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Here are my Patreon plans for April!

Monthly poll: Deviously Depraved Finale! April's poll will feature a list of options for the 10th and final drawing of the Deviously Depraved Bundle that I've been working on for way too long now! Very eager to have it all finished so I can put more time and attention to the Kinks & Quirks comic! But I'm definitely not gonna skimp on this last drawing or rush it--I'm gonna end the bundle with a bang! The options will be a lot of fun, you'll see ;)

Kinks & Quirks Pt. 3: Of course, the other big exclusive I'm working on is the Kinks & Quirks comic! Page 7 will be finished in April, and I'll be able to get a good start on page 8, which will start to show the real fun all the girls normally have together, since the newbies, Ochako and Mina, will be well in hand by that point ;) With the pages now much busier than before, it's taking me longer to do each one, but with luck I may have page 7 and 8 finished in April, leaving just 4 pages to go! :D

K & Q Suggestions: Keep an eye out, top tier patrons! Because around mid-April I will be making a post asking you to go wild with suggestions of things you want to see in the final pages of Kinks & Quirks 3! They're the only pages I haven't (fully) planned yet, and I wanted to leave the space blank so I could just show wild and whacky rapid-fire things happening between the girls of 1-A as the 'climax' of the comic ;P You'll be able to comment things you hope to see, and maybe have a back and forth with me about it. I can't promise your suggestions will make it into the comic, but I'll try and incorporate as many of my favourite suggestions as I can that I think make sense for the story! Eager to get you guys to help contribute to the final pages, hehehe... ;)

Future Bundle Possibilities: If all goes well, the Deviously Depraved Bundle will be finished by the end of next month. So either late April or early May, I'll ask you to suggest what I should do for the next bundle--whether I should wait to start a new one until K & Q is done, or go with some of my other ideas (and I have a few fun ones, hehe)... or perhaps whether I should start scripting the next Anna & Rebecca chapter. Not sure yet! But with the end of the project, I'm always left open to wonder what project to embark on next, so I'll be sure to include you guys in the process there!

Other Upcoming Drawings: As you saw this month, Anna really had a number done on her (thanks to the suggestions and votes of the sadistic top-tier patrons, lol)! But don't worry--she's gonna go back to being boss bitch in no time, and I've cooked up a very mean, degrading punishment for her wayward submissive! If there's time, I'd also love to finally draw Anna & Rebecca both bound and gagged, since I don't do couple-in-distress nearly often enough! Also included on the roster for April will be the completion of the drawing of Mirko! Plus, for those of you who like my observational sketches of nude models, there's more of that to come in April! I may also wanna take another shot at binding and gagging Sakura from Naruto... as to the rest, who knows! I'm never sure when inspiration will strike me with a character or scenario that I need to draw right away.


Hope you're all as excited for April's kinkalicious Patreon rewards as I am! Is there anything you're particularly excited for? Anything you hope to see? Let me know!

And as always, thank you all so much for your awesome support! I hope to see you guys stick around for next month. It'll be lots of fun for both you, and my lovely damsels too! >;)



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