like [Origin's Close Friend] and [Origin's Lasher], second only to the hellish difficulty levels of [Origin "Rider"] and [Origin Baby].]

[Ding! Congratulations! You've gained an epic permanent buff: When riding an Origin-level monster, Speed Increases by 50%, Endurance +10, Precision +50%, Charisma +10.]

Amidst the raging wind and lightning, continuous notifications from the system echoed in Lynne's ears.

Grasping Little's hair firmly to prevent himself from falling, Lynne exclaimed, "(〃>皿<) Such a ridiculous achievement! System, you've outdone yourself this time!"

This is obviously a normal friendship. How could it be labeled as an "Origin Knight"? Moreover, they're good friends. A little ride shouldn't be a big deal!

"Little! Chase in that direction! There are more running there! You eat as much as you like; I'll support you!"

Lynne shouted. Without a second's delay, he quickly drew his revolver, turned off the safety, and aimed at the head of a distant hunter. With a click, he pulled the trigger.


[Ding! You've hit a hunter. Your Firearms Mastery +1.]

The struck hunter instantly became paralyzed by the holy electricity of the demon-slaying bullet. Little extended its tongue and playfully ヾ(◍°∇°◍)ノ゙ swept it into its mouth in one go.



Crispy and delicious, especially since it's still alive! For Little, this was truly a delightful treat!

"Little! Over there!"



[Ding! You've hit a hunter. Your Firearms Mastery +1.]


[Ding! Little joyfully devoured a hunter. Its Favorability towards you has increased by +10.]


[Firearms Mastery +1]


[Firearms Mastery +1]

This terrifying hunt had already shocked every creature passing by Wandering Soul Lane. Groups of hunters scurried past in panic. Behind them, continuous gunshots echoed.

And then, a huge head (✪ω✪), carrying a young human constantly firing his gun, leaped out of the dark mist. Under their astonished gaze, they soared overhead.

Sounds of charging, buzzing, and blasts filled the air.

Lynne, gritting his teeth, firing his gun, clutching Little's hair, sped forward in a blaze of sparks and lightning.

Fast as the wind, swift as lightning!

"So fast! What just whooshed past my face?!" A creature exclaimed in astonishment.

Bang, bang, bang——

With Lynne's precise supportive gunfire, one after another, the hunters became Little's chew toys.




"Little! Are you full yet?" Lynne shouted, continuously firing his gun.

"Not yet——" Little responded, licking its tongue and leaping into the sky with a (✪ω✪) expression.

"Then let's chase the bigger one!" Lynne yelled, aiming his gun skyward.

"Okay——" Little responded cheerfully.


The huge head suddenly landed, speeding towards the direction where Mech-Demon was fleeing, surrounded by a trail of sparks and lightning.

"What kind of joke is this! What sort of cosmic jest?!"

Mech-Demon, gripped by terror, clutched his hood and sprinted, covering a vast distance with each step. Within his mechanical eye that occupied half his face, the hundreds of hunters he had summoned and controlled were, at this very moment, reduced to less than half.

All this transpired in under ten minutes! Origin-level! Not a single entity in their entire association was at the Origin level. Why on earth, in some remote, godforsaken place, had he stumbled upon one?!

The roaring wind whistled past him, his terror evident in every gasp he took, his arms flailing, pushing his speed to its utmost limits.

[Ding! Mech-Demon's terror level towards you +10]

[Ding! Mech-Demon's terror level towards you +10]

Without a second thought, he, trembling, swiftly pressed onto the mechanical structure on the left side of his face.

"You are establishing a connection to the association... Waiting... Signal delay in progress... Connection with the association successfully established..."

Soon, a raspy voice emanated from the association's end.

"Speak, Lord Mech-Demon. This is Unit Five of the association, awaiting your command."

In terror, Mech-Demon hastily shouted back, "Quick! No delays! Pinpoint my location now and activate the void jump mechanism immediately..."

But before he could finish his sentence with "Teleport me out!",


A bullet, with a force unparalleled, was fired from behind. With the might of an epic achievement backing it, and catching Mech-Demon off guard, the bullet struck the mechanical half of his face, shattering the structures on the right side.

"Damn it!" He cried out in horror. But it was already too late. Following the bullet, a long tentacle, like a mighty whip, struck him with immense force.

Amidst his agonizing scream, his body was sent flying, the machinery on the left side of his face cracking and breaking from the devastating impact.

They were upon him! They had caught up! He turned his head abruptly, his eyes wide with fear, staring at the young human who rode atop the Origin-level skull and was firing wildly at him. Without wasting another moment, he accelerated, fleeing in sheer panic.

"Hello?!! Hello?!"

He desperately slapped the mechanical structure on his left face, then realized in horror that the communication device connecting him to the association had been ripped from his left cheek due to the impact.

"It's over!"

He gritted his teeth in a furious scream. Several hundred meters behind him, Lynne, riding atop Little(〝▼皿▼) and fervently firing his gun, suddenly heard a voice near his ear.

"Hello? Lord Mech-Demon! What on earth has happened? We've already pinpointed your location as per your command. The jump device has been activated! Speak! What's going on?"

He abruptly looked behind. His gaze immediately locked onto a mechanical structure in mid-air, emitting a blue glow.

"What's this?"

Lynne instantly extended tentacles from his body and, with a swish, pulled the mechanical structure towards him.

[Ding! You've obtained the 325-type demonfolk communication device (slightly damaged)]

Lynne paused, startled. Then he heard an urgent voice coming from the device. He quickly pressed it to his ear to listen carefully. Soon, he grasped the gist of the message, and a benevolent smile appeared on his face.

So, that Mech-Demon intended to escape using some kind of long-distance warp! But now that it's in my hands...

Lynne swiftly altered his vocal cords using Flesh Catastrophe, imitating Mech-Demon's voice, and bellowed into the communicator: "Requesting backup!! Backup!! I need a massive force to besiege the target!! I repeat, pinpoint my coordinates! Request a large army backup!!"

At that very moment, Mech-Demon heard the voice behind him, turned around sharply, and instantly saw Lynne holding his communicator, shouting into it.

Mech-Demon (ΩДΩ): "Oh my goodness!!"

Seems like the takeaway isn't enough! Let's order some more!

"Understood, Lord Mech-Demon! We're pinpointing your coordinates now. In five seconds, the command will be activated, preparing to warp the Hunter squad for you!"

A swift response came from the communicator, followed by the rapid pitter-patter of operational noises. Clearly, they had realized. Their Vice-President Mech-Demon, on his external mission, had evidently encountered an urgent crisis.

"Immediately notify Sector 41 to unseal all the Hunters within. Emergency command, warp device is activated. Converge at the designated location immediately!"

Inside the Demonfolk Association.

One after another, attendants dressed in black robes and wearing triangular hats, with somber expressions, rapidly relayed the command.


Within Sector 41, viscous fluids from container after container were discharged, activating the Hunters sealed within. Instantly, they received the orders, their eyes flickering with urgent red lights. In just a matter of minutes, the densely packed Hunters were fully assembled.

"Hunter squad assembled... Warp drive activated... Target coordinates confirmed... Deployment permission... Highest authority... Summoned by: Mech-Demon... Deploy..."


Accompanied by the cold synthesized sound echoing throughout the facility, the massive rumble of machinery came to life. In the next moment, a blinding blue light enveloped all the assembled Hunters. Their forms started to blur.

"Warp drive activated—performing emergency warp— Initiating—"

In an instant, all the Hunters disappeared from Sector 41 of the Demonfolk Association.

Meanwhile, in the wilderness outside of Wandering Soul Lane, Lynne put down the communicator in his hand, flashing a pristine smile at the fleeing Mech-Demon in the distance.

The mechanical structures all over the horrified Mech-Demon flickered rapidly.

That guy... That guy has lost his humanity!

"Stay away! Don't come any closer!! It wasn't me who spoke to you earlier!!"

He screamed, but it was already too late. He immediately felt the vibrations in the space around him, a sensation he was all too familiar with. It was the sensation of the long-distance rapid teleportation device that they developed, inspired by the abilities of the Void Leapers.

The next moment.


Blinding blue lights descended from the sky. Under his horrified gaze, they landed beside him in an instant.

From within the radiant light, one after another, fully armored Hunters leaped out, quickly gathering around him. Their eyes, shining with a flickering red light, were fixed on Mech-Demon.

"Hunter squad from Sector 41 assembled... On your command... We have rushed here to assist... We await your directives..."

Mech-Demon shouted in desperation, "You've been fooled! It's a trap! Run... Quick..."

"Deputy Chief, rest assured... The Hunters from Sector 41 are of the latest modification... We possess superior intelligence and bio-extermination capabilities... We have never failed to date..."

The leading Hunter brandished its razor-sharp mantis blade, slashing through the air with a whoosh. Its expression was stern, it declared: "Our principle is speed! Faster! Extremely fast! To swiftly end battles... quickly eliminate enemies... swiftly infiltrate enemy lines... We fear no opponent! First battle, is the last battle!"


A tentacle from the distance instantly slapped it into a pulp.

[Ding! Little has slain a Modified Hunter. You have received a friendship reward: 50 Experience.]

Mech-Demon: "(((;꒪ꈊ꒪;)))"

Hunters: "Σ┗(@ロ@;)┛"



"Run!! What the hell are you waiting for?! You damn modified idiots!!"

Mech-Demon, frustrated and desperate, shouted as he turned on his heels and dashed away, his strides so quick they seemed to defy gravity.

The Modified Hunters around him quickly whirled to face the source of the threat, only to find themselves staring at the many tentacles of the approaching Root Knight, which were thrashing and rushing toward them.

Hunters: "!!!!"

[Ding! Fear level of Modified Hunters towards you +10]

[Ding! Fear level of Modified Hunters towards you +10]

In the blink of an eye, the Hunters that had teleported over began fleeing past Mech-Demon with a speed that was even faster than his.

Mech-Demon: "0ДQ!!"

Useless things! They're running even faster than him! He was on the verge of exploding with anger!

"Come back!! All of you come back!! Protect me!!" He screamed in rage and desperation.

However, just as he finished speaking, a massive shadow plummeted from the sky, casting him in darkness. He jerked his head up and to his horror, a gigantic Origin level skull, bearing a young human boy, swooped past right above his head.

With a screeching drift, it landed right in front of him. The countless tentacles surging below the skull formed a trail of sparks and lightning as they "S" curved and drifted after the fleeing Hunters.

Holding his head, Mech-Demon exclaimed, "(ΩДΩ) They're drawing us in to ambush the reinforcements!!"

[Mech-Demon's breakdown level +10]

[Mech-Demon's breakdown level +10]

Catch the shrimp—

The elite squad of the love nest met their doom—

Bang bang bang—

[Ding! You've shot a Modified Hunter. Your Firearms Mastery +1.]

[Ding! Little devoured a Modified Hunter. Favorability towards you +1. You receive a friendship reward: 50 Experience.]

[Ding! Little devoured a Modified Hunter. Favorability towards you +1. Happiness +10.]

It was like a tiger amidst a flock of sheep.

Lynne, who rode on Little with a fiery temperament (#`皿′), unleashed a barrage on the fleeing Hunters below. He was akin to a roaring tank crashing into an infantry formation, and he, the gunner on the tank, rained down fiery bullets upon the infantry below.

"Seven o'clock! Two Hunters! Edible!"

Swoosh swoosh—


"At 12 o'clock! Three Hunters, Little! Speed up and roll them over!"

Swoosh swoosh swoosh—

[Ding! Little has slain a Hunter!]

[Ding! Little has slain a Hunter!]

[Ding! Little has slain a Hunter!]

"Unparalleled power!"

Through the Vision World, a vast number of viewers watched in astonishment, following the on-screen mayhem, witnessing the one-sided hunt and crush.

This was practically a massacre from a higher dimension! For this could not genuinely be called a battle anymore! It was like a max-level pro returning to a novice village or like Tyson placed in an arena full of underage boxers—practically a unilateral crushing! They had never witnessed such combat before. This was utter dominance!


Wyatt Hilbert

Thanks for the chapter