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Here are my Patreon plans for March!

Monthly poll: Your Fetish Suggestions! March's poll will take your suggestions of kinks, fetishes, and scenarios, making them into options! The winning suggestion will be drawn in March. Because of how broad some suggestions are, I may be able to combine some, although of course I'll give priority and primacy to the one which wins the most votes! I'll only combine it with other kinks if it's do-able without taking away from the winning suggestion :P Either way, a lot of the ideas are fairly fresh for what I usually draw, so I'm looking forward to a unique Damsel of the Month drawing! <3

Kinks & Quirks Pt. 3: Page 6 will be completed, and page 7 will be started! Page 7 will have a LOT going on in it, probably being 8 or 9 panels and showing all the girls, so it'll probably take a bit, but I hope to at least get the sketch (and maybe even the line art) done in March. We're about to find out why Mina's muffled moans are being heard all the way in the next room, as Ochako runs to her rescue! I think you guys will enjoy the reunion ;) 

Deviously Depraved Bundle: I recently posted the sketch for the 9th (and second-last) image of the bundle, which features Catra and Glimmer in a very intense and humiliating bondage predicament which involves several kinks at once! Really hope you guys like the idea! I'll be finishing and sending out the completed version in March! I'm currently debating with myself over what the 10th and final image of the bundle should be, so I imagine by the end of March I'll have several good ideas narrowed down, and in April I'll let you vote for which idea should be the final image of the bundle (meaning the bundle will be finished up either in late April or early May! So glad I'm coming to the end of this bundle after so long, especially since it'll mean I can throw more time and effort into finishing K&Q part 3!

Other Upcoming Drawings: For starters, I'm gonna continue that Rebecca chloroform sequence that I got started on! We'll also see what scary kinky situation she'll be waking up in--won't that be fun? >:) And that's not the only abduction fantasy I'll be drawing up in March! I've got a couple of ideas and I'm not sure which I'll be going with, but I definitely have plans to have both Anna and Rebecca scooped up by bad guys, packed up and shipped off to who knows where! 

Aside from those couple of kidnap concepts, who knows! I may have time to put some other miscellaneous gals in BDSM situations in March (I see they're remaking a Harvest Moon game I liked as a kid, so maybe I'll bind up some of the gals from that at some point soon...any interest in that?) but we'll see what I have time for! <3


Hope you're all as excited for March's kinkalicious patron rewards as I am! Is there anything you're particularly excited for? Anything you hope to see? Let me know!

And as always, thank you all so much for your awesome support! I hope to see you guys stick around for next month. It'll be lots of fun for both you, and my lovely damsels too! >;)



Zengola Aecomind

Perverted lesbian aliens abducting women and doing medical experiments on them sounds amazing 🤣


Welp, the abduction plans I have don't involve aliens, buuuut if the 'alien probing' option wins in March's poll, you'll definitely get your fill of that scenario! ;)


Omg, I just realized that you are the person who suggested the alien abduction and probing! Lol, I'm so bad with names XD;; well anyway, good luck with your option! I was wondering--would you be open to combining your suggestion with Andrew Evans (his suggestion was just below yours), to include other medical experimental medical tools like electric nodes, specula, etc? Your suggestions are very similar except yours includes aliens and anal probes, so if I can combine your suggestions it might make them more likely to win. Of course if you feel combining your suggestion with another persons would compromise your idea, you don't have to feel pressured! Let me know if you wanna combine your suggestion with his or not :)

Zengola Aecomind

I actually love the idea of it being medical related. I would have no problem with that at all. So I always like the alien abduction stuff because it's kinky medical fetish in nature. So please view my guest and combine them both 😁


Oh great! Thanks for letting me know :) The other person agreed to combining your ideas as well, so that will likely give your suggestions an increased chance of winning :P