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Ten minutes later. In the operating room.

The elongated specter lay trembling on the table, watching Lynne sharpen his blade incessantly. He stammered, "Are we really going to perform surgery?!"

Lynne nodded, blowing off the blade's reflective sheen, and with eyes closed, said, "We have no choice. The root of the ailment is there. Relying on medicine alone won't be possible without a surgical procedure."

The specter shakily asked, "Can... can I get anesthesia?"

Lynne paused. He then flashed an apologetic smile and rubbed the back of his head, "Almost forgot about that again. Don't you worry, I'll administer it right now, hehehe——"

With that said Lynne quickly put down the blade, rummaging through the bottles and containers behind him.

The specter's face instantly turned (ΩДΩ).

Why did you mention "again"?! Something's not right! Isn't administering anesthesia a standard procedure before surgery?! Why do you seem so clueless about where you kept the anesthesia?!

[Specter's Sanity -10]

[Specter's Sanity -10]

His anxiety heightened as he gazed at Lynne's back, increasingly doubting the doctor's capabilities.

At that moment, he heard Lynne's voice brimming with joy, "Found it!"

The specter sighed in relief.

"It's expired?"

Lynne frowned, scrutinizing the bottle in his hand.

The specter's face twisted into (((;꒪ꈊ꒪;))) in an instant.

Lynne turned to face the specter, whose teeth chattered uncontrollably, eyes wide with terror.

"Or..." Lynne began with a furrowed brow, "Can you bear it?"


Without thinking, the specter shot out his hand, panic clear in his eyes. He definitely didn't want to endure the pain! Just a knock on his leg had been painful enough! If they operated without anesthesia, who knows how excruciating it could be?! If they accidentally took his kidneys in the process, that would be a true nightmare!

Seeing the patient's resistance, Lynne pondered for a moment and then said with a slight frown, "However, there's another method of anesthesia. I'm not sure if you'd be willing to try it..."

"What method?" The elongated specter's face lit up with hope.

Lynne replied gravely, "Physical anesthesia."

The specter's expression changed to one of disbelief: (;oдo) "Physical... anesthesia?"


[Ding! You've knocked out the elongated specter. You've gained 10 experience points.]




[Ding! You've successfully removed the elongated specter's cyst. Your Surgical Skills +10.]

[Ding! You've corrected the elongated specter's displaced kidneys. Your Internal Medicine Skills +1.]

[Ding! You've completed an exceptional stitching job. Your Sewing Skills +10.]

Half an hour later.

Lynne supported the wobbly specter who was walking out of the operating room with an IV drip, using a walking stick and a blank expression. His head was wrapped in a bandage: a result of the physical anesthesia. His waist was bandaged: from the cyst removal. His legs were wrapped: due to rheumatism. Even his face had bandages: covering the unsightliness.

"My friend, everything went exceptionally well. The cyst has been removed, but the residual cold toxin in your body still needs further treatment. Here's a new concoction I've prepared for you. Take it punctually. Remember, don't stop the IV, and don't skip the medication. I guarantee you'll be cured in a week!"

Lynne confidently gave him a thumbs up.

The elongated specter gazed vacantly at the IV bottle hanging above him, then at his heavily bandaged knees and the entirety of his legs. Holding the walking stick, clutching a heat pack to his chest, with a heating patch stuck to his forehead.

"Thank you." The specter's voice was hollow. "I wish happiness and joy for your family."

Lynne (*๓´╰╯`๓) responded, "No need to thank me, it's all part of the job! Your bill is ready. For the surgery and medication, it totals 3000 skull coins. Would you prefer to pay in cash or... perhaps provide a small 'donation'?"

Lynne's smile was particularly kind.

The elongated specter stared blankly, "How... how much?"

Lynne replied with a friendly service tone, "Three thousand, dear customer."

That's damn expensive!

The elongated specter, with tears in his eyes (o(╥﹏╥)o), shakily took out three black skull coins from his pocket and placed them on the counter. This medical visit practically drained half of his life savings! No wonder they say hospitals are places to avoid. Both you and your wallet are bound to suffer.

"Can I leave now?" The specter asked with a woeful tone. He desperately wanted to leave this place. Coming here just for a delivery, he ended up with an unexpected medical bill.

"Of course!" Lynne smiled, quickly packing the various medicines into a bag for the specter, slinging it over his back. The remaining bottles that didn't fit were hung on the IV stand.

"And please, inspect the delivery and sign the receipt." The specter, looking even more defeated (o(╥﹏╥)o), said, "I need to report back."

"Hold on!"

With a smile, Lynne took out the four scrolls from the box and meticulously inspected them. Satisfied, he closed his eyes and returned them to the box. What he failed to notice, however, was a strand of hair brushing against his fingertip from one of the scrolls.

"I'll be right..."

Before he could finish his sentence, a system notification resounded in his ear.

[Ding! Discovered Target Illness: Congenital Paralysis]

[Ding! Discovered Target Illness: Permanent Pustular Dermatitis]

[Ding! Discovered Target Illness: Residual Toxicity from Parasitic Moths]

[Ding! Discovered Target Illness: Intermittent Limb Meltdown]

Lynne was momentarily stunned. His gaze quickly shifted to the box. He was certain he hadn't come into contact with any creatures, but these notifications...

In the next instant, his eyes landed on that strand of hair on the scroll.

"What is this?" Lynne squinted. Could it be the informant? He glanced at the elongated specter, inquiring, "Sir, has this parcel passed through anyone else's hands?"

Taking pride in his job, the specter replied with a somber tone, "No, my master always sends his parcels directly. He personally packaged this, and no other being has touched it."

Upon hearing this, Lynne understood. A smile crept into his heart. It was definitely that informant. And, judging by the list of ailments, it was no wonder the informant always lurked within Vision World, dealing in information.

Lynne recalled how he was swindled by the informant in Vision World, costing him thousands of skull coins.

With a faint smile, Lynne quickly took a pen and began to write on the back of the card.


[Respected informant, I've successfully received your delivery and am profoundly grateful. However, it seems you've inadvertently left a strand of your hair in the parcel. Being a professional physician, I couldn't help but detect some concerning health issues from this strand.]

Lynne listed the illnesses he had identified.

[I deeply sympathize with your suffering. Should you see my reply, please remember to visit Vision World's xxxxx Potion Shop and seek out Mr. Ennyl. Remember to book an appointment and bring enough money. I can offer further diagnosis and treatment. Wishing you good health.]

[Your devoted doctor: Mr. Ennyl.]

"I've written the acknowledgment. Please make sure to deliver it to your master. I am very satisfied with this shipment."

Lynne handed the card to the elongated specter with a smile.

Taking a brief look at the content on the card, the specter's face turned a peculiar shade of green.

This was utterly ridiculous! From a mere strand of hair, diagnosing such a list of life-threatening conditions? But it wasn't his concern.

Without further ado, the specter swiftly turned on his heel. Clutching his cane and with an IV drip in tow, he made a beeline for the exit. As he reached the door, he heard Lynne's cheerful voice echoing from behind.

"Dear customer, I hope to see you again! Thank you for your patronage!"

The specter shuddered involuntarily. The hand clutching the cane sped up even more, and he dashed into the dark mist, almost as if he were fleeing.


Watching the specter disappear into the distance, Lynne wasted no time. He swiftly extracted the four scrolls from the box.

Upon unrolling them, the intricate hexagram runes and magic circles immediately caught Lynne's attention.

Magic spells! Or, more precisely, the summoning and contract circles commonly used in the Dark World.

Through such circles, one could establish short-term contracts with beings from the Dark World or other realms. The four scrolls he held were clearly specialized.

Without hesitation, Lynne took out a quill and ink, seated himself at the counter, and began writing the first letter.

[Dear Little:]

[I am Lynne, your dentist. Do you still remember me? It was not long ago that you became the first lifetime member of our shop. I feel incredibly honored and delighted about that.]

[You are a truly kind and adorable girl.]

[Ever since you left, I've been thinking of you every day and night, yearning for you. I've been so restless that I've lost a significant amount of weight.]

[I often recall that lovely night.]

[Unable to contain the longing I feel for you, I finally decided to write you a letter. I believe that if I don't express myself to you, I might find it hard to keep going.]

[You are like a ray of moonlight in my heart that I can't shake off.]

[So, would you accept my invitation? I've arranged a sumptuous dinner for you at Wandering Soul Lane tomorrow. Please, do not

[Yearning for your presence.]

[Sincerely, Lynne.]

After writing, Lynne immediately sealed the letter with wax. He then bit his finger and dripped his blood onto the magic circle on the scroll.

Writing his name, "Lynne", the blood began to flow around the circle as he watched. Suddenly, the magic circle began to glow a crimson hue. The air vibrated with a hum.

In a flash, a beam of light shot from the circle, revealing two creature figures, each the size of a human.

One had the sleek form of a cheetah, its body etched with glowing red runes. It shimmered, giving off the impression that it might vanish at any moment.

The other was a massive turtle, its shell covered in brown moss. The head of the turtle was exceptionally fierce and, to be honest, quite ugly.

[Void Leaper]

[Level: 80]

[Alignment: Lawful Neutral]

[Combat Ability: Swift Runner!]

[Description: An enigmatic creature that roamed the vast void and abyss. In vast expanses, if one were to lift their gaze to the cosmos and witness a multitude of meteors streaking rapidly across the sky, think again! They might not be meteors but herds of Void Leapers, zipping through the void!]

[Swamp Turtle King]

[Level: 81]

[Alignment: None]

[Description: Lurking in the depths of the vast Bad Swamp, these Turtle Kings are gentle yet sluggish creatures. Throughout their lives, they've spent an absolute majority of their time immersed in slumber. Millennia pass without much significance for them. Although most Swamp Turtles are reluctant to leave their beloved swamp, there are always some with a more adventurous spirit, seeking employment elsewhere, such as in deliveries...]

Upon seeing these two revered creatures, Lynne's eyes sparkled.

"Are you my couriers?"

Lynne greeted them with a smile.

The Void Leaper let out a howling response.

The Swamp Turtle King slowly turned its massive head and gradually opened its mouth, saying:


Lynne blinked.

Time seemed to drag on.


Lynne opened his mouth, holding his breath in anticipation.


A minute later.

"Err..." Lynne looked on in astonishment, his breath caught in his throat.


After the Turtle King finished speaking, its head, with an indescribably slow motion, revealed a goofy turtle grin.

Lynne felt as though he had nearly forgotten how to breathe. Wiping the cold sweat from his forehead, he solemnly and gravely handed the letter to the Turtle King, stating seriously, "I've been informed by your master that all you require is a trace of the recipient's physical tissue or scent, and you can swiftly locate the target and deliver the letter..."

From his pocket, Lynne produced a tiny fragment of a tooth he had scraped off the Holy Spear not long ago.

"Her name is Little. Remember this scent, and make sure you deliver the letter as soon as possible."

The Turtle King took a sniff. And then, with an indescribably slow motion, it extended its neck and carefully opened its mouth to take the letter.


But as Lynne watched, it took a full ten minutes to slowly move the letter towards its back.

Lynne was on the verge of a heart attack.


A small compartment opened up on the turtle's shell.


Lynne's patience finally snapped. In a flurry of motion, he snatched the letter and, with unbelievable speed, shoved it into the secret compartment in the turtle's shell, snapping it shut on the turtle's behalf.

"I..." The Turtle King slowly began, speaking in a dazed manner.

Taking its time, it started to move its limbs at a pace visible only under a microscope, heading towards the door.


The veins on Lynne's temple throbbed uncontrollably. He ignored the turtle, letting it shuffle on, and turned his attention to the eager Void Leaper beside him.

"You have a task as well," Lynne said sternly. "I'm aware you're the fastest in the messenger realm..."

Before Lynne could finish,

Whoosh, whoosh, whoosh, whoosh—

The Void Leaper in front of Lynne vanished in a split second and then, just as swiftly, reappeared, squatting before Lynne, panting heavily.


It let out a howl and placed a small rock in front of Lynne.

Lynne was taken aback, "Is this... a meteorite fragment?! You're saying you just made a quick trip to the outer void in that short span of time?"

The Void Leaper panted smugly.

Taking a deep breath, Lynne closed his eyes, patted the creature's head, and remarked:

"Fast! Truly fast! But..." Lynne pointed to the continuous stream of blood gushing from the wound on its head and exclaimed in distress: "You've cracked your skull open! Watch where you're going when you leap! Sure, you're fast, but if you kill yourself the moment you step out, not only will my letter remain undelivered, but I'll also have to cover your funeral expenses!"


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