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Lynne: "!!!"

She delicately slid her slender fingers along the strap on her shoulder, revealing her flawless alabaster skin, radiating a blinding sheen. The allure emanating from this mature woman was intoxicating, like a potent drug that ensnared one's gaze.

Lynne was caught off guard. He instinctively tried to distance himself, leaning back slightly. However, the captivating face of the Blood-clad Evil Spirit quickly closed the gap, rendering his attempt futile.


A cold chill surged down Lynne's spine. He immediately felt like he had just crawled out of one pit, only to tumble into another.

With concerted effort, Lynne emphasized, "Our shop... does not accept... payment in kind."

Leaning over the table, the Blood-clad Evil Spirit brought herself tantalizingly close to his ear, her voice sultry and intoxicating, "Are you sure you don't want it? This is a pristine body, freshly liberated from the curse, untainted by any impurities. Don't you want to... have a taste?"

She cast Lynne a seductive, come-hither glance.

Lynne (꒪Д꒪)ノ

[Willpower -10]

[Willpower -10]

Lynne swore inwardly; this ghostly seductress was no doubt an enchantress, a master at beguiling the human heart. For an innocent teenage boy like him, she was undoubtedly out of his league. Smoke seemed to rise from a frazzled Lynne. In his arms, the little sprite he had been holding looked up with innocent curiosity, clearly clueless about the unfolding situation.

"Really, don't you want to give it a try?" The Blood-clad Evil Spirit persisted in her seduction.

Lynne stiffened, "The child's still watching..."

The corners of the Blood-clad Evil Spirit's mouth curved teasingly. She whispered into his ear, her breath soft, "Then let's go to my room..."

Thump. Thump. Thump.

Lynne could hear the erratic pounding of his own heart. After all, for a teenager who had unexpectedly traversed such a mysterious world, this level of allure was not something his usual resolve could easily withstand. And there was no alarm from his system indicating any imminent danger.

Which meant... There was no actual threat. But it was precisely because there was no perceivable danger that it became even harder for him to maintain his composure and rationality! Especially when this was framed as a form of "compensation"...

Finally, Lynne exhaled with difficulty, shutting his eyes resignedly, "I don't know how."

The Blood-clad Evil Spirit paused in surprise. Huh? He doesn't know? In what context? Such a suave, handsome young man hadn't experienced joy with a girl before? In the human world, he'd surely be the type to effortlessly beguile young girls.

The Blood-clad Evil Spirit looked intrigued, "You've never been intimate with a girl?"

Lynne kept his eyes closed, refusing to respond.

"Never been kissed?"

With eyes still shut, Lynne's temples throbbed violently.

"Surely, you've at least held hands?"

Dark lines formed above Lynne's head, and he gritted his teeth in frustration.

[Ding! You felt a profound insult.]

Seeing Lynne's visibly suppressed embarrassment, a mischievous smile spread across the Blood-clad Evil Spirit's face. Her eyes seemed to shimmer, reminiscent of a wolf gazing at an enticing little rabbit.

"I see..." She licked her lips subtly and chuckled near Lynne's ear, "Then let me teach you, step by step. Hands-on instruction~~"

Lynne: "..."


[Ding! Congratulations, Host has unlocked the achievement: A Peculiar First Experience (Part 1). Host gains 200 experience.]

[A Peculiar First Experience (Part 1): A milestone achievement. The host successfully took a shy yet steadfast first step from boyhood to manhood... Host receives a permanent enhancement: Physique +1, Endurance +1, Stamina +1.]

[Ding! Blood-clad Evil Spirit's favorability towards you +50.]

[Ding! Blood-clad Evil Spirit's attitude towards you has shifted from [Neutral] to [Favorable]. You gain an additional 400 experience.]

Lynne: "..."

Hoo hoo—

The soul lamp at the door ignited, heralding the arrival of a new day.

Button by button, Lynne tidied himself up, forcing a calm demeanor on his face. However, the frantic twitch of his closed eyes betrayed his turbulent emotions. Indeed... He couldn't resist. Regarding how the past few hours had unfolded. Lynne felt it was best left unmentioned. It might be inappropriate for younger audiences.

"Remember to wait for me tomorrow night," a sultry voice whispered in his ear. "I'll need you at the shop for another treatment session."

Lynne didn't even dare to turn around. For fear that upon seeing those mature, enchanting eyes, his recently regained composure would be ensnared once again.

"Um, I should be going now," Lynne coughed awkwardly.

Her voice echoed softly in his ear, "You help me lift the curse, and I'll teach you something new... even more in-depth than before..."

Like a frightened rabbit, Lynne hastily made his exit.

Behind him, the ringing, teasing laughter of the woman followed. Watching Lynne's retreating figure, the Blood-clad Evil Spirit hugged herself, playfully twirling a strand of her wavy hair, a smirk gracing her face. Then, as if by magic, she pulled out a mirror, gazing at her own reflection. She stared, lost in the joy and elation of being free from the curse.


[Ding! You've successfully completed the mission: Blood Feast.]

[Rewards: 1000 Skull Coins, 500 Experience, Special Reward: Blood Phantom's Cloak.]

[Blood Phantom's Cloak]

[Quality: Rare]

[Feature: Allows the wearer to hide their aura and pass through solid matter like a phantom.]

[Description: Intangible spirits have always been a deep-seated fear in people's hearts. Thus, monsters from the abyss crafted this cloak, enabling you to become intangible like a malevolent spirit. However, be cautious: once you wear it, you'll lose all your offensive capabilities.]

[Ding! You've leveled up. Please allocate your attribute points.]

On his way, Lynne quickly accessed his character panel.


[Level: 9]

[Race: Human]

[Strength: 31]

[Agility: 32]

[Intelligence: 35]

[Physique: 44]

[Available Points: 16]

[Fame: 64]

[Description: A mentally twisted apprentice from the Bloodsaw Potion Shop. Beneath a veneer of innocence lies a heart that spreads fear. He's traumatized numerous customers and incited two high-ranking beings to dangerously overdose. While somewhat reputable among Origin-level monsters, this hardly changes his reputation for deceiving innocent women and forcing physical compensation...]

Lynne: "!!!"

(╯‵皿′)╯︵┻━┻ What in the world is this absurd description?! When did I become a mentally twisted freak?! And when did I start spreading fear?! And what's with deceiving innocent women and demanding physical compensation?! My first time was maliciously taken from me! I was the one who was seduced! And since when is the Blood-clad Evil Spirit considered an innocent woman?! Doesn't that make me as innocent as a harmless lamb?!

Scowling, Lynne (〃′皿`)q vented his frustration. But as per his usual approach, he invested all his attribute points into the constitution. Although other attributes had their merits, physique was undoubtedly the greatest advantage in the Dark World. And with a stronger constitution, there were implicit enhancements in other areas, like endurance and stamina. Even the force behind his punches would noticeably increase compared to when his constitution was weaker.

Now, having reached level 9, this meant, with just one more level, he would meet the system's job advancement requirements! Unknown what kind of job transfer task might be triggered at any time.

Lynne quickly lifted his lamp, heading for the apothecary. He still dared not linger outside. Even though he was much more powerful than before, who knew what kind of creature might suddenly emerge from the black mist and drag him into the darkness? He was still far too weak!

Fortunately, he didn't encounter any problems along the way. At the entrance of the shop, the lit soul lamp emitted a faint glow, and there were no signs of anyone having been in the shop.

"Did something happen to the master?"

Lynne hesitated, sitting at the counter, tapping the table. His master had hurriedly left, saying he would return in two days. But now, on the third day, there was still no sign of him. Lynne couldn't help but wonder if something was amiss.

"He might have been delayed."

Lynne's gaze remained steady. He tapped the table, deciding to explore [Vision World] first. His exploration had been interrupted by the incident with the Blood-clad Evil Spirit yesterday. Today, he genuinely needed to explore properly.


[Skull Coin-500]

Accompanied by a strong wave of nausea, Lynne abruptly opened his eyes, and once again, the vast square appeared before him, along with the massive eyeball floating above it. He was back in Vision World.

"Let's see what they're discussing!"

Lynne quickly opened the regional channel, hoping to gather some information.

[Regional Channel]

[Blood Doll]: "Queen! Queen! How are things progressing?! Did that human apprentice die horribly?! Was his head twisted off and used as a chamber pot?"

[Burned Ghost]: "@Queen! Please tell us in detail. We all want to know what happened!"

[Long-haired Ghost]: "Shutting down."

[Skeleton Demon]: "My Queen, are you there?! Was that scoundrel who dared to bully your daughter decisively dealt with?"

[Blood Doll]: "(Excited) Queen, you're here! How is it?! Did that guy receive his deserved punishment?"

Evil Spirit Queen: "Hmm... (Shyly) He... made me feel very good..."


In an instant, the regional channel went silent.



Then, countless "???" flooded the screen.

[Blood Doll]: "(꒪Д꒪) Eh?"

[Burnt Ghost]: "(Stunned) What... what kind of 'feeling good'?"

[Evil Spirit Queen]: "I was too impulsive yesterday (blushing). He truly is a skilled physician, and I shouldn't have treated him so rudely. Still, I did not go back on my word. I said I would devour him, and I will—just in a different way (shyly)."


[Evil Spirit Queen]: "Ahem, enough of that. My throat's a bit sore; he was rather forceful, (˘•ω•˘). I need to rest. Goodbye!"


What do you mean 'a bit sore'? Can you be clearer? And what's this 'different way'? Why does it feel like something unspeakable happened at your house last night?

[Burnt Ghost]: "(ΩДΩ) My Queen, can you elaborate?! What exactly happened with that guy?!"

[Skeleton Demon]: "(Stunned) This must be a joke! This must be a joke! Could it be that not only did the human boy not die, but he also... also conquered the mighty Evil Spirit Queen?!"


Lynne closed the regional channel at an unimaginable speed, his eyes wide, and cold sweat pouring like a heavy rain.

No. I didn't! Stop speculating! That evil spirit is too outspoken, why would she casually reveal such things?

Lynne vigorously shook his head. Yes, they might have engaged in some ambiguous games the previous night, but they definitely didn't go all the way. They didn't!

Lynne forced himself to calm down, closing the regional channel, and deciding not to think about these bizarre events. He started to explore other functions of Vision World carefully. After all, Vision World might become another direction for his future development. If he could open a store, akin to a modern online shop, it would be perfect.

In not much time, Lynne got a rough grasp of some of Vision World's basic functions. And the more he understood, the more he began to suspect whether the so-called Supreme Will truly hail from the same place as him. Because many elements were just too similar to an online game.

1. In Vision World, all creatures can release information to the public. One can charge a fee, but there's a portion of skull coins that need to be paid as a handling fee when releasing the information.

2. One can release information in your current region or choose to release it across the entirety of Vision World, or even a larger area, but this requires the necessary permissions and higher fees.

3. In addition to the [Regional Channel] for each square, there's also a broader [Realm Channel] and the most extensive public [World Channel].

Indeed! It's precisely the term [World Channel] that made Lynne highly suspicious of the nature of Vision World. Because the style just doesn't fit!

4. One can spend some skull coins to register the shop and identity in a specific domain of Vision World, but there's a need to pay 1 black skull coin for every 24 hours online.

5. Apart from trading within Vision World, one can also accept tasks from various creatures in specific domains and earn skull coins as rewards.

It could be said that Vision World nearly forms an independent economic system on its own. If not for the majority of the creatures in there being dark entities, he might've thought he had logged into a massive online game!

And 6! This was the point Lynne found most captivating. In Vision World, there's also a domain distinct from others named [Contract Realm]. According to its description, this place collects prayers and offerings from various upper worlds and conveys them in real time to the Dark World.

And as long as the conditions are met, one can form a temporary contract with a creature from the upper world, allowing one to descend to the creature's world in the form of a [Demon Summoning]. After fulfilling the contract, one can then obtain the offerings sacrificed by the upper world creature.

"If that's the case..." Lynne pondered. "Could there be prayers from Earth? If there are, could I potentially return home this way?"

It was truly a tantalizing thought. For a boy in his teens, being away from home for two years, especially in such a dark world, claiming not to miss home would surely be a lie. However, Lynne wasn't in a rush; he had other matters to attend to now.

"Teleport, Trading Zone!"

Lynne activated the rune in his hand. And in the next moment, a hexagram magical circle shimmering in blue light emerged beneath his feet. His figure vanished instantly.


[City of Sin High-end Weapon Shop: Selling the Obsidian Stone Shield, suitable for humanoid creatures. Price: 11 black skull coins. Focus your Vision World to teleport.]

[Eye Demon Mechanic Shop: Offering limb reconstruction service, selling high-grade magic cores. Price negotiable. Focus your Vision World to teleport.]

[Cyclops Slave Shop: Selling a [Fox Maiden] from the Violet World x1. Fair-skinned and beautiful, mentally controllable, trainable, and maintainable. Price: 5 black skull coins. Focus your Vision World to teleport.]


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