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Aww, look how cute this new Velma is! Looks like she's learning a lesson about the risks you take when you meddle in a spooky mystery--sometimes, you get bound and gagged! Better not struggle too much, or else you'll make some of those ropes dig in even deeper! Plus, your wiggling might entice your captor to break out the flogger...

Once you stuff her mouth with a good gag, she becomes quite a lovely piece of eye candy--especially once she's been re-arranged a little with the help of some strict ropes! Though I imagine this shibari tie is making her a bit sore, so it may help to give her a good rub where the ropes are applying the most pressure, hehe ;) 

Just had to draw this new Velma once the show started, especially since I just love drawing brats in bondage! Hope you enjoy! <3




If they just made this the whole show it would be doing a loooooot better😏😋😋😋😍


Lol yeah :P Although if it helps, you do see Velma in her undies once or twice in the episodes that have come out!


This is one of the hottest things you've posted in years. I know I keep saying that kind of thing over and over but I really mean it, or maybe I especially mean it because a month or two I was like, "ew, please don't slightly change the design of one of my favorite characters!" and now I'm like "oh wow, well this is pretty much perfect." I have not yet watched this show but I find myself inching closer and closer to either the free HBO Max trial or seeking out help from "pirates" to get it. This picture is definitely nudging me in that direction. What a beautiful defiant expression!


The design’s pretty much the only thing I don’t hate about the new Velma, so I’m quite happy with how this one turned out!


Agreed! That, and the colour palette of the show is very nice. Glad you like my take on her! &lt;3




So glad to see her branching out! Usually getting snatched and tied up is Daphne's MO.


She's breaking all the rules by proving that women who aren't conventionally attractive or feminine can make for sexy damsels in distress too! ;)


Wow, really? Thank you so much! So glad I managed to take the most hated current show and turn its main character into a good kinky drawing &lt;3 I really loved the new Velma design as soon as I saw it, and then the outrage + how bratty and obnoxious she is in the show made her irresistible to me as a bondage candidate! But yeah, I did watch the first 4 episodes of the new show thinking surely it can't be THAT bad! It's funny how predictable manufactured outrage is at spreading something by word of mouth, huh? But yeah, while it's not anywhere near as bad as people are saying (and all the complaints people have about the aesthetic changes don't bother me at all), it's still preeeeetty lame, haha. Most of the humour is basically Family Guy-tier but without the cutaway gags--really overt 'hey this reminds me of X trope in X popular thing lolol' type jokes. But hey, Velma and Daphne are both kinda cute and I always like seeing them done in different styles!