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Lynne then helped her close her face. A quality truly characteristic of a warm gentleman.

Lynne, with his soft and bewitching demeanor, approached her. Slowly and firmly, he grasped her wrist, the corner of his gentle mouth curling up slightly as he spoke: "To truly scare someone is an art in itself, especially for those with strong mental constitutions. Witnessing terrifying scenes cannot break their defenses. You should go further… Let them witness the horrifying phenomena occurring on their own bodies; only then will they genuinely fear you! For instance…"

Lynne, with a gentle smile, gripping her wrist, gradually guided her into his embrace.

Squeak, squeak—

A series of penetrating noises instantly emanated from within his clothes. A copious amount of fresh blood immediately stained his chest.

"Do you feel something pulsating? Does it still carry a hint of warmth? Is there blood flowing out? Yes, just as you thought, what you're holding now is my heart."

Within the regional channel, everyone held their breath, suffocatingly watching the blood continuously spilling from his chest. Also, observing the gentle smile on his face, an indescribable, immense shiver and a horrifying discordance swiftly rose in everyone's hearts.

[Sanity -1]

[Sanity -1]

[Sanity -1]

Within the frame, Lynne, maintaining the gentleness on his face, slowly, bit by bit, grasped the wrist of the female ghost, approaching her. The eyes of the ghost had already started trembling, a trace of fear subtly emerging.

Lynne whispered into her ear: "Just like this, you have to gradually grip their heart, let the target clearly feel the fear of their heart being seized, then you must make them watch, watch as you excavate their heart from their chest…"

The ghost, trembling, stared at the hand that was grasped and extended into his embrace. Then, bit by bit, her wrist was held by Lynne. Slowly, bit by bit, it was drawn out from his embrace.

A pulsating, crimson heart. Held tremblingly by her hand, it was drenched in blood as it was excavated out.

[Sanity -1]

[Sanity -1]

Lynne continued to whisper in her ear: "And when you let him watch as you excavate his heart bit by bit, the target's mind will already be strained to its limit..."

The ghost trembled, and her mind strained to the utmost.

Everyone in the regional channel also held their breath, their hearts lifted to their throats.

Lynne spoke slowly in a low voice: "And at this time, all you need is…"


Suddenly, Lynne opened his mouth wide, his eyes bulged, and his hands instantly switched to a clawing posture, emitting an unexpectedly high-decibel scream unguardedly.

Almost in an instant, the ghost's hair rose 0ДQ. A look of incomparable terror appeared on her face. Instantly, she was frightened out of her wits by Lynne's roar.


The ghost, grasping her head, screamed shrilly. Within the regional channel, everyone, holding their breaths and concentrating, was also instantly scared (ΩДΩ) by Lynne's unexpected yell.


[Blood Doll Sanity -50!]

[Burnt Ghost Sanity -50!]

[Skeleton Demon Sanity -60!]

[Blood Clad Evil Spirit Sanity -40!]

The entire regional channel exploded instantly, and in every corner of Wandering Soul Lane, nearly at the same time, indescribable shrieks of horror resounded.

"I'm done! I'm done (ΩДΩ)!! Going home! I want to go home!"

"Mom! Someone is scaring me!!"

The entire regional channel was scared into a series of ghostly howls and wails.

In the picture, Lynne couldn't help but burst into hearty laughter, laughing so hard that he held his stomach, and tears came out. He took the heart of the Faceless from the hand of the ghost, who was scared into 0ДQ and was trembling in the corner, blew on it, and then put it back in his pouch.

Lynne gave her a thumbs up and smiled: "How about that? Isn't the effect really good? This is it, you have to tense up the opponent's mind first, and then suddenly create some terrifying sounds and images, causing their mental state to collapse all at once, achieving a surprising effect! Have you learned it?"

The ghost curled up in the corner, trembling and 0ДQ said: "Yes! Yes! Don't come over! Woo!"

[Sanity -10]

[Sanity -10]

[Ding! Blood Doll's attitude toward you has changed from [Terrified] to [Extremely Terrified], you have gained 200 experience!]

[Ding! The Skeleton Demon's personality trait [Brave] has been converted by you to [Sensitive], you have gained 300 experience!]

[Ding! The Long-haired Ghost's personality trait [Withdrawn] has been transformed by you to [Extremely Withdrawn], you have gained 300 experience!]

Lynne: "???"

Lynne listened to a series of system prompts in his ear. Baffled. Because this wasn't the first time this had happened.

Almost instantly, Lynne paused. Because the residents of the Wandering Soul Lane mentioned by the system prompts, he had seen them all in the regional channel of Vision World.

Could it be that his current situation here is being broadcast synchronously to the regional channel of Vision World? This is too shoddy!

Lynne's gaze immediately looked around uncertainly. And in the regional channel, various discussions had already exploded.

[Blood Doll]: "(Screaming) Evil Spirit Queen! I think this live broadcast should not continue! This guy is not a normal person who easily breaks!"

[Skeleton Demon]: "He hasn't broken, we might break first!"

[Burnt Ghost]: "(ΩДΩ) My queen, your maid has been scared to tears by him, this guy seems to be specially trained in this area!!"

The Blood Clad Evil Spirit clenched her teeth tightly, her fists cracking as she gripped them. Although she knew that this kid was tough, not a normal person, she did not expect this guy to be so resilient! It seems she really had to take action herself! Otherwise, she would really be humiliated today in front of these little ghosts in Wandering Soul Lane!


She slapped the table and gritted her teeth: "The live broadcast ends here, I'm going down to deal with him now, you guys wait for my good news tomorrow!"

Then she suddenly stood up, ready to turn off the mirror's peeping. But when her gaze fell on the mirror, she subconsciously shivered.

"This… this guy…"

In the picture.

Lynne had obviously found the source of the peeping, and at this moment, he was standing on a small stool, curiously peering into the camera with one eye. Then the camera moved.

Clearly, whatever was peeping had already been picked off by Lynne. After carefully looking at it, he seriously (* ̄︶ ̄) put it into his pocket.


[Evil Spirit Queen]: "(Grinding teeth)!"

[Blood Doll]: "My Queen, it's up to you! If you mind, I will rush down, grab his throat, beat him up, and then decapitate him!"

[Skeleton Demon]: "Exactly! Don't let him speak. Just snap his neck and eliminate the threat!"

[Long-haired Ghost]: "(ó﹏ò?) Isn't that a bit rude?"

[Others]: ???

[Long-haired Ghost]: "⊙﹏⊙||| Erm... I was just saying..."

[Evil Spirit Queen]: "Don't worry. Await my good news. By this time tomorrow, his head will be in the corner of my house, serving as my daughter's night pot!"

After saying this, the Blood Clad Evil Spirit swiftly closed the scrying mirror, squinting her eyes.


Tentacles frenziedly surged from her body. Gritting her teeth, her body dissolved into a pool of bright red blood, which swiftly seeped through the floor toward the ground level.

In an instant, the candles on the first floor flickered wildly. And from the ceiling, drop after drop of viscous blood dripped down onto the floor.

Suddenly, the viscous blood started to coalesce and took the form of the Blood Clad Evil Spirit, her face split open. She looked around fiercely. But other than her shivering ghost servant crouched in the corner, there was no sign of Lynne.

"Where's that boy?" The Blood Clad Evil Spirit gritted her teeth. Her gaze immediately landed on her ghost servant. The servant dully pointed towards the wooden door leading to the corridor, saying: "Master, he said he's grown impatient waiting, so he wanted to find you himself. He just opened the door to the backyard..."

"That insolent boy!!"

Gritting her teeth, the Blood Clad Evil Spirit transformed into a twisted, shrieking ghost, and darted toward the door. She raced into the backyard, quickly searching through several rooms. Yet, Lynne was nowhere to be found. But the very next moment, her gaze sharply caught a shadow passing by the attic window on the second floor. Her pupils contracted instantly.

"That scoundrel... he dared enter my boudoir?!"

The Blood Clad Evil Spirit was livid. In the blink of an eye, she leaped up, reaching the window in an instant, and flung it open. Then, she was immediately met with a sight that took her aback.

Inside the room, Lynne stood by the bed, holding the now awake moe child in his arms, playfully tugging at her tiny ears, looking utterly nonchalant (❁´◡`❁).

Blood Clad Evil Spirit was taken aback.

"Release my daughter NOW!"

With a furious scream, the Blood Clad Evil Spirit's tentacles, sharp as ice shards, swiftly encircled Lynne, taking aim at him.

Snapping back to his senses, Lynne's gaze settled on the furious woman. He adjusted his monocle and remarked with a smile: "Madam, this isn't exactly a hospitable welcome, is it? You mentioned inviting me for dinner, but all I've had downstairs was a scare. I haven't even seen you."

Hugging the child closer, he sighed, "It's rather disheartening."

The Blood Clad Evil Spirit sneered coldly, "Spare me your feigned innocence. I know what you've done to my daughter. Do you think you can still fool me with your daytime pleasantries? You clearly plotted something against my daughter, yet you claim it's a reflection of my 'true kindness and beauty'? I wish I could tear that deceitful mouth of yours right now!"

Lynne knew, in such a situation, he couldn't simply acquiesce to her whims. Otherwise, even with a hundred mouths, he wouldn't have been able to clarify matters.

Adjusting his monocle, Lynne said calmly, "Madam, regardless of what you know, I can assure you I haven't lied to you. If there was even the slightest deceit in my words... May thunder strike me down!"


Suddenly, lightning streaked across the sky, striking the yard.



Wiping away his sweat, Lynne remarked, "Um... as you saw, for some reason, the lightning didn't strike me. Doesn't that validate the credibility of my words?"

The Blood Clad Evil Spirit sneered, her expression as if saying, "I'll just stand here and watch you make a fool of yourself."

Getting to this point, Lynne sighed, dropping all pretenses and laying his cards on the table. Sitting on the edge of the bed and cradling the moe baby, he exhaled and said, "Alright... I admit, I was behind it all. But Madam, you must understand, I truly had no ill intentions. Furthermore, when your daughter was just born, her face... it was horrendous, marred by pustules that burst open..."

"As a doctor with a strong sense of justice," Lynne sighed in frustration, "if I didn't intervene, and if that pigfolk came to claim the ghost child born from someone's belly, could I honestly point to a child with a pus-covered face and say, 'Is this your child?' She looked completely wrecked."

The Blood Clad Evil Spirit laughed coldly, saying, "Making it up as you go along. Let's see how far you can take this."

[Crisis Level 87%]

[Crisis Level 97%]

Lynne instantly raised his hands in surrender, admitting, "Alright, there are other reasons too, and this time, I'm being truthful."


"Firstly," Lynne said, eyes closed and raising a finger, "I fear death. I'm afraid that if your child were to completely degenerate, she'd take me out first. After all, she's a malevolent spirit."

The Blood Clad Evil Spirit laughed, "That excuse seems somewhat valid."

"Secondly," Lynne lifted his head, eyes closed, "I wanted to test my skills, see if I could mold a child that fits my aesthetic standards, so I used your child to gain some experience."

The Blood Clad Evil Spirit gritted her teeth, "And the third reason?"

"Thirdly..." Lynne hesitated, "Well, I also had this tiny hope that maybe The pigfolk wouldn't come to claim her, so I thought maybe I could shape a cute girl, and once she grew up, perhaps marry her and have children or something..."

"Ya-da~~" The little girl (๑>︶<)و in his arms made a sound.



The Blood Clad Evil Spirit seemed petrified, standing motionless.

Lynne adjusted his monocle, grinning sheepishly, "Just kidding! How could I have such sordid intentions? I genuinely just wanted to create a more aesthetically pleasing child, something more pleasing to the eyes, hehehe—"



"Do you find this amusing?" The Blood Clad Evil Spirit's teeth gritted audibly.

Lynne shook his head, "Not in the slightest."

The Blood Clad Evil Spirit, almost laughing from frustration, retorted, "I find it hilarious. How about I tear your mouth apart right now and let you have a good laugh? What do you think?"

Lynne's face displayed a calm smile, "Madam, I believe it would be best if we sat down and discussed this properly. If you truly wish to harm me, I admit, I'm no match for you, but priorities matter."


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