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The attic.

At the brink of paralysis, with his nerves heavily damaged, Lynne gritted his teeth, mustering his last ounce of strength to open a vial of Flesh Regeneration Potion. The moment the potion touched his palm, the damage to his spine rendered him devoid of control over his body. Yet, the potion still rapidly took effect, ceaselessly mending his damaged tissues.

"20 seconds... I hope it's enough..."

His teeth remained clenched, eyes fixed on the [Heart of the Faceless] beside him. While this cursed artifact was an incredibly potent tool and his trump card, he hadn't anticipated that even using such a formidable object wouldn't be enough to defeat the creature!

At this moment, the heart had turned pitch black. While powerful, this heart had its drawbacks. Such a potent cursed object brought unimaginable side effects.

Suddenly, a massive suction emanated from the heart. Lynne felt an immediate boiling sensation, as though his blood was aflame. The very next moment, the heart tore open slightly, swiftly latching onto his chest.



The heart pulsated continuously, absorbing his life essence at an alarming rate, becoming as red as blood itself. At a glance, it seemed as if a pulsating bloody tumor had grown on his chest.

"A double whammy!"

Lynne's teeth ground together. However, the Flesh Regeneration Potion sensed the rapid depletion of his blood and began to regenerate it incessantly. The two forces seemed to be at a stalemate.

Yet Lynne knew if he didn't recover quickly, once the twenty-second countdown ended, he would still perish.

Bloodshot eyes and gritted teeth, Lynne was on the edge.

"Hurry! Mutate! Mutate now!"

The attic.

In that moment, Lynne's only salvation was the mutation induced by the Flesh Regeneration Potion. Damage to his spine had almost severed his control over his limbs, and he desperately needed a new appendage. Then, a system notification rang out.

[Ding! Your body has undergone a Level 3 mutation.]

With a swift sizzle, simultaneously, Lynne's left eye bulged as a crimson serpent squeezed out of his eye socket.

[Ding! Mutation analysis in progress...]

[Ding! Warning! Your current constitution and willpower can't fully control this mutation. Control efficiency: 31%]

[Level 3 Mutation: Brain Serpent: A flesh serpent birthed from the brain, possessing an intense thirst for blood.]

In an instant, Lynne felt the overwhelming bloodlust emanating from the mutated form. Even his mind was filled with the desire for blood.

"31% efficiency? It's do or die now!"

Gritting his teeth, Lynne focused all his energy, struggling to control the serpent slithering from his eye. Amidst its writhing, Lynne managed to guide its gaping maw to grasp another vial of Flesh Regeneration Potion by his waist. The vial shattered, and the crimson potion doused him.

Simultaneously, Lynne lost all control over the Brain Serpent, which began to thrash wildly. Lured by the overpowering scent of blood, the serpent lunged, biting into the [Heart of the Faceless] attached to Lynne's chest.

Blood spewed in every direction. A colossal conflict ignited between the two entities. The Brain Serpent tore at the heart, which retaliated by sprouting fleshy tendrils attempting to envelop and consume the serpent.

Lynne lay paralyzed, watching this grotesque spectacle unfold, breathing heavily. His brain and heart were at war! Such a terrifying scenario was probably exclusive to this Dark World.

However, the entanglement between the heart and the Brain Serpent brought a significant relief to Lynne's rapidly depleting life force. And the Flesh Regeneration Potion started to swiftly mend his damaged spine.

"Time... There's still a chance..."


Below, in the main part of the house.

The myriad of previously writhing limbs had calmed down. The monster's giant, stationary pupil shifted slightly, and the tissues of its entire body began to squirm.

"Core repair completed... Initiating takeover of body tissues... Target threat level adjusted... Extremely high... Target consumption value adjusted... Top priority... Commence the hunt..."


Its massive pupil lit up with a red glow, suddenly lifting its gaze to the ceiling. In that split second, its enormous body crashed through the ceiling, landing heavily in the attic on the second floor. Its gaze swept over the blood-drenched walls and floor. However, there was no sign of Lynne.

"Target locked... Top priority devouring... Activating spectral vision..."

One of its eyes became ethereal. The next moment, it abruptly turned, leaping away.


Meanwhile, on a street engulfed in thick black mist.

Cloaked Lynne twisted and jerked, stumbling forward. The Brain Serpent emerging from his eye socket still battled with the Heart of the Faceless on his chest. But at the very last moment, the Flesh Regeneration Potion had mended his spine, granting him control over his body.

He gritted his teeth, his determination flaring, dashing madly towards No. 44. For he knew that the creature wouldn't let him go, and if he wished to survive, his only hope was to seek the help of a ghost of the same ? ? ? level!

At last, as he burst through the mist, Lynne saw a slender silhouette in his vision. In the distance, on the street, a faint humming resonated.

The next moment, a woman in a blood-red gown, with an upturned corner of her lips, cradling a baby in her arms, took steady steps towards him from the distance. Her body was stained with blood, her face carried a serene smile, and in her other hand, she held three severed heads. Straws were inserted into them.

The Blood Clad Evil Spirit immediately noticed Lynne, who was staggering towards her, and paused in surprise.

"The cheeky lad from the potion shop?"

She raised an eyebrow in slight astonishment. She then quickly noticed the blood-soaked Lynne, the broken tendrils behind him, and the serpent sprouting from his eye socket. Incredibly bizarre.

"You look rather... avant-garde today, sweetheart. Are you trying out some kind of strange performance art?"

She, cradling the moe child, stopped beside Lynne. She looked him up and down with a mischievous interest.

Lynne took deep breaths, wiped the blood off his face, and forced a grin, "Ah, something like that. Haven't your curses been reversed? Why didn't you come to see me tonight?"

The Blood Clad Evil Spirit, holding her child, seductively touched her crimson lips and coyly said, "Oh? Are you that impatient? Are you reminiscing about last night's tender moments?"

She gave a flirtatious smile. It seemed that Lynne's bloodied appearance was more to her aesthetic taste.

"You weren't home?" Lynne asked, wide-eyed.

She lifted the three heads in her hand, caressed her face sweetly and tilted her head, "Yes, indeed. It's so troubling~ My daughter's growing, and without proper nutrition, she might not develop properly. A mother has to take things into her own hands~"


The baby (๑>︶<)و playfully wiggled her ears, holding onto one of the heads, and took a sip through the straw.

[Lynne's Sanity -10]

She examined Lynne's appearance, and the Blood Clad Evil Spirit smiled, "Tell me, my sweet, have you run into something you can't handle? Otherwise, with your nature, you wouldn't be in such a rush to see me, right?"

Lynne tried to redirect his gaze away from the three severed heads she was holding, his expression becoming grave. Taking a deep breath, he said: "I truly have run into some trouble, quite significant trouble in fact. I tried handling it on my own, but as you can see..." He gestured to his injured state, his face feigning innocence. "I must have lost at least a ton of blood."

The Blood Clad Evil Spirit chuckled, "So, our notorious potion shopkeeper does have issues he can't handle?"

Lynne cautiously adjusted the snake in his eye socket, replying earnestly, "Indeed. So, let's make a deal. I know you're incredibly powerful. If you help me eliminate the creature chasing me, I'll waive your bill for five months. How does that sound? A great deal, one-time offer. Don't miss out."

The Blood Clad Evil Spirit continued to smile, unmoved by his proposition.

"Considering you've said you're being chased, you're rather calm, standing here and chatting with me. Aren't you in the least bit anxious?"

Lynne rubbed his temples, responding sincerely, "Will panicking solve the problem?"

Her smile grew even brighter.

From behind, a rolling blood-red mist rapidly approached.



Loud, earthquake-like tremors resonated.

[Warning! Warning! Danger is rapidly approaching!]

[Warning! Warning! Danger is rapidly approaching!]

Yet Lynne remained still, gazing into her twinkling eyes. Taking another deep breath, he said: "Name your price, then. Whatever you want, just tell me. Surely, you wouldn't really want to see me die, would you?"

The Blood Clad Evil Spirit, still smiling,"It seems the little trickster has figured me out. But since you've allowed me to decide, I won't hold back."

Her tongue delicately grazed her lips, and leaning slightly forward, her luscious red lips brushed against his cheek. A heady scent of blood emanated from her, filling Lynne's nostrils to the brim.

"You... Have you ever submitted to me before?" Her voice, like a devil's whisper, murmured into his ear. "Come, beg me. Kneel before me, kiss my toes, tell me you wish to submit to me, and I'll surely assist you."

The corner of her mouth, close to Lynne's face, curled up in playful mockery.

A brief silence. It was as if the very air had solidified.

"Is this your idea of flirting?" Lynne tilted his head, looking at her with a playful smile.

"No," the Blood Clad Evil Spirit responded, her face still adorned with that teasing smile. "I don't care for flirting at times like this."

Silence. It rumbled, echoing all around.

In the next moment, Lynne smirked.

"Off I go."

He patted her shoulder and deftly sidestepped her. Donning the hood of his blood cloak, he resembled a shadowy figure from the night, swiftly making his way into the inky mists of the alley ahead.

"If business is as usual tomorrow morning, I'll help you dispel the curse. Of course, at a friendly discount. Until next time!"

With a jaunty tilt of his chin, Lynne gave a thumbs up to the curious little creature in her arms, his lips curving into a bright, radiant smile. In a blink, he vanished into the distant darkness.

No explanations. No responses. Seemingly, no answers were required.

Standing there, the Blood Clad Evil Spirit gazed off in the direction Lynne had disappeared to, her expression a mix of surprise, amusement, and perhaps... A newfound respect.

"This guy..." She caressed her forehead, a slight look of exasperation showing on her face. "That really was..."


A tentacle shot out from the mist, yanking Lynne back in an instant. Before Lynne could react, the Blood Clad Evil Spirit gleefully o(*≧▽≦)ツ cradled him in her arms, smothering him against her ample bosom.

"Absolutely adorable!!"

[Ding! Blood Clad Evil Spirit's Favorability towards you +10]

[Ding! Blood Clad Evil Spirit's Favorability towards you +10]

"Just kidding! Just kidding! Truly, you're the boy who can lift my curse. Even in dire moments, when you stand firm, you're utterly irresistible~"

"And that smile earlier, so dashing. I have a soft spot for boys who remain steadfast under pressure. It unleashes such a wave of maternal love in me! ☆(≧∀≦*)ノ" Love it! Absolutely love it!"

"Oolaa!" The little creature (๑>︶<)و playfully waved its straw.

The Blood Clad Evil Spirit, a look of sheer bliss on her face, cuddled Lynne's head as if he were a doll, swaying side to side.

Lynne felt like he was adrift in a stormy sea, struggling against her overwhelming advances. Her bosom was like tumultuous waves, tossing him about.

When he finally managed to catch a breath, he exclaimed, "What's the meaning of this?!"

"The meaning is..."

[Crisis level 90%]

[Crisis level 100%]

Lynne's head finally emerged from her overbearing embrace, and in that moment, he was met with a face that had split open, revealing sharp barbs and wriggling tentacles. A smile, split in two, dangled from either side of her face.

"I'll help."

Swish swish—

In an instant, countless dark, grotesque tentacles erupted from her body. Like vines, they pierced the ground, causing massive rocks to break through. The tentacles easily entangled these rocks, turning the entire street into a web of writhing tendrils.


A deafening noise of tearing air. Dozens of loud impacts. The flying boulders momentarily halted the approach of the creature in the mist. As the crimson fog dissipated, the twisted monstrosity slowly came into view. Its enormous vertical pupil fixed on Lynne and the Blood Clad Evil Spirit.

"Target identified... Initiating hunt... High-intensity secondary target interference detected... Analyzing information... Species... Spirit Aggregate... Consumption priority... High... Intensity analysis... High..."

Lynne stared in shock at the unfolding scene.

The Blood Clad Evil Spirit, with a smile, gently handed the curious baby in her arms to Lynne and began to stride gracefully toward the fleshy monstrosity confronting them.

Her slender and pale fingers rapidly elongated, producing dripping, black talons nearly half a meter in length. Her wild hair transformed into countless serpents, each with a human face.


When she lifted her head again, her eyes danced with frenzied pleasure and madness, the visage of a malevolent spirit.

"Oh Lynne, you've certainly attracted a challenging monster this time," she giggled eerily.

Her mouth stretched grotesquely to the back of her ears, her lengthy talons hanging limply in front of her, and she advanced with an unnatural, distorted laughter emanating from her throat.


Wide-eyed, Lynne, clutching the little creature, hastily stepped back, warning, "Be careful! This creature isn't easy to deal with; don't underestimate it!"

He swiftly relayed all the information he had about the creature to the Blood Clad Evil Spirit, detailing its characteristics, strengths, and vulnerabilities.

"Challenging to deal with, you say... heeheehee... challenging indeed..."

The smile on the Blood Clad Evil Spirit's face grew even more unsettling. She swayed slowly, her body's palpable curse intensifying, its chaotic energy almost tangible. Even Lynne, standing behind her, could feel the profound cold and madness emanating from her.


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