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Well, May's poll has just ended (thanks for voting everyone!), and the damsel of the month has been determined! It's none other than Sarada Uchiha! She's so excited to know what I'll decide to do with her ;)

I'm still not quite sure what I wanna do with her, actually! I know that I would like to make a fairly explicit bondage drawing involving stimulation or toys, but aside from that, I'm not really sure. Not even sure what attitude do give her for the drawing yet! I'll have to brainstorm a bit, which is always fun, hehehe... but hey, if you have any suggestions or things you might like to see in the drawing, I welcome comments below, as always! <3 

Anyways, thanks for voting in the poll! I'll hopefully get to work on playing with Sarada soon, and have another delicious damsel in distress drawing ready for you by the end of May! Hope you're looking forward to seeing Sarada under my care!



It might be impossible to find a more appropriate picture to use for this post. Looking forward to this one a lot! Even more than I usually do, I mean.


Maybe tightly restrained with a vibrator on a pendulum so the second you move you lose contact with it


Glad you like the choice! ;D Yeah, I've played with Sarada before but I'm keen to have a drawing focusing only on her, hehehe